6 Heppner Gazette Times, May 16, 1946 IONE NEWS NOTES Mrs. Echo Palmateei The 4-H club pirls met at the rnnn and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. The prerram consisted of a piano cf'r, fV,rrin'c "O.-.lnmicr" Vv Mi'- honorable discharge of Marjorie Peterson, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson, and Jean Gaars- of lone gave a "mothers' tea" at! American, American Home Colli the I O. O. F. hall Thursday after- ers, Life, Ladies. Home Journal, rm. u,.,r. An and I McCall's. and Jack and Jill. IIOOI1. Alieitf WCie .ucivtnrn w.. "ATnthpr'! I land, dauehtor of Mr and Mrs. Ida HO mothers nresent. Each received The lone student body play pre- home of their leader, Mrs. Lonnie , Ret .. b Barbara Smith: bari- Coleman, from the Waves. The! a beautiful corsage. The following, sented at the school auditorium McCabe, Saturday afternoon and practiced demonstra'ing cook ing project. The local leaders of the 4-H club met at the school house Monday afternoon. Paul O'Meara is in the hospital at The Dulles taking treatments. The Assembly of God church held a meeting at the Co-Operative church of lone Sunday night. Miss Marjorie Mahaney, missionery from Egypt, spoke and showed mo tion pictures taken in that country Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich, at Lyle, Wash. Sunday. Mrs. Ruby O. Roberts, lone post mistress, received a plaque last week from the treasury department in appreciation of volunteer ser vice in financing World War II through sale of U. S. bonds. Ore gon sold more E bonds per capita for the entire program than any other state in the Union. The Maranatha society met at the Congregational parlor Satur day afternoon, with Mrs. Ida Cole man as hostess. Delicious refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Befgstrom and daughter Dorothy and Miss Bar bara Ledbetter returned from Cal ifornia where they visited Lt. (jg) Norman Bergstrom. Guests at the Carl Bergstrom home last week wee Mis'. Bcrg strom's father and brother, G. A. Anderson and John An.ii.-rs.m of Portland, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Janin, and Miss Thelma Jacobson of Port land. : The Church of lone Co-Operative has called John Merrill, a student pastor, as its pastor lor the sumtnei months. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Wentworth, Mr and Mrs William ScehaJ'er and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns attended a Shrine club meeting at Arlington Satur day evening. Baccalaureate service will be held bunday, May in, at 11 o clock a. m. at the Co-Operative church wilh Rev. W. W. Head of Cathlamet Wash., conducting the services Commencement exercises will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening, May 23, at the high school. The Girls League of the lone high school gave a Mothers tea Sunday afternoon at the high school gymnasium in honor of the mothers of high school students. The moth ers were presented with lovely corsages. Those in the receiving line were Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mrs. Mary Austin, Mrs. Omar Riet-' : tone horn solo, "Perfect Day ,j girls have been in the waves about j Wi-ifred Zintcr. Ref; eshments of 18 months, Marjorie being stationed cup cakes, tea and coffee were in Ohio and Jean at Washington, j served, with Mrs. Anne Smouse. D. C. Marjorie is expected home j and Mrs. Omar Rietmann pouring, j this week but Jean will visit rela ! Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge held fives in the east before coming ! initial ion Thursday evening, May 9. program was given: piano solos, 1 Friday night was a great success "Blue Danube Waltz" and Brahms "Lulaby", Mrs. . Gene Normoyle; Berl Akers, who underwent a major operation at The Delles last week is reported getting along satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely of Mor gan visited their son and daught er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Ely, id Pendleton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell were guests of Oscar Lundell Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Harry Yarnell went to Portland last week with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Soderburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker were Perrlleton visitors over the week end. Fossil defeated lone 13-0 in the baseball game Sunday. Norton Lundell left Monday for Montana with a trainload of Gar -rr v. tj t house plan, n. Krebs Bros, of . , home. Ed Aldrich and Rev. Joe Stevens are leaving Wednesday for Elk Ri ver, Minn, to move Mr. Aldrich's family here. The PNG club of the Rebekahs met at the home of Mrs. David Rietmann Tuesday, May 7 with 15 members and one guest. The Riet mans have a beautiful yard of tu lips which were all in full bloom and were much admired by the club. Luncheon was served by the hostess after which an enchange of plants was held. The modern house of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert above Ione is ncaring completion. The tile work is done in the kitchen and bath room. A double garage and a large swimming pool are included in the 1 J U.t nil TltV n. r 4- ana was enjoyeu uy a i tended. The cast consisted of Mrs. Will Parkov. ShHee Smouse: Will Omar Rietmann: vocal solo, "That's! Parker, principal of local high What Go Made- M -triers For", Pa-j school, Bob Drake; Annie, maid of tricia Drake: instrumental solos, (all work, Gwen Ccleman; Bill Par ker. 17-vear-old son, Louis Carl son; Selma Parker, 16-year-old man, Bill's chum, Joe Rietmann; daughter, Francine Ely; Bob Troiit Lulu Mae Robinson, 12-year-old terrorisa, Laurel Palmateer; Char lotte Mack, wealthy miss, Aloha Painter; George Robinson, mean ' , . boy, Art Bergstrom; Mark Willis,. uooa nouseKeeping, ine Continued on Paf "That Wondenul Mother of Mine," and "Mother Macree", Winifred Zinter. Sandwiches, cake and cof fee were served from a table de corated with candles and white car nations, with Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Harry Normoyle pouring. The library gets the following magazines Page Seven net Jiarratt s snee icil also shipped sheep in the same train. The Ione P-TA met Monday night May 1., and the 4-H club girls put on a cooking demonstration with M.ur teams participating. II. C. Wood of Portland has boon in Ione several days on some real :::; d Mrs. Vela Smith left for her home in Portland Saturday with nor son-in-iaw, Clarence Brenner, 'ho will more his family from Portland to lire on the Verne r Troedsoii place. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Bryson of ilertiiistou spe.il Sunday at the John Bryson home. vVord ha.- been received of the Transferring & j; Heavy Hculin g Podded Moving j; Vans i! Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Portland Bros. Transfer Co. 3s SV Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. itlNMIMI IIMItWHWdimillMmr' MMMtlKHMHIIMllUltll III itti nMMwai inn 1 1 it m n i. 1 Smart, lightweight luggage and cases to carry on your vacation trips, your week-end jaunts $15.30 CARD TABLES for your summer pleas ures. Reduced from $3.25 to $2.95 and $2.95 to $2.65 Case Furniture Co. Charles Tullis who died Friday at Pendleton, is the father of Gary Tullis, resident of Rhea creek a few miles south of Ione. Funeral ser vices were held Monday in Pen dleton. The study meeting of the Topic club was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Bert Mason. Eleven mem bers and two guests were present. T'hp honlr ".Tillii-nim In iU T.-1 by Martin Flavin was reviewd by j Mrs. E. M. Cotter and Mrs. Elmer Griffith. Delicious refreshments j were served by the hostesses, Mrs. i A Mason, Mrs. Cotter, Mrs. Griffith !$ and Mrs. W. G. Seohafer. The Rn-1 3 cial meeting will be held May 25 at 1 1 (lir. TVf . : L .11 ', n in.- -ivitiaojuc nan. The American Legion auxiliary Revised Bus Schedule it mi iti iV':'Kf The Grey Rock Bus Lines will run six days a week between Hppner, Lexing ton and lone and The Dalles. The Sunday bus service will be discon tinued starting Sunday, May 19. Bus leaves Heppner at 7:30 a. m. and returning will leave The Dalles at 5:15 p. m.-DAILY -EXCEPT SUNDAY- Grey Rock Bus Line 9 V J. C. nll 0 9, INC. for everybody FOR WOMEN All sorts , of exciting one In two-piece styles I 3.98 . FOR GIRLS, princess styles, flare skirts, fornf fits for active swimmers. 2.98 FOR MEN. swim trunks of poplin, or zephyr with built-in supports. 2 gQ FOR BOYS, dry-fast poplin, or zephyr with a panel rib, sizes 8 to 16. FOR LITTLE TOTS age two to six worsted and cotton swim suits 98c Saturday Features. at Penney's Breamore Cleansing Tissues . . 25c Box of 500 900 Haynes and Cannon Terry Towels 39c and 44c In green, blue, yellow, pink, peach and gold. 1500 yards Cotton Prints 23C 29c 33c . In smart summer prints Light and dark grounds al so sheers. 2215 yardsd of our famous nation-wide Pillan Tubing 42 inch bleached 36c per yard Just Arrived new shipment Gambler Shirts $4.98 In tropical spun rayon Sizes 14 to 17. Double pockets, three button cuffs. I!- I