12 Heppner Gazette Times, May 16, 1946 Peck New Head of Insurance Corp'n. As Boeqli Leaves Willis C. Boegli, Oregon direct or for the Federal Crow Insurance corporation since the proftram was reestablished a year ago, has re signed to accept a position as ag ricultural economist wwh the re gional office of the Bureau of Re clamation at Amarillo, Tex. George N. Peck, Lexington, eastern Ore gon crop insurance supervisor, will be acting state director until Boeg li's successor is named, the corpor ation has informed E. Harvey Mil ler, state PMA director. Before becoming state FCIC di rector last spring, Boegli had been a district field man for the state AAA committee since 1937. He is a native of Jefferson county, and was graduated from Oregon State in 1926. ' The acting director has announc ed that he will continue Boegli's policy of providing assistance to county AAA committees in carry ing out provisions t' of 4he crop in surance' program in Oregon;- The immediate job, he said,v is' 'to- expe dite the filing of notices of' seeding from the 3,000 Oregon wheat farms insured for 1946, since these nptices determine both premiums and in sured production. State' FCIC head quarters will continue, to be at the PMA office in the Eastern build ing, Portland. . RESOLUTIONS Lexington, Oregon May 16, 1941 Whereas, our Brother Ralph Per. ry Leach, who was a member in good standing for 21 years has been removed by death from our midst and we are reminded that life is but a fleeting shadow, Resolved That we miss his bro therly fellowship in our Order, and that his memory will ever be cher ished by us. Resolved, That we realize to some extent the loneliness of the be reaved family of our brother and extend to them our heartfelt sym pathy in the time of sorrow, Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the min utes of the lodge, a copy be sent to, each of the family of our de ceased brother, a copy be sent the Heppner Gazette Times and the Pa cific Odd Fellow for publication, and our charter be draped ; in mourning 30 days. Truman Messenger Oris Padberg Dan Way-, . Comm. .Mr..: and. Mrs. Woodrow Tucker were over from Stanfield to spend the week-end at' the 'home' of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Mildred Tucker. CALLED TO VANCOUVER Mr. and and Mrs. J. L. Hall were called to Vancouver, Wash., Mon day by the death, of Mr. Hall's fa ther, James Hall. The elderly man had been ill for many months and his passing was not ' unexpected. "Scotty's" will remain closed un til Mr. and Mrs. Hall's return. Joe Hughes went to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon where he sub mitted to a minor operation. NOW YOU CAN HAVE AN AMERICAN BANTAM Va-TON ALL-STEEL UTILITY TRAILER tO Cm. ft Body 6 Ft. Long M" Wide-Weight 500 For RETAILERS - WHOLESALERS MANUFACTURERS FARMERS - FAMILY USE Manufactured by AMUUCAN BANTAM CAR CO. BUTLER, PA. Jesse M. Chase We Buy - Sell - Trade . Cars, Trucks, Trailers 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492 Pendleton, Oregon GAS AND AIR PIDELIS UNREIN.. Editor '; Howdy Folks: A farmer on thi edge of town has tfouble with his roosters. They refuse to crow on standard time since daylight sav ing was abolished. HE SHOULD RAISE MORE HENS HE COULD SET THEM. And over in Scappoose a farmer is reported to have fed his cows bird seed so he could sell cheep milk. ' They report also that he has a helper so clumsy he's al ways getting in the whey. If our conscience would allow us, we might even tell you about the duck that got smaller and smaller. He grew down. You can go right down the line and you'll never find a better buy for the money than our Summer Lubrication and Cooling System service. Try it and see for yourself Richfield Service Henimer. Oreron Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232 . . t- kT V4 CMA mmm n til mmm. l-.i InnCU Saager's Pharmacy Hcrmision Laundry and Dry Cleaners FOR DRY CLEANING ONLY Pick-up Heppner, at Pieper' Rooming House, corner N. Main at Baltimore Lexington Post office, Mrs. Breshars lone Jack's Place, Jack Farris Pick-up and Delivery Thursday mornings VICTORY CAFE lone's Popular Eating Place : UNDER NEW : MANAGEMENT We a re f ea taring . SPECIAL J SUNDAY DINNERS ; (You - may have to make w , ' ' ': . reservations)1 . MR. and MRS LEWIS BALL CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness, worls of sympathy, and beautiful floral ', offerings in our recent bereave ment. We wish to especially thank the Febekah and I. O. O. F. lodges of Lexington for their valuable as sistance. N. A. Leach, Dr. M. A. Leach John R. Leach , Top Prices Ship Cattle - Sheep - Hogs fa.- ; The ALBRIGHT v ;i;;G60MissiGS;'e6.o. Union Stock Yards University 1661 North PcrtScnd ' --.; . .J l ' -L-.j5s- ? I STAR m REPORTER I Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. , la compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. FBIDAY-SATUBDAY, May 17-18 Behind Green Lights Carole Landls, William Gargan, Bichard Crane, Mary Anderson Humor, pathos and puzzling mystery are wrap ped up in a neat entertainment package. PLUS . Galloping Thunder A western with Smiley Burnette, Charles Star rett and music by Merl Travers and his Bronco Busters. ALSO, in Technicolor, ARABIANS in the ROCK IES, tak'en at the Lazy W Ranch in the Rocky Mountains, one of the largest Arabian horse ranches in the country. . SUNDAY-MONDAY, May 19-20 They Were Expendable Bobert Montgomery, John Wayne, Donna Seed, Jack Holt, Ward Bond, A magnificent production "has been made from W. L. White's famed beat-seller. TUESDAY, May 21 She Went to the Races James Craig, Frances Gilford, Ava Gardner, Ed mund Gwcan, Sig Buman, Beglnald Owen A very winning couple in very winning enter tainment.. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, May 22-23 Fallen Angel Alice Faye, Dana Andrew, Linda Darnell, Charles Bickford, Anne Severe, Brace Cabot, John Carradine A poignant story of an almost perfect crime. Now Open for Business There is nothing like killing two birds with one stone, so come on in and get your money's worth at the BIGGEST LITTLE SHOP IN TOWN ! Good work and all guaranteed ... No gas, but lots of air. So come in and look it over it will be well worth your while. We are located at the end of the pavement on Willow Creek road. So, Come on folks, let's get acquainted! i Harry Lindbloom and Bob Wagner Owners and Operators of Willow Creek Welding Shop