Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 16, 1946, Page 11, Image 11

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    Heppner Gozette Times, May 16, 19461 1
Southern Tree Farms Hold Lead
i93 1944 1 f 1945 Mfi
4 7,411,418.14 J t 9,414,198.17 Jj 11,134,950.09 Fa'D '
V2 cup per quart of finished pro
duct -In making syrup, the ration
ed proportion is approximately 1
cup of sugar to three cups of water
or 225 per cent syrup. It is expect
ed that only one additional stamp
for home canning sugar will be is
sued this year, and that the total
fcjgar ration for home canning will
not exceed ten pounds per person.
The prospect is good for produc
tion of aluminum pressure cookers,
enamel boiling water bath cpnners,
glass jars, tops and rings. The sup
ply of tin continues to be scarce.
The South continues to hold its
lead in the tree farm, program
which is sponsored by forest in
dustries to perpetuate the coun
try's forests. More than half of
the over 11 million acres of forest
land certified as tree farms is in
the Southern states, although the
movement began on the West
Although the tree farm pro
gram was only inaugurated in
1942, the country now has 945
, tree farms with an area of 11,
134,950.09 acres. Of this, the
South is credited with 6,868,402.77
acres on 807 trees farms. Alabama
leads the South with 303 tree
farms to her credit. Arkansas,
with 257, is second and Missis
sippi, who made a gain of 287
percent over last year, is third
with 143 tree farms. Other states
represented in the tally are
Texas, 90, and North Carolina
with 14. Florida, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Maryland, West Vir
ginia and New Jersey joined the
program last year.
In the West, which has 138
tree farms totaling 4,266,547.32
acres, Washington is first with 41
tree farms, Montana and Idaho
are tied for second place with 24
each. Oregon has 23 and Cali
fornia 21. Wisconsin joined the
movement last year.
Despite rigid requirements for
membership, which include main
tenance of good protection against
fire and harvesting by continuous
yield methods, or timber-cropping,
the movement has spread rapidly
since its inception four y ears ago.
The background of this chart
shows how a new crop of South
ern pine springs from the seeds
of older trees'.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tamblyn are
graduallly becoming accustomed to
the terms "grandma" and "grand
pa" since the arrival on April 27 of a
baby boy; at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Frank at Springfield,
Pa. The mother is the former Peg
gy Tamblyn.
I "Tr 1
- Wirt
I 7th & S. E. Court - Mioiw 4M 1
Rev. Shelby Graves Minister
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Sunday morning service 11 a. m.
Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m.
Young people's service Tuesday
7:30 p. m.
Midweek Bible study Thursday
?:45 p. m.
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister
No service or Sunday school May
19. Congregation going to Monu
ment for day. Cars leave Heppner
church at 8:30 a. m.
Rev. B. L. Castleman, Pastor
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Children a church 7:31 p. ra.
Evening service I p. nv
Wednesdays. Christ's A m Visa
dan I p, d.
J. C Stephens, Pastor
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Prayer meeting 7 p. m.
veiling worship 7:80 p. m.
Wadneeday Miaaion prayer aid
3:80 p. nv
Q. Weaaftl HerMaen, Paatoe
BW BaW :.
Iteming weirateai 11 a. aa.
Christian BntUavor 8:30 p. na.
atvening service, 7:39 o'clock.
Midweek service Thuraday-r
Rev. Francis UcCermack. Pasta
Schedule ef Service:
Reppner: Mesa at 9 a. m. 1st and
3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and
4th Sundays.
Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 0:00
a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri
day 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat
urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m.
Mass at 9 a. m. or. fifth Sunday
in Heppner onlv.
More Importance
Placed on Home
Canning This Year
Home canning is more important
than ever this year with inflated
prices at home and famine stalking
overseas. Every jar of food pre-1 plies are good, with the exception
served at home will do its bit to-J0f sugar. Spare ration stamp 9 is
ward saving lives and promoting j now good for & pounds ot canning
,n,u nM(.A. as well as hemina the i sugar, but it seems best to delay
family to be fed economically' and
adequately, says Lucy A. Case, ex-,
tension nutritionist... ,
The prospects for canning sup-
purchases until needed as it is for
canning only. Spare ration' stamp
9 will be good until October 31st.
The rationed amount of sugar is
Wish them success and happiness with something special
Billfolds of Leather Black, blue, brown and red.
Kodak Albums, Scrap Books, Address
: - Books, Pocket Secretary, Birth
Jay Books, Zipper Note Books.
FOR GIRLS Cava Nome, Yard
Icy, Chen'Yu, Tuya, Coty, Attar
6f Petals, Old Spice, Old South,
Devastating Perfume.
FOR BOYS Yardley, Bergamot,
Old Spice, Russion Leather, and
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Book
Ends, California Ceramics.
Hallmark Graduation Cards
Just in the ten years from 1930 to '40
average horsepower of cars increased
99 per cent! That means a lot tougher
job for motor oil. And that's why
RPM Motor Oil has extra ingredients
to solve all the problems of today's
high-powered engines problems
that a straight mineral oil just can't
handle. These compounds in RPM
Motor Oil end carbon trouble; pro
tect hot spots that other oils leave
bare, exposed to wear; prevent cor
rosion, sludge, foaming. Try it I
Phone 622
HeDDner, Oregon
Merchants Credit Bureau
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Avail yourself of these services
Francis B. Nickerson