Best Program of Year Marks Close Of P-TA Season The Heppner P-TA ended the 1945-46 season Wednesday evening with its best program of the year. Guest speaker was Henry Tetz, principal of Pendleton high school, and a former member of the Hepp ner school faculty. In a speech sparkling with witty observations Mr. Tetz urged that school children be taught true love for their coun try and their flag. Five main prin ciples children should be taught he likened to the live fingers of the hand, the middle finger representing love for the right. The thumb, as the most important single digit, he likened to the love of God. The group was entertained with five selections on the marimba by Miss Larson, a talented musician from the Pendleton school. The Home Ec sewing class, taught by Mrs. Hazel Carlson, staged style show which demonstrated not only the taste and ability of the girls and their teacher but also that Heppner need not worry about its reputation for beautiful girls. A popular feature of the program was a report on civic health pro jects carried out by the upper grades. This was to show in some degree what had been done in the project sponsored in the Heppner schools by the Kellogg Health Foundation. Among health educa tion circles Heppner has received much favorable publicity through the efforts of Supt. Corwin and his staff, assisted by a planning com mittee of local citizens. Three girls, Patricia Lawrence, Juanita Matte son and Darlene Wise, and a boy, Jimmy Miller, told of what their classes had done and what they saw in their traveling about the town, including bad sanitary con ditions and general untidiness. The new officers for the coming year were installed by Mrs. Georgi Corwin, installing officer. They are Mrs. Tress McClintock, president Mrs. Orville Smith, vice president Mrs. Jack Couture, secretary, and Mrs. Harold Becket, treasurer. Mrs. Christianson's first grade won the half-day holiday for great est attendance of parents at P-TA After the program, refreshments were served in the school lunch room by the refreshment commit tee, including Mrs. Kenneth Blake Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Jack O'Con nor and Mrs. George Corwin. SUMMONS in the cmcurr court of THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. R. B. Rands, and Josephine Rands,) husband and wife, ) Plaintiffs. ) ) vs ) Heppner Gazette Times, May 9, 1946 9 J. C. McKeen, and Jane Doe ) McKeen his wife, whose true ) name is unknown to plaintiffs, ) R. H. McKeen, and Mary Doe ) McKeen, his wife, whose true ) name is unknown to plaintiffs ) Lowell S. Spagle, and Jane Doe ) Spagle, his wife, whose true name ) is unknown to plaintiffs, G. E. ) Sturm, and Jane Doe Sturm, his ) wife, whose true name is un- ) known to plaintiffs, and Claire ) P. Harter Weston, and John Doe ) Weston, her husband, whose true ) name is unknown to plaintiffs; ) and the unknown heirs of J. C. ) McKeen, the unknown heirs of ) R. H. McKeen, the unknown heirs ) of Lowell S. Spagle, the unknown ) heirs of G. E. Sturm, and tf un- ) known heirs of Claire P. Harter ) Weston, if any of said persons ) are deceased .Also all other persons) or parties, unknown claiming any ) right, title, estate, lien or interest ) in the real estate described in the ) complaint herein, ) Defendants, ) To the above defendants and each and all of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs' complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons upon vou and if you fail to so appear or answer tor want thereoi, plain tiffs will apply to the above en titled court for the relief praved for in their complaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real pro perty in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 6, 7, and 8 in Block 6, and lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Block 7 and lots 7 and 8 in Block 17 of the City of Board-! the Heppner Gazette Times, a news-1 paper of general ciculation, once a week for four sucessive weeks pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated May 1. 1946, and the date of the first publication of this sum mons is May 2nd. 1946. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for plaintiffs. Residence and Postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon. 6-10 man, MorrOw County. Oregon. and that plaintiffs be adjudged the owners in fee simple of said real property and that you and each of you be forever barred of and from all right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property and that whatever right Or interest you may claim therein be null and void, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon ..... 1 11- . ., m yvu Dy puDiicauon tnereoi in METAL WEATHER STRIPS-- v Rock Wool Insulation Insect Screens The fuel shortage is still on SAVE UP TO 35 KEEPS OUT DUST, SOOT, SNOW REDUCE summer temperatures Call R. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner FOR FREE ESTIMATE Chamberlain Company of America 1226 S. W. Stark St. Portland, Ore. Dance Classics Violin Concertos Symphonies Songs Operatic Light Opera SAAGER'S ACQUIRES TWO PLANES Jack Forsythe, manager of Lex ington airport, left Wednesday eve ning for Middleton, Ohio, to take delivery of a new Aeronca Cham Ipion plane which he will ferry to Lexington. Forsythe also has ac quired a Luscombe Silvair at Baker which he will bring to the airport when he returns from the east. PUZZLED? You will lose that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order a meal here, for no matter what you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE DONT SEL YOUR CAR! LAMAR TOWNSEND DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for CONGRESSMAN SECOND DISTRICT If may be a long time before you can get delivery on a new automobile With mater ial shortages, strikes, and reconversion prob lems causing unexpected delays, it may be necessary to drive your car longer than you had plannedbut don't neglect your present car. Have it inspected regularly and have needed repairs made now while our parts stocks are ample to take care of most repairs. Phone 1092 for an appointment to have needed repairs made now. We have just received a factory shipment of tires and can make immediate delivery on most sizes. Rosewall Motor Co. Your Dealer -.. - 1 1 1 j Our business is to serve you . . . Our stocks are as complete as the market affords . . . Our quality is our pride . . . Your satisfaction is our aim. Central Market and Grocery