6 Heppner Gazette Times, May 9, 1946 OUR DEMOCRACY- byMat PLANTING SEASON AS THE FARMER SOWS, HE LOOKS FORWARD TO THE DAV OF HARVEST... BUT SINCE THE YIELD DEPENDS ON MANY FACTORS BEYOND HIS CONTROL, HE KNOWS IF HE IS TO FARM SUCCESSFULLY HE MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GOOD SEASONS TO TIDE HIM OVER. THE POOR, ONES. ', ' .ii. . n " ' 1lB ' t , ,,,,, VWI. . .. .. ., .., t ,.. ,,,!.. VM. am. p. m. ENGKRAF SECURES AGENCY FOR FARM EQUIPMENT Frank Engkraf, proprietor of the OK Welders, announces that he has secured the dealership for the Graham-Paige farm equipment line. The line includes some new ideas in light farm machinery that should prove popular, especially with tract farmers and gardeners. He plans to stage a demonstration ere long. . Engkraf will go to Portland next week to take a short course in handling the line. HERE TO SEE MOTHER Grover Swaggart came up from Portland Thursday to celebrate Mother's Day with his mother, Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, at the ranch southeast of Lexington. Grover left Heppner 20 years ago and has been back only occasionally since, gen erally short trips to see his mother, find finds few people here with whom he is acquainted. He is deal ing in real estate and also acts as salesman for the Frank L. McGuire i establishment. Merchants Credit Bureau Commerc'l Mimeographing Avail yourself of these services Francis B. Nickerson '!L -. ; JB With wisdom and foresight the farmer's of our, nation have taken advantage of the recent good years, putting their money into u.s. savings bonds, life insurance and savings, thus protecting their own futures at the same time assuring ouiz food supply and promoting a sound national economy. Farm Loans for Vets To Be Continued Farm veterans will continue to be serviced with Farm Security loans for operating and purchasing farms, but no funds will be avail able to other farmers for livestock and equipment purchase until new appropriations are received for the fiscal year beginning July 1, re ports Victor B. Kuhlman, FSA sup ervisor, Pendleton. Deficiency ap propriation funds recently voted by congress are subject te veterans' preference. "Farmers making improvements and buying badly needed machin ery and equipment that could not be secured during the war, together with the flood of veterans and war GI ASSISTANCE SET UP In order to facilitate the work of aiding veterans in getting their re adjustment alowances, arrange ments been made to have a repre sentative from the U. S. employ ment service visit here twice a month. The schedule calls for the rpresentative's appearance here the first and third Fridays of each month at the city hall. Top Prices workers returning to farms created a record demand for Farm Security leans in this area," Kuhlman said. "As a result loan funds except those earmarked for veterans, are exhausted." Present FSA borrowers who need supplemental loans for spring op erations before July 1 will be as sisted in securing the necessary credit from other sources through siroordination of the FSA loan, it was explained. New applications for FSA livestock and equipment loans to non-veteran iarmers will continue to be accepted but the funds cannot be made available until after July 1. Information regarding FSA can be . secured at the county office every Tuesday from 8 a. m. to 3 YOU CAN RECEIVE TRAINING IN THESE ADVANCED FIELDS AND GET PAID WHILE YOU LEARN I Good Pay... Technical Training! How would you like to have a job that will give you a good steady income, and offer you the opportunity to study one of more than 200 of the world's most advanced technical skills . . . permit you to travel in the countries you've wanted to see... give you full medical' care and 30 days paid vacation yearly? A 3-year enlistment in the Regular Army will give you all these things and additional benefits under the GI Bill. Match This Against Other Offers! A 3-year enlistment in the Regular Army will allow you to select the arm or branch of service you desire, and the overseas theater in which you wish to serve. Men enlisting before June 30, 1946, will be entitled to all benefits under the provisions of the GI Bill. You'll be eligible for 48 mondis 6f college, or business, or trade school education, with tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year, and $65 a month living allowance($90 if you're married)paid by the government. Got ALL the Facts Today! VISIT YOUR NEAREST ARMY RECRUITING STATION POST OFFICE BUILDING PENDLETON OREGON Mrs. Frank Connor and Mrs. Os car Rippee were co-hostesses at the regujar meeting of the officers' club of the Order of the Eastern Star Tuesday evening at the Con nor home. Several members were unable to attend but the routine business matters were discussed and a pleasant social evening was enjoyed by all present. Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Ship to The ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO. Union Stock Ycrch University 1661 North Portland &EMIC KeSINS if 131 f 210 H NATL PARK GRAND CANYON)) NATIONAL PARK C-i Now that the time is here when you finally can take a vacation trip, you'll want to choose your destination with particular care. With that thought in mind, we call your attention to the National Parks of Southern Utah Arizona. They present a brilliant array of the world's most col orful and unusual natural beauty. And all three parks . . . Zion Bryce Grand Canyon ... are so closely grouped that they may be seen as one vast scenic panorama. Fast, comfortable Union Pacific trains take you to Cedar City, Utah, gateway to the Parks. Your restful train journey will in itself be a vacation. BRYCE CANYON Nat l Park-Utah Arainbow-hued fairyland of stona temples, castles and ether Nature-carved formations fantastic beyond belief. These National Parks are open to the public June 1st. Each provides comfortable and reasonably priced guest accommodations. Mail coupon today for your GRAND CANYON Nat'l Park-Arizona Awe-inspiring in its immensity-1 3 miles wide and a mile deep-striking in color. Can be best viewed from (arand Canyon Lodge on the brink of the North Rim. ZION Nat'l Park-Utah fl "l wr . . me vareat W mte Throne, the Temple of Sinawava, and other natural monuments, are impressive ia their majesty. ee copy of illustrated folder describing these regions. UNION PACIFIC RAILEtOAD UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD General Passenger Department 751 Pittook Block, Portland 5, Ore. SardSSKa1 S- U,h-Ari National Addria Town .Slala