Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 09, 1946, Image 14

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    U.J 5 W
4-H Summer Plans
Set OSC Session
To Be June 18-28
Oregon's 1946 4-H dub summer
school, to be held at Oregon State!
college June 18 to 28, will be some-'
what larger than a year ago but
still will be limited to about 1400
boys and girls, according to H. C.
Seymour, state 4-H club leader.
This will compare with about
1100 who, attended last year's school,
and a peak prewar enrollment of
around 2200, Houciog fadliUes
feave improved slightly to. permit a.
aU increaj in. numbers. j
Hue year's session will b the
31st foe Oregon chib youngsters.
Xtarted in thee sekools have
been held every year since except
1944 when the army: students sta
tioned on, the campus occupied
practically all. available housing.
Thft Oregon, dub school it, q,uit
ttUqu Wtooft ail those held in tb
United Sttcs, being the only eae
Chai ertende ter- a long- a 10 day
end likewise, having; the largest at
tendance el eh)h beys end girl of
ny rimil.r ftivrJ in th. natinn. in
eiormal years.
County quotas have been estab
lished again this year on the basis
of the ratio of dub members com
pleting their project Members,
winning scholarships in the state
and county competition will be gi
ven first consideration and schol
arship winners in community con
sents will be considered second,
Seymour says. Any vacancies re
maining in county quotas may be
filled by those paying; their own
Morrow county's quota will be. 20
this year, which is an increase of
three over last, year's, number. The
repesentatives who go will include
winners in last year's work and
winners in the 1946 Home Econo
mics project work which will be
finished and exhibited June 1 in
Heppner at the annual achievement
A traditional dinner party was
held Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Alex Green when a small
group of friends gathered in for
potluck dinner and an afternoon of
visiting in observance of Mr.
Green's birthday. This has been a
custom for several years and the
guest list has remained unbroken.
Enjoying the occasion wjth Mr.
end Mrs. Green were Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Scrivner, Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Neill and their guests, Mrs. Ken
ton and little girls from Salem,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston. I
Headed for Cincinnati, Ohio, to I ""
.1I..J i! il - T.. .... IV
oiLciiu it vuiivemiun 01 me inter
national Council of Churches, O.
Wendell Herbison, pastor of the
Heppner Church of Christ, Joe
Jewett, pastor of the Milton Church
of Christ and Paul Moore of the
Athena church, left Heppner short
ly after noon Sunday by car. A
telegram received from the local
minister Wednesday morning told
of the party's arrival in the con
vention city.
Returning west, the party will
stop at Indianapolis university
where Mr. Herbison will make ar
rangements to enter school in the
fail. He will preach in a neighbor
hood church where he will ikely
serve as pastor during his term in
The annual Oregon Cattle and
Horse Raisers association conven
tion will be held May 24-25 at
Enterprise, according to C. LJam
ison of Pendleton who is a business
visitor in Heppner today.
Enterprise was one - of the first
towns to entertain the association
and the members always look for
ward to a big time in the Wallowa
county capital,
A feature of the convention is.
the cowboy breakfast and this year
the cowi-horse men will enjoy an
unusual treat. The Lions, club at
Enterprise has been delegated to
prepare and servo the. breakfast.
Not that the Lions, asked, for the
job- hut beeew the eewmen of the
county- eocninaaded then to do it
and they naturally volunteered. It
seems that the cowmen staged one
of' their celebrated breakfasts- for
the Liona- dub when a district con
vention was held at Enterprise a
Ustt years, ago. n4 the innnunra '
ment was made at the time that
the club would serve the breakfast
the next time the association met
at that place.
Fred Hoskins bad to endure a
little ribbing from friendds Wed
nesday when in town but the
cause of his badly bunged up eye
was not what his friends pretend
ed to think. While branding and
marking calves at the ranch Mon
day morning an obstreperous calf
kicked him, tearing the skin over
the eye and along the temple. Sev
eral stitches were required to
dose the wound,
Bill Snow shipped, out Monday
frora Fort. Lewi fee a Texas, heae
where be will be in. trains Me
had. coeaa heme to go bio. ear fig
uring be would be located' for scene
time at Fort Lewie, but the Bowers
that, be had efferent plans, tor hint
Mayor J. O. Tumor wao a Pen
dleton- business visitor Wednesday
having a ceo to try: in tha circuit
Week-end visitors at the Frank
B. Parker home were Mr. and Mrs.
Ceorge Dunlap of Presoott, and H.
X. Conover of Waitsburg. The men
.are cousins of Mrs. Parker and O.
G. Crawford, Mr. Conover was. a
Heppner resident for about a year,
coming here in the fall of 1903 and
.engaging in the transfer business,
.and has made numerous trips here
to visit relatives and friends since
that time. Although well advanced
in years ho is still quite active and
takes a keen interest in local and
national affairs. Mr. Dunlap is an
extensive wheat rancher of the
Prescott area,
Allen Case and Gus Nlkander
Amvn to Portland Sunday evening
An attend to business matters. They
-returned to. Heppner Tuesday eve
4n& leaving Csoo'a. ear iav Ar
lington after the motor refused to
' bring them any closer homo.
Weed No More
Magic weed killer kills ugly weeds
but won't harm lawn grass.
Miller's Spray-O-Cidc
50 DDT Wettable for spraying
livestock, farm buildings, flowers
and gardens.
Miller's Aphido
for aphis, leaf hoppers, etc.
Pure linseed oil Jell Soap. Cleans
and preserves painted surfaces and
Heppner Hardware
r Electric
Available for
2-Jenkins high lift oversot hay stackers
1-12-foot Calkins Rod Weeder
1-222-HP and one 32 HP 4-cylindcr gas
Allis-halmers power unit
1- A!!is-Chalmers combination two pow
farm wheel tractor and road grader
2- Hyd Buck Rakes and loaders for any
make 2-powlow or larger row crop
type wheel tractor
2-5-ft Fresno type scrapers; also a good
stock of De Laval milkers and
cream separators
Supply & Equipment
Your Allis-Chalmert and Mack Truck
court there. He was accompanied Bound-Up city for medical atten
by Joe Hughes who went to the tion.
UNDAY, May 12
2:30 p. m.
Sponsored by American Legion Post
No. 95
I - fclllkMllllM
Lexington High School
Presents Two One-act plays
Ghostly Passenger
'Teen Magic"
SAT., MAY 1 1
Lexington Auditorium
8 o'clock p. m.
Admission 15c, 25c, 50c, tax included
The hail season is fast approach
ing. Your crops need protection.
For absolute protection and
Peace of mind.JMiv Hail TncnmM.A '
When dark clouds appear over your
iarm, irs a great
feeling to know
you are insured.
Wm n mm m t
get hail often, but suppose this is
your year! Hail will steal the money
you have invested in growing your
crops, and the income you expect to
receive when you sell them. The
moderate cost of Hail Insurance
;pays you big dividends when hail
. .?ee42 m immediately for complete
details. There is no cost or obligation. Play
safe this year! Buy Hail Insurance early.
W. GL BELLr-General Insurance
Phoaa 11 1 lane Oregon.