0 - - 1 o Heppner Gazette Times, May 9, 1946 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOOT? The Assembly of God church carpenters have the frame up and are getting the siding on it. Mrs. J. E. McCoy is leaving the hospital in Pendleton. She will stay in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Berry for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Pierson at tended the wedding of his nephew Jack Harshman and Miss Donna Johnson of . La Grande in the First Methodist church in La Grande Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Port land left Monday after spending a few days with the B. P. Rands. About all of the Irrigon commu nity is in crop this year. With al falfa, potatoes and melons getting lots of attention these days. They all look good, with plenty of water and sunshine to make them. grow. The Ora Thompson family have moved into their new quarters in the east end of town. They moved from the Haberlein garage and lunchroom. i Rev. A. B. Turner was called to Tacoma by the death of his mother there early Saturday morning. Rev. Ralph DeBoer of Pasco took his place in the Assembly of God church. Rev Danielson of Portland filled the pulpit at the Community Bap tist chufrch Sunday. Little Steven Smith has been quite ill with pneumonia in the Pendleton hospital. His parents, the Robert Smiths, also grandpar ents, the Tom Caldwells have been up to see him. He is much im proved. Mr. and Mrs. James Shoun and daughter Judy visited the J. A. Shouns. Judy' is staying with her grandparents. Virgil Sparks, Calvin Allen and Batie Rand started out last week to find a fire truck and tank for the Irrigon community. They went to Tacoma and Portland. Sparks and . Allen : returned Friday and Rand returned Saturday with the equipment. Miss Grace Gadeken of Hoppner gave a demonstration Friday af ternoon on "Color, Clothes and You" at the H. H. Whipple home. Delicious refreshments were serv ed. Miss Gadeken went on to Port land from here. C. W. Grim and Frank Rider were Pendleton visitors Saturday. , The Irrigon band started for Eu gene early Friday morning. They were accompanied by Supt. and Mrs. Leroy Darling, Miss Crego, Miss Scott, Miss Munns and Miss Kennedy. Also Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Virgil Sparks, Mrs. Marshall Markham and Rev. A. B. Turner. They got back home Sunday by way of Boardman. They stopped at Portland. Thev had a wonderful j time. Chief Warrant Offk-er and Mrs Wiley Benefiel and son Wiley are i now located in Washington D. C. He is located in the Pendergast; building. I The W. B. Dcxters have word' from their son T5 Vallis Dexter' who has been moved to a T. B. hospital in North Carolina. Mrs. Dexter will return soon to her home in La Grande. Billy Allen Sic of Tillamook re turned to his base Monday. He left here Friday to visit his bro ther Adren and family before go ing on. Albert Lane also went to Redmond with him. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus and Dan Hiebert went to Heppner Wednesday. EXAMINER COMING A drivers license examiner is scheduled to be on duty Tuesday May 14, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. at the court house in Heppner, according to an announcement received from the secretary of state's office. Persons wishing licenses or permits to drive are asked to get in touch with the examiner well ahead of the sched uled closing hour in order to as sure completion of their applica- cause of the serious illness of a tions with a minimum of delay. j friend. He spent Monday in Pendle- Mrs. Isalelle Corrigal, Mrs. Wil bur Gourky, Miss Isabelle O'Brien and Mrs. R. B. Rice were in Pen dleton Thursday to attend the Red Cross meeting for chairmen and home service heads. They returned Friday. Rev. Neville Blunt was called to Victoria B. C. Monday evening be- ton and Walla Walla getting the j many technicalities pertaining to border crossings taken care of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanHorn are welcoming Susan Elizabeth, who arrived Monday evening at St. An thony's hospital in Pendleton. The littl emiss weighed SVz pounds at birth. She and her mother are do ing very well. WE SAY THANK YOU The management of the Star Theater is very proud and happy to have made an outstanding record in its collections in the- recent Red Cross drive. However, we must give credit where it is due: To J. J. O'Connor, county drive chair man for his cooperation, to the lib erality of our ever-generous pa trons, and to the members of the Heppner Cub Scouts who made the actual collections fou us and with out whose enthusiasm and industry we would not have placed first in colections among the theaters of Oregon. To all, our thanks. iHiiiiimimiiiHiiimiimmii iiimiiimmitiuiiiimiiihiiHiimiiriiir Special Sunday Dinner at Ione's 4 favorite eatery Jack's, Cafe lone, , Oregon Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Si Willard and Goodyear Batteries For all Cars and Trucks BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1.242 Heppner, Oregon 1 It won't be long . Watch this space ft Fresh Crisp Garden Vegetables in Our Produce Department Picnics Are Just Ahead! Plan to see our assort ment or Lunch Meats, Cheeses and Relishes QUALITY MEATS and GROCERIES at Reasonable Prices Our Motto: "CLEANLINESS" Nowhere on earth does Cleanliness count more than in a market. Realizing this, we maintain a perfectly Sanitary Condition. Locker Cutting Our viarKet pecialty raeppner s a if ockers llIMHM ililllllilililllllilillllllllililHlllll iilltifl Just Purchased th e ousmess To our former friends and customers: U n ea vy Machinery Hauling L nves tock Equipment New, Fast and S ire Go Anyplace in Oregon Morow County Truck Service FRANK HOLJB, Owner CLYDE NUTTING, Operator ' Heppner Phone 1452 YOU CALL WE HAUL ppmpiB IlilillllM