8 Heppner Gazette Times, May 2, 1946 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOOT! Billy Rutledge is home with an honorable discharge. Robert Brown who has been laid up with rheumatic fever started to school Monday. He is 'a junior. Mrs. Mae Hodge of North Carolina started for Portland Saturday morn ing. She has been visiting McCoy, Graybeal and Marshall Markham families. J. E. McCoy went to Portland Sat urday to visit Mrs. McCoy who is im proving. " Mr3. Nora Wilson went to Cooks, Wash, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Herb Edwards and family. The. Ed wards' have a new daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Puus went down to White Salmon Wednesday return ing home Thursday. Irrigon high school had its annual dauce Saturday night The La Grand Aristocrats furnished the music. The fire equipment committee served doughnuts, sandwiches and coffee to add to the fund. Mrs. Martha Ferril has a daughter, Mrs. Lena Wilson and family of Port land visiting her. The John Voiles are shearing their sheep. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wheeler of Pendleton arrived Saturday to visit at the William Gollyhorn home. The ladies are sisters. Margery Provancho of Newberg is visiting her brother, Floyd Provan cho and family. The Irrigon band is leaving today for Eugene to compete in a band con test. They went to Walla Walla Wed nesday where they received the rat ing of superior. Marietta Haddox got first on an oboe solo and Leonard Aldrich got second on a trombone solo. Mrs. Nona O'Brien and family are visiting her son Glen and family. They are from Menlo, Wash. Mrs. M. J. Smith is ill and unable to teach at present. She is employed in the Ordnance school The Assembly of God members start ed work the main part of their build ing Monday. Rev. Schwarz of Kenne wick and Ralph DeBoer are helping the local men. They have the base ment completed and are .using it for a church until they get the other done, and Donald Suscon were babtised in Mrs. Stella Phillips, Mildred Caroll the Columbia river Sunday by Rev. A. B. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Grim went to Echo Monday. Ellen Miller, R. N., has been vis iting her parents, the Henry Millers. Ellen is now employed at the Ord nance hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brock of Peshas tln Wash., and son Joe Williams spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Mar tin Abken and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Klssick and family of Kennewick visited the Mar tin Abken family Sunday. The Ora Thompson family have moved from the Haberlein ga rage and lunchroom to their new lo cation in the eastern end of town. They have the new building complet ed and painted and remodeled on the nside. The B. P. Rands were Pendleton visitors Saturday as was also Miss Emmat Crego, seventh and eighth grade teacher. Rev. and Mrs. Bill Cady of YaUi ma held a young peoples' rally Sat urday evening and services Sunday in the Community Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey of Bur bank Calif, spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Fred Davis and family. BOAR DM AN NEWS A potluck dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McFarland, Ef- fie McFarland and Effie Bulock was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely Sunday. About 50 people attended. Gifts were present ed, a coffee table to Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, a compact to Effie Bul lock and a pin to Effie McDonald. Mrs. OHve Attebury had an op eration on her head for a cancer Monday in Pendleton and returned for a check-up Friday and is doing nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe are the proud parents of a baby girl. Audree Wilson spent the week-end in The Dales. Mrs. George Linn returned from Nebraska Sunday. Delixai. and Marvin Carpenter motored to Portland last week. Lucille and Norma Rose land and HUma Tyler motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long and Mrs. Carl Allyn of Portland came Monday evening because of the serious illness of Ms. Carolyn Berg strom. The ladies are daughters of Mrs. Bergstrom Dalles and Mrs. Ada Taylor of Ponca, Neb., and nine grandchil dren. Pallbearers were former Morrow and Gilliam county neighbors and included E. R. Fatland, J. D. Burns, Carl Schneider and Frank Hollen ot Condon, C. A. Warren and Lee Scrivner of Heppner. FORMER COUNTY RESIDENT PASSES AT HOOD RIVER Graveside services were held in i the I. O. O. F. cemetey at Lexing-1 ton Monday for William Michael i Rowell, who passed away Friday, April 6 at Hood River. Memorial' services were held from the An-j derson Funeral Home, Hood River j earlier in the day and the bodyj bought to Lexington immediately! thereafter. Mr. Rowell came to the county in 1917 and farmed near Lexington and lone for a number of years, later moving to Hood River where he has since made his home Mrs. Wiliam Cunningham is in the hospital at Pendleton awaiting an operation. Members of her family including Mrs. J. H. Brannon, Bet ty Cunningham, Bobby Cunning ham and Mr. and Mrs. Darell Hams, accompanied Mrs. Melvin Moyer to Pendleton Monday to visit her. WILL give away very old mare, gentle, used to children. Walter Jepson, lone. 6p WILLIAM McCLINTOCK PASSES AWAY FRIDAY Memorial services were held Monday morning at Condon for William A. McClintock, whose death occurred Friday, April 6, in The Dalles. The body was taken to Vancouver, Wash, for interment. William Aaron McClintock was born near Ponca, Neb., June 20, 1876. He was united in marriage to Edith Russell, March 2, 1898. To this union were born eight child ren, seven of whom are living and one daughter, Stella, who preceded him. in death. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Clintock, with their three oldest children, came to Morrow county in May, 1905 and farmed here con tiguously until Qipber 1945. At this time they moved to The Dalles to make their home. Mr. McClintock had been in good health and his passing due to a heart attack was sudden and a great shock to his family and friends. Left to mourn his passing besides the widow are four daughtes, May Brothers, Vancouver, Wash., Irene Dalzell, lone, Ada York, Condon, Mildred Weitzel, Portland; three sons, Frank of Condon, Tress of Heppner and Leon of lone; two sisters, Mrs. Amy Tate of The Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY iuiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHfiniiimi)tH Willard and Goodyear Batteries For all Cars and Trucks BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method RENTALS! Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon nm 111-1 FDR AHHDUHCEMEHT Yes, there is a bread shortage .... Also a flour cut .... But whether it's cold or hot Get it at the right spot Use Bread sparingly . . Don't waste a single slice .... Don't trim your sand wiches .... Make toast or pudding with the dry bread. We have Milk and Cream aplenty We call your attention to our FRESH FRUITS and VEGETA BLES. A tasty bite for that jaded appetite. Locker Cutting Our Specialty Heppner Market & Lockers "l ; I Just Purchased the Busine ss Ding To our former friends and customers:, Heavy Machinery Hay Livestoc Equipment New, Fast and Sure-Go Anyplace in Oregon Morrow County Truck Service FRANK HOLUB, Owner CLYDE NUTTING, Operator Heppner Phone 1452 YOU CALL WE HAUL