Forest and Range Gilliam Succeeds Carlson Nw Type Cattle Guard History Being Compiled Ellis Carlson has been transfer Ted to the Pomeroy district of the Umatilla National forest where he will occupy the same position that he held here. Ellis worked on the Pomeroy district previous to com ing here in 1940. He has worked in various positions on the Heppner district and has been in charge of fire control on the district for the last two seasons. Ellis is being re placed by Louis Gilliam who has recently been discharged Jrom the navy. A farewell party for ElUs was held at the home of Glen Par sons Thursday evening, April 25 Thirteen of his friends were ore- sent and the number seemed to be unlucky for Orville Smith who won the booby prize in the games that ensued. Glen Parsons and Leonard Pate won the first and second prizes. Refreshments were served by Glen Parsons, ably assisted by Glen Jorgenson. Ellis was present ed with a hassock as a going-away gift for use in the new Carlson home. A new cattle guard has been in stalled at the forest boundary on the Willows creek road. This is a new type of cattle guard which is received with all material prefab ricated and necessitates only dig ging the hole, pouring concrete for the base and fitting the parts to gether. Kenneth Keeling, timber man agement assistant" on the Heppner ' . - - AUTHORITY ON DEAFNESS HERE district, was in Pendleton four days last week working on plans of work projects that will be dor.e sometime in the future when funds are available. John Clouston. from the suner visor's office in Pendleton, spent luesday in the Heppner office on Dusmess. Louis Gilliam, the new district fire assistant, attended a four-day school at Tucannon raneer station (The school is an annual affair con ducted by the forest engineer to teach maintenance work on trails, roads and telephone lines. Since his return, Louis has taken a crew out on maintenance work and put to practice what he had learned. At present they are at Tupper guard station. Pemits to cut 2000 fence posts each have been issued to Edmond Rice and L. R. Washburn. A history of the Heppner district since it was first established in 1907 is being compiled by Ranger Jorgenson. Clarence Bisbee of j Spray called at the office recently ana a great deal of early day in formation was received from him. Mr. Bisbee worked for the Forest service soon after it was establish ed and built the cabin at Dixon which has since been torn down. It would be appreciated if anyone having personal knowledge of the personnel or work on the district i prior to 1926 would call at the office at their convenience and pass it on to us. When the history is completed we will publish it, in this column. Roland Farrens, recently dis charged from the navy, and Or ville Corley of Gurdane were hired recently for the coming fire season Farrens will man Wheeler Point lookout this summer and Corley will be stationed at Ditch Creek guard station. Heppner Gazette Times, May 2, 1946 5 Richard Quentin Jones, 8 pounds, honeymoon at the coast.' Both the 12 ounces, arrived April 14 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Quentin Jones of Tacoma. Quentin Sr., who has been discharged from the navy, is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford. James Farley was in Portland the past week-end when he attended the wedding of his brother Peter and Miss Marjoie Jamison Satur day evening. Following a small re ception at the Mallory hotel the young people left for a few days bride, who is a Nebraska girl, and the goom were emploved at Uma tilla by the Union Pacific. Later Pete was transferred to Portland and the young couple will reside there. a mm Special Truck Service We have the equipment and the labor to do the work on your trucks. . Prompt and reliable service guaranteed at fair prices. FOR SALE Late model Dodge motor, recon ditioned and in Al shape. Keithley Automotive Repair Independent Garage Building lone, Ore. iff - niKatWifff Hermiston Laundry and Dry Cleaners FOR DRY CLEANING ONLY Pick-up Heppner, at Pieper' Rooming House, corner N. Main at Baltimore Lexington Post office, Mrs. Breshars lone Jack's Place, Jack Farris Pick-up and Delivery Thursday mornings E. L. WORTHINGTON A SCIENTIFICALLY TRAINED EXPERT ON HEARING PROB LEMS WILL DEMONSTRATE REVOLUTIONARY NEW HEARING SYSTEM AT HEPPNER Mr. Worthington will conduct a free clinic for the hard of hearing at Heppner Hotel on May 9, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Now you can actually have a per sonal consultation On your hearing problems actually learn from a trained specialist, without cost or obligation, how you too can enjoy pieasant, relaxed Hearing once again. A feature of this Hearing Clinic will be a demonstration showing how the great new Acousticon Hearing System answers the gov ernment's demand -to meet each and every need of the hard of hear ing . . . and to furnish not just a hearing aid, but a complete hearing system. An important point of the Acous ticon Hearing System is the re markable Acousticon "Hearing Len ses , made by world s oldest manu facturer of hearing aids. They ac tually focus sound for the ears the way optical lenses focus vision for the eyes. The new Post War Super Power Instrument will be demonstrated. Even if you have never heard be fore, come in and SEE IT TRY IT HEAR this astounding New In strument with the Tiny batteries. If you are unable to attend Clinic; an evening appointment in your own home may be arranged. Thanks To the People of Morrow County . The Lexington Airport Commission, the Town of Lexington, and the port management wish to express their ap prciation to the public, the Lexington I. 0. 0. F. lodge and to the men who paid for the music for their contribu tions to the success of the airport benefit dance. LEXINGTON-AIRPORT COMMISSION I'm sitting pretty in my Playtex Panties Playtex Pants keep me "socially acceptable." Made of creamy liquid latex, they're tissue-thin, soft, cool. They're stainless, odorless, and non-irritating, and they'll outlast and outwash any pants you've ever seen! Small, medium, large, and extra large. Gift packaged 75c Mail and Telephone Orders Filled ANDERSON 6- WILSON Advp.rlise.menl From where I sit ... y Joe Marsh f Willie Lives in an "Almost" Home Merchants Credit Bureau Commerc'l Mimeographing Avail yourself of these services Francis B. Nickersbn Willie Wells is one of many G.I.'s stationed overseas to keep the Peace. Not to forget them, let me describe a snapshot that he sent. It's the inside of a house where Willie's quartered . . . except the boys have fixed it up as much as possible to look like a typical American home. They've hung up pictures of their families, culti vated a stray puppy for a house pet. And the snapshot' shows Willie and his buddies sitting by their hearth, drinking friendly Ameri can beer and reading the home town papr. "Almost like being back in Clover Corners," says the caption. Prom where I sit, that "almost" packs a lot of meaning. Thousands of our boys are still overseas, try ing to make their quarters home like, even to the pet dog and the friendly glass of beer. Let's not forget to write them often re mind them that home is waiting1 and it's not an "almost" home either. Top Prices I Coprrieht. 1946. United Statu , Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Ship to The ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO. Union Stock Yards University 1661 North Portland i