Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 02, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 2, PA6
Mrs. Echo Palmateer
Some unusual home talent was man-1
treated Friday night at the P-TA atunt
program which was put on by differ
ent organizations as follows: School
band. Star Spangled Banner and Ac
Writy March; HEC of Willows grange,
play. "On to McNabb", cast, Mrs. Omar
Rietmann. Mrs. Don Heliker, Mrs.
Walter Corley. Mrs. Gordon White.
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mrs. Edmond
Briatow and Mrs. Ida Coleman.
PNG club, two solos. "My Prayer
nd "A Treasure" by Mrs. Paul Pet
tyjohn; Topic club. Pantomime "Lit
tle Red Riding Hood"' with Mrs. Bert
Mason. Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. B.
C. Forsythe, Mrs. Elmer Griffith and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann; Eastern Star
radlng, "Reducing", Mrs. Omar Riet
mann; Maranatha, songs "The Voice
of My Savior' and "My Song" by
church choir; Eastern Star play, "Po
leer" with cast Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs.
Kenneth Smouse, Mrs. Walter Corley J
and Mrs. Rod Wentworth; American1
Legion, Luxemburg Garden and Trees, ,
ocal solos by Gene Normoyle ; Ameca !
club play. "Beauty Parlor Confession", j
cast, Mrs. Marion Palmer, Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen, Mrs. Walter Corley and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn. j
Four-n club songs by Patricia
Drake, Delores Drake, Lola Ann Mc
Cabe, Ruby Ann Rietmann, Delight
Eiddle, Jane Se;hiiff;r, Joan Coleman,
and Carletta Olden. High school,
trumpet duets Gene Rietmann and Bob
Drake; Scene from high school play,
"China Boy" Shirlee Smouse, Laurel
Palmateer and Francine Ely; Girls
tumbling. Fern Jones. Delight Biddle,
Lola Ann MoCabe, June Seehafer, In
grid Herman, Ruby Ann Rietmann,
Helen Faye Baker. Baritone solos,
"Beautiful Dreamer'' and "Aloha" by
Winifred Zinter, accompanied by Mil
dred Carlson.
The proceeds Irom tickets and re
freshments were $9.84 and will go to
wards school lunches.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bullard of Gold
Beach were lone visitors last week.
They operated a drug store here a
few years ago. They attended Eastern
Star while here.
Word was received by Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Waddell of Falls City
that their son Richard, student at
San Jose Calif, met with a painful
accident when his motorcycle collid
ed with a car causing five bones In
his face to be broken and a broken leg.
He is recovering.
The lone P-TA wishes to thank
the organizations that took part In
their stunt program and for their
help in making it a success.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Wentworth and
Noel Dobyns went to Walla Walla
Saturday to attend a Shrine ceremon
ial. Jaisohn Hgun of Los Angeles was
a gueat at the Walte Crawford home
last week.
The Ameca club met at the Ray
' Himbigner home Saturday. A stork
shower was given in honor of Mrs.
Earl McCabe. Mrs. Himbigner and
Mrs. Louis Halvorsen were hostesses.
The PNG of the Rebekahs will
meet at the home of Mrs. David Riet
mann May 8.
A vacant house at Morgan belong
ing to Fred Ely burned last week.
The cause of the fire was unknown.
The high school had their annual
weiner roast Thursday of last week.
Pendleton visitors last week were
the Ralph Aldrich family, Mrs. Ruby
Kincaid and family and Rev. and Mrs.
' Joe Stevens and son.
' William M. Rowell of Hood River
passed away April 26 and was buried
I at Lexington Monday. 'Mr. Rowell was
' the father of Mrs. Harvey Ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swanson and
' family of Walla Walla visited relatives
j here Sunday. They brought Mrs. Etta
Bristow -with them. They, with the
i Edmond P.rMow family were dinner
' guests at the David Rietmann home:
! The student body of lone high
school will present the play, "China
Boy" at the schoolhouse May 10.
Tire social meeting of the Topic
: club was held at the home of Mrs.
' Omar Rietmam Saturday afternoon
; with three tables of bridge at play,
j Frizes were won by Mrs. Charles
Carlson and Mrs. Francis Ely high,
Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mrs. Wil
! liam Seehafer low and Mrs. Seehafer
, for jack high. Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Rietmann, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mrs.
Noel Dobyns and Mrs. Cleo Drake.
The sendees at the Valby Lutheran
church Sunday conducted by Pastor
Phillip Ellm&n of Portland were well
attended by some 75 members and
Rev. Paul A. Davies of Portland
will conduct servicea at the Church
of lone Cooperative Sunday morn
ing May 5.
Clifford Carlson who received his
honorable discharge from the navy
after three and a half years of ser
vice Is enjoying a vacation at his
father's farm at Gooseberry. He vis
ited the past week in Portland, Cor
vallis and Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker made a
flying trip to The Dalles last week
in regard to th R. E. A.
Donald Peterson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Peterson received his
honorable discharge from the navy
April 27 after two and a half years
of service.
Larry Lonnlgan Is helping Henry
Peterson build a new double garage
at his farm in Gooseberry.
Clifford Carlson recently purchased
the Carl Troedson 1941, Pontiac sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Bergstrom
and daughter Dorothy, and Barbara
Ledbetter left for California last
wek where they will visit Lt J g.
Norman Bergstrom at Corona.
The HEC of Willows grange will
meet at the home of Marion Palmer
May 16.
Harold Ludwig, student at Oregon
State college at Corvallis spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Ludwig.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Doherty were
hosts to a farewell party Tuesday
evening. April 23, at the Louis Ber
gevin ranch for Pat Doherty who
left last week to Join the army.
The regular meeting of the lone
P.-T.A. was held April 24. The fol
lowing officers for the coming year
were elected and installed: president.
Mrs. Delbert Emert; vice president,
Mrs. Gordon White; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mrs. B.
C. Forsythe gave a talk on the P.
T.A. organization. Lunch of Icecream
cookies and coffee was served by Mrs
E. M. Baker. Mrs. Delbert Emert and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann.
The Maranatha society is sponsor
ing a mothers and daughters banquet
Saturday evening, May 4 at the Con
gregational parlor.
i mher of Rebekahs and Odd
fellows from here attended lodge in
Hardman Wednesday of last week.
, Mar . Frank Engelman, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mrs. Clara
Kincaid and E. G. Pettys attended th
funeral of Mrs. Anna Bell Engelman
at Pendleton Flday. ,
Mrs. Addle Salter Is now living In
Mrs R L. Casselman attended a
fellowship meeting in Dayville Wed-
nesday of last week.
Miss Mahaney, missionary from the
Lillian Thresher orphanage in Egypt
will speak at the Assembly of Go4
church May 12 both morning and
The 4-H club girls met at the horn
of Mrs. Walter Corley Saturday aft
ernoon with seven members present.
Miss Grace Gadeken presented the
Little Sandra Eubanks, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John EubanKs was
taken to The Dalles hospital Friday
and brought home the first of the
The lone high school was defeated
at Condon April 26. Score 14-2.
Continued on Page Eight
V S -V 4 ft I l
fl' '
with partitions. 1.98
BABY BOY SUIT so easy to
launder, no ironing, cotton
knit. 95c
pastel colors with contrasting
collars 1-98
ored or ufHed In Ray stripes.
knitted coat styles, all wool.
CRIB SHEETS waterproof,
washable, sanitary. 1.23
bound, kiddie designs, pink,
blue. 1-39
CHAIRS all-hardwood con
struction 9.9(
BABY'S RATTLE pink, white
or blue, 23c
GES, 9.90, 24.75, 32.CF
, metal G.29
BABY PANTS, made of Liq
uid Latex, durable, comfort
able . 49c
eyes. SO sleepy! So cuddly
and huggable! 1.98
BABYS' BIBS, protective,
washable,' with gay bindings
and designs 13c
INFANTS' VESTS, fine cotton-knit
vests, tie-closed on
the side 23c
soft extra thickness for ab
sorption 25c
bo easy to launder! In pastel
colors, some stripes 98c
i " ' i
Bedding Plants
are coming in now. Let me know
what plants you want and I will save
them for you.
I will plant all Glad bulbs not
sold by May 15 . . . Now is the
time to plant your Glads.
Rachel Dick : Florist
Phone 2502
"Say It With Flowers"
tK0 ri 3K- .
.Mixed Boxes
Plants suitable
for outdoor
Bouquets in-Vases
Dish Gardens
, j
Altho' you think of MOTHER each day in the year, there is
on day e . .
when you wish to remember her with a loving tribute expressing
the tender reverence that, she inspires.
A Few SUGGESTIONS from the many items just received for
PERFUMES Devastating Tuya, Coty's, Cara Nome, Yardley's
Bond Street, Old Spice, Old South
MANICURE SETS Chen Yu, La Crosse, Cutex
Handmade COPPER BOWLS Hand forged ALUMINUM
BOWLS and TRAYS Imperial Candlewick CRYSTAL
Select your HALLMARK Greeting Card from our large assort
, ment carefully chosen for their sentiment and beauty.
Humphreys Drug Company