1 0 Heppner Gazette Tim s, May 2, 1946 HAIL IS HAIL IN STATE OF WYOMING PICTURE SHOWS THAT Some fair to middling hailstones have fallen in this vicinity in times past but nothing, it is believed, to compare with some that Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman saw in Cheyenne, Wyoming, when he was in that ter ritory on shore police duty. Bauman was exhibiting a pic ture in the Cheyenne Tribune with a young lady holding a hailstone in one hand and a 50-cent piece in the other. The hailstone was more than twice the diameter of the coin. The local man was in Cheyenne at the time of the storm and kept the clipping from the newspaper to verify any statement he might make relative to the size of the frozen pellets. i " GI TRAINING BLANKS Mrs. Grace Turner states that ap plication blanks for veteran train ing service are available at her of fice. This appertains to the GI ed ucational service and Mrs. Turner will gladly assist veterans in fill ing out the applications. M. L. Case and his daughter-in-law, Ms. Allen Case are expected to arrive in Heppner tday from Portland. Mr. Case has been in the city several weeks under medical care and is greatly improved. Mrs. Case is joining her husband here ' to make her home. CHOSEN RODEO PRINCESS Betty Smethurst has been chosen as Rodeo princess representing the Lexington grange. The choice was made at a recent meeting of the grange, following similar selections by the Willows and Rhea Creek granges. Gwen Coleman of lone is the Willows grange princess and Betty Lovgren was chosen to repre sent the Rhea Creek grange. Al though the Lena grange is no long er active, a princess to represent that part of the county will be chosen soon. I ONE NEWS NOTES The study meeting of the Topic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Bert Mason May 10. The book "Jour ney in the Dark' by Martin Flanin, will be reviewed. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the second Monday in May, (Monday, May 13, 1946) the Board of Equalization of Morrow County, Oregon, will convene at the Court Frank W. Turner made a hurried business trip to Portland this week, leaving Wednesday afternoon and returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson were called to Portland Friday by the serious illness of Mrs. Fergu son's father, Mr. Heiny. Fred Lucas is a patient at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Mr. Lucas has been suffering from a very bad cold and it was felt a rest in the hospital would benefit him. Friends will be pleased to learn that Archie Ball Jr. is well on the road to recovery after a very seri ous illness. The little lad and his mother have been at the William Bakla home for several days. NOW YOU CAN HAVE AN AMERICAN BANTAM l2 -TON ALL-STEEL UTILITY TRAILER 30 Cw. Ft. Body 6 Ft. Long 38" Wide Weight 500f . For RETAILERS - WHOLESALERS MANUFACTURERS FARMERS - FAMILY USE Manufactured by AMERICAN BANTAM CAR CO. BUTLER, PA. Jesse M. Chase We Buy - Sell - Trade Cars, Trucks, Trailers 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492 Pendleton, Oregon FOR RENT One garage on Chase street. Stanley Minor. 6p For Sale 16-inch tire trailer with ball hitch and spare. Priced $40. Inquire at Richfield station, Hep pner. 6p FOR SALE Wood and coal, white porcelain range, with reservoir.. Priced $75. Archie Padberg. 6-7p VICTORY CAFE lone's Popular Eating Place UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. We are featuring SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS (You may have to make reservations) MR. and MRS LEWIS BALL house in Heppner, Oregon, and publicly examine the assess ment rolls of said County for the year 1946-1947, and will correct errors in valuation, description or quality of land, lots or other pro perty, assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County Oregon, as of Jan uary 1, 1946. All persons interested or having any complaints against their as sessments for the year 1946-1947, should appear at that time. Peti tions for the reduction in assess ment must be in writing, verified by oath of applicant or his attor ney and must be filed with the Board within the first week it is in session. Any petition or appli cation not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Ap ril 25, 1946. W. O. DIX Assessor Morrow County, Oregon 5-7 She'll Pur-r-r Like a Kitten . IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII' The Student Body of lone High School presents the three-act comedy China Boy . at the school auditorium Friday evening, May IO Curtain rises at 8 p. m. O Admission: 42c plus 8c tax Reserved seats 10c extra imHmHfMHimimHiiiiiimitiiimmiimiiiimmimHimuiHmiiiMMmHiMmiimMiiiiiiMiiiM STAR EPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: It's great to wake up these spring mornings and hear the leaves whispering outside your window. We never could stand to hear tne grass moan, though. Spring, that's the time of year a young man's thoughts turn to something fancy. IT'S ALSO THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN THE GIRLS BEGIN TO THINK ABOUT... SHORTER SKIRTS. Short skirts are a great advantage to the girls, though. They help them to get up stares. Speaking of girls' clothes, we read that high heels wcre in vented by. a girl wno was kissed n the forehead. Be that as it may, we are sure that we can make you a satisfied cus tomer with our RichField Gasoline Give us a chance to prove it. Richfield Service HeDDner. Oregon Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232 ! Aw with a Hero's What We Dot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Check and adjust carburetor. Check distributor and timing. Clean and adjust spark plugs; install now gaskets. Inspect air filter and clean if necessary. Check generrtor, starter, and voltage and current regulator. Test battery and check cable connections. Test coil and condenser. Check fan belt for looseness and adjust If necessary. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Your Firestone Dealer FRIDAY-SATUBDAY, May 3-4 Song of the Prairie Ren Curtis, Jane Storey, The Hoosier Hotshots, Andy Clyde, Big Boy Williams, Jeff Donnel, Grady Sutton, Thurston Hall, The Town Cri ers, Deuce Sprigging and his Band with the Trailsmen and Carolina Cotton It's aces high in rockin', sockin' musical action. PLUS Captain Tugboat Annie Jane Darwell, Edgar Kennedy, H. B. Warner. A snappy scrappy seafaring comedy. Also, for the air-minded, FLIVVER- FLYING showing the possibilities of two-seaters for the nation's air travel. SUNDAY-MONDAY, May 5-6 Spellbound Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Feck, Harry Acker, Donald Curtis and an enormous cast bring Francis Breeding's novel, "The House of Dr. Edwards" to the screen humming with tension. An excellent film, highly recommended. TUESDAY, May 7 Junior Miss This is the thoroughly charming and entertain ing film we showed on Christmas Eve and are bringing it back at this time because of the many expressions of regret from people who missed it because of ( other holiday activities. Peggy Ann Garner heads a splendid cast. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, May 8-9 Three Strangers Geraldine Fitzgerald, Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, Joan Lorring This hard-boiled drama is sumptuously mount ed, has top-notch performances' and much sus pense. PLUS NAUGHTY NANETTE, a Technicolor featur ette embroidered with music, dances and gor geous costumes. Now Open for Business There is nothing like killing two. birds with one stone, so come on in and get your money's worth at the BIGGEST LITTLE SHOP IN TOWN ! Good work and all guaranteed ... No gas, but lots of air. So come in and look it over it will be well worth your while. We are located at the end of. the pavement on Willow Creek road. So, Come on folks, let's get acquainted! Harry Lindbloomand Bob Wagner Owners and Operators of Willow Creek Welding Shop