Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 25, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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    Although Oregon was the first ol
thle Pacific coast states to be set
tled by Americans it is the least
developed of the group. It has the
most latent resources and is due
for the greatest increase in popu
lation and industrial growth. The
heads of state departments value
these facts and, with one exception
are in accord with the plan which
would augmnt and publicize our
recreational assets as a means of
quickening the tempo of progress.
Several Oregon governors have
said that of all the letters coming
to their offices from people outside
the state, inquiring about Oregon,
more of the writers wanted to
know about fishing than anything
The conclusions of these depart
ment chiefs are well illustrated by
this story one of their number re
lates. In the armor of state pride
but in the spirit of the good neigh
bor he called to greet a newcomer
from Iowa. Soon he was sonorously
relating the resources of Oregon.
With even more enthusiasm the
man from Iowa came back with a
broadcast on his former state. The
Oregonian was about to ask his
new friend why, if he was so sold
on Iowa, did he come to Orgon,
when the necomer leveled off with:
"There is something more in life
than business, money and labor
Here in Oregon I can go to good
fishing waters or good hunting
grounds in a very short time. Pic
nic spots on pleasant streams or
lakes are unexhaustible and var
ied. The scenery here is inspiring
and invigorating.. I feel that I add
years to my life with these week
end vacations. Then there is the
coast with its change of scenery
and climate, and the mountain
country and Eastern Oregon pla
teau and the valley here Why
man I had forgotten all about Iowa
until you came in."
State workers are being classified
on a basis of job responsibility and
wages paid in private industry
which will be used as a factor in
determining a salary and wage
plan for state employees. Qustio
neers distributed among business
establishments several weeks ago
to obtain this information are now
being returned. A state employee
(about to retire) suggests an exam
ination for state office holders, ab
pointive and elective. Now the
question is will he live Jong enough
to retire.
Governor Snell this week joined
29 other governors in declaring that
the principal of a balanced federal
budget is essential. "In view of the
large national debt a balanced
budget should be brought about at
the earliest possible date," the gov
ernor said. He declared that this
should not be considered an ill
considered program but should be
directed toward eliminating need
less activities and establishing a
general program of economy." An
ill-advised program," said the
governor," might jeopardise essen
tial projects, services and obliga
tions.'" He also warned against in
flationary conditions which would
affect the economy of all states,
their political subdivisions and the
people. He asked that Oregon sup
port their congressional delega
tions in the balanced budget pro
gram. The governors of the thirty
states concur in the belief that un
sound federal fiscal practices are
a constant menace to the constitu
tional position of our common
wealth and the local governments,
and a threat to their financial sol
vency. ' ,
The following report is a thirst
thermometer of Oregon cities or
is it?
The state department this week
distributed $156,171 to cities of the
state, the amount being half of the
liquor permit fees collected in the
Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946 9
first three months of this year.
Nearly half of the amount went
to Portland. The second largest to
Salem, $7,384. Other amounts dis
tributed include: Eugene $4978;
Klamath Falls, $3941; Medford,
You will lose that puzzled ex
pression when you read our
menu. It is easy to order
a meal here, for no matter
what you select you are bound
to be satisfied.
Join the well-fed ( ranks
by taking your meals at
at Ione's
Jack's Cafe
lone, Oregon
$2695; Bend, $2231; Pendleton, $2113;
CorvaUis, $2004; Oregon City,
$1463; Grants Pass, $1440; Albany,
$1028; Ontario, $848; Hood River,!
I$783; Lebanon, $652; Reedsport,
;$472; Nyssa, $443; Milton, $441; In
dependence. $384: Hennner. $339:
Junction City, $283; Brownsville,
Continued on last page
J. ii ' ' r
This week we want to tell you about
W have a good supply on hand in prices
ranging from
$11.95 to $44.50
Included in the lot are Cot Pads and
Crib Mattresses. You will find sizes for
twin beds and full size beds and there
is a wide variety of ticking,and we feel
lucky to get them as ticking is scarce.
Case Furniture Co.
Rock Wool insulation
Insect Screens
The fuel shortage is still on
REDUCE summer temperatures
Call R. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner
Chamberlain Company of America
1226 S. W. Stark St. Portland, Ore.
Compounding Prescriptions
Is Our Most Important Task
We'e proud of the reputation which our
store has gained through the years for
our large selection of quality merchan
dise and our complete stock of nation
ally advertised packaged drugs and
sundries, but, most of all, we vajue our
reputation for reliability in compound
idn prescriptions. Pharmacy is our life's
work . . . our career . . . and in this field,
the trust and respect of our customers
is all-important. Depend on us to fill
your next prescription.
No Unnecessary Waiting
Fresh, Potent Stock
Saager's Pharmacy
Our business is to serve you . . . Our stocks are as complete as the market
affords . . . Our quality is our pride . . . Your satisfaction is our aim.
Central Market and Grocery