Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 25, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946
CON LEY LAN HAM Announces:
A Change of Name BUT
No Change in Policy!
For 5 years, I have operated in Heppner as a Gamble Dealer, and I
fully appreciate what that name hs come to mean to you in quality
merchandise and economy in price.
However, in order to give you even swifter and better service be
cause of Western Auto's more accessible warehouses and nearer
home office, I have joined with the many Western Auto Stores here
in our West, and henceforth will operate at the same address as
a Western Auto Dealer.
To may many friends I say ... I know you have become accustomed
to greater savings and friendly service at my Gamble dealer store.
I now pledge myself to offer you the same helpful service, and the
same savings on guaranteed merchandise. Both Gamble's and
Western Auto were founded and have qrown on the same high mer
chandising standards. There will be NO CHANGic!
I sincerely hope to continue your friendship and patronage, and I
will do everything in my power to make you feel just as much at
home as a Western Auto dealer customer as you were when I op
erated under the Gamble name,
Address Is
The Same
Conley Lanham, Owner
miefal (Uil& cZ2ltfTjeA
Masonic Building, Heppner, Oregon
OJcJ and New West
To Be Featured in
Airport Dedication
Joseph, Ore., April 25 (Special)
A three-day celebration, "Chief
Joseph Days" sponsored by the Jo
seph chamber of commerce, sched
uled to be held at Joseph Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, July 26, 27
and 28, in connection with dedica
tion of the recently constructed
Joseph Municipal Airport, will com
bine the color and beauty of the
"Old" and the -'New" west with
presentation of a rootin', tootin',
bang-up western style celebration
and a modern air show.
Plans are being formulated for
an extensive program for the three
day jamboree and will include dan
cing, concessions, airport dedication
ceremonies and air show, a cowboy
breakfast served in western out
door style , a parade and many
other entertaining attractions in ad
ditions to "Hell's Canyon" where
visitors will be entertained with
features typical of the "Old" west,
here in a setting of unsurpassed
scenic beauty; an area rich in In
dian legend and history at the up
per end of the Wallowa valley.
The celebration will have .as its
theme the "spirit" of the colorful
and historic leader of the Nei
Perce Indian tribes. Chief Old Jo
seph, whose grave centers the In
dian burial ground located on the
banks of beautiful Wallowa lake,
just one mile from the town which
bears his name Joseph, Oregon.
Indian tribes from nearby reser
vations will be invited to the three
day affair and will be camped near
the airport and will appear in full
regalia ni the parade and demon
strations of Indian lore, legend and
we may be able to plastic-coat
youngsters to keep them clean.
)ut in 1946, It taVei soap
to keep both them and their clothe
clean. Use and re-use food fats end
then turn them in to your meat dealer
for four ceils a pound to make Map
and other household essentials. Fati and
oils are short the world over. By con
serving fats you help to feed the More
ing millions.
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