AAA Processing Housing Requests Farm construction applications under the veteran's emergency housing program are now being processed at the county AAA office. Under the program farm dwell ings or garage costing more than $400 or other arm construction, re pair or alteration of buildings HH priority ratings for certain costing $1,000 or more, must have materials before construction can be started, the county chairman pointed out. However, it is not ne cessary to have priority rating to complete the job, nor does it Dro- bibit the job's completion if started prior to March 21, 1946. Priority applications for farm construction only are being pro cessed through the AAA office and any application for off-farm con struction priority, must be placed with the nearest CPA office. Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946 7 RUNNIONS RETURN FROM TRIP TO EAST COAST Elated with what thev had seen but glad to get back to Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Runnion returned to Heppner Saturday evening after spending two months in the east. They visited New York, Philadel phia, Washington D. C. and other leading cities of the Atlantic sea board states, visiting relatives and friends . and seeing the points of greatest interest to the tourist. (obtaining reservatios, both rail and hotel, saw a big slice of the coun- the visit was over and they were "Bob" reports that he visited Congressman Lowell Stockman, who, although a busy man, took time out to discuss the proposed Heppner flood control dam. It is the congressman's opinion that proponents of the dam will have to do some real plugging if the pro ject is to receive favorable at tention. The Runnions had good luck in PIANO PUPILS APPEAR IN ANNUAL RECITAL Saturday evening the J. O. Tur ner home was packed to overflow ing when parents and friends gath ered to enjoy an evening of piano numbers. Mrs. Turner presented her- class in solos and duets. The little folks instituted the pleasure of the occasion and they in turn were followed by intermediates and they by high school students. Some have studied with Mrs. Turner only a matter of months while her older students have progressed under her able coaching until they have become well rounded musicians. Miss Marylou Ferguson added bril liance to the recital by her group of two numbers. o : Raymond Parrish left Wednesday for Alaska where he will be em ployed. He will go to Valdez where his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huddleston - reside. He will leave a Canadian airport Sat urday. BALLOTS DELIVERED TO COUNTY CLERK Another primary election time is at hand and the., balots are ready for that day, -May 17. They were delivered to the court house the irst of the week. Clerk Barlow re ports a few requests for ballots to be sent to citizens who will be unable to be in the city that day. An extra sheet was necessary to accommodate the measures per taining to the hospital so the vo ters will have to wet their pencils twice on voting day. Sample ballots were printed as usual and may be had upon request. very home may have a mechani cal Hi-Hung-Wath to wash and iron clothes. mm i m l)ut In 1946, we still have to tave used cooking fat to make enough soap to wash clothes the old fashioned way. Use and re-use food fats and then turn them in to your meat dealer for four cents a pound to make soap and Other household essentials. Fats and oils are short the world over. By conserving fats you help to feed the starving millions. Merchants Credit Bureau Commerc'l Mimeographing Avail yourself of these services Francis B. Nicker son headed for home it seemed like that old choo-choo never would land them in Oregon again at try, million? people, but when' least the time dragged to Bob. New vacuum tube equipment will speed long distance calls Long distance expansion program in full swing At dozens of places up and down the Pacific Coast we're going ahead with new vacuum tube equipment which boosts the num ber of telephone calls wires can carry. This is just part of our unprecedented long distance ex pansion program now under way. For the phenomenal development in this part of the ' country has resulted in a tremendously increased num ber of toll and long distance calls. (In 1945, for ex ample, we handled nearly a million a day.) But we're - . working full speed ahead to install the additional fa cilities we need to provide a better and faster long dis- tance service than ever before. Lftfen to tfce Telephone Hour ...9 p.m. Monday . . . NIC The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company West Willow Street-Telephone Heppner 5 Adnrtifmtnt 'rom where I sit ... ly Joe. Marsh. Best There's on old war memorial in our town that I like to stop and look at now and. then. Back in 1865, folks gathered up all the bitter relics of battle and put them in a pile: cannon, lat tered rifles, broken swords, and rusted bayonets. Some of them from our side, some captured from the enemy. They melted them down, and from this litter of war sprung a monument to friendship, tolerance and understanding a promise that the bitterness and hatred were forgotten. War Memorial I Know Since then, there've been all kinds of disagreements in this country, big and little. Prohibition was one and there was plenty of bloodshed, misery and grief until the problem was resolved. But from where I sit, it's part of the greatness of America that we remain a united country. We may disagree as individuals but, ac cepting that difference of opinion, we can live in tolerance and mu tual respect. Copyright, 1946, United State Brewer Foundation Top Prices Cattle - Sheep - Hogs Ship to The ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO. Union Stock Yards University 1661 North Portland Ifc'sH ere! The answer to your dream of a post war kitchen! Come in and see the A mencan Kitch en on exhibition on our floor. The American Kitchen is the bright sopt of the house . . . the pride of the home . . . and the cost is low. It may be purchased several units at a time without drain upon even the most limited budget. No muss and dirt in transformation from your old kitchen to a new American Kitchen. They're durable, too made of steel to last a life time. Sinks are por celain finish while th cabinets are coated with DuPont DuLux, the apex of sanitary perfection. Base cabinets vary in size sinks with double or single drain boards, sink cabinets from 42 to 60 inches in width. Buy any combination desired, to fit into any size or shape room. Each piece priced separately. It is indeed a pleasure to show you this beautiful American Kitchen. Heppner Hardware & Electric Company