Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 25, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946
Mrs. Echo Palmateei
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey of
The Dalles purchased the Heliker
property on Third street and will
make their home there.
The P.-TA are sponsoring a
stunt night April 26. The proceeds
will go toward the school lunches.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson went
to La Grande and brought back
the two Roundy children.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Peterson and
son Elmer and Melvin Brady of
Lexington spent Easter with the
Lewis Ball family.
W. A. Hayes returned to lone
Monday morning. He spent the
winter in California and Texas.
Rev. Joe Steves and E. Aldrich
have been busy cutting down trees
in town. They also did some pa
pering for John Bryson and Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White and
Mrs. Eugenia Mooney left for a
vacation at Soap Lake and Yakima.
Mrs. Beulah Hale of 1 Gridley,
Calif, is a guest at the Gordon
White home.
Ronald Ball returned to his home
ir? Yakima after attending school
here this winter.
The fire bell rang Friday after
noon as the result of smoke coming
from under an over heated stove
in the Victory cafe but no damage
was done.
Elbert Day, depot agent has re
turned from his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn, are
the parents of a girl, Nancy Lee,
born April 15 at Hermiston. She
.i i i
weignea seven pounus.
Among those going fishing over
the week-end were Harry Yarnell,
Oscar Lundell, Cleo Drake and son
Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter,
Gene Bauernfeind, Don Munkers,
Don Ball and David Barnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell en
tertained the following guests Eas
ter Sunday in honor of Mrs. O. E.
Lindstrom whose birthday was
Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lind
strom, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Lundell and dau
ghter Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Drake and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Pettyjohn and children,, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and daugh
ters, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mr. and
Mrs. Garland Swanson and child
ren, Miss Eva Swanson, Mr. and
Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Lundell and daughter
Karen, and W. G. Bell. Out of
town guests included Rev. Everett
Cole, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Soderberg
and Miss Edna Soderberg all f
Rev. and Mrs. Clifford Noble of
Winchester Bay were lone visitors
last week.
Mrs Harold Buchanan visited at
rlqvs ls week.
the Fred Buchanan home a few
Mr and Mrs. B. R. Soderberg ot
Portland spent the week-end in
lone and went On a fishing trip.
Little Skippy Pettyjohn fell on a
broken bottle and cut his thumb so
that it was necessary to take five
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews
gave a dinner Easter in honor of
Mrs. Matthews' brother, Frankin
Ely whose birthday fell on that day.
Those attending the Taylr-Pick-ering
wedding in Heppner last
week were Rev. and Mrs. R. L.
Casselman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bar
nett, Miss Mary Barnett, Miss Wi
nifred Zinter and Mrs. Kuby run- h
Miss Mary Barnett is leaving for
Canyonville this week.
An Easter program was given at
the Church of lone Cooperative by
the different classes. Preaching
services by Rev. Everett Cole of
Portland followed. There will be
preaching next Sunday also. The
Assembly of God church had a pro
gram and pictures of Easter. The
Baptist church! had a program in
the morning and a basket dinner at
There will be services at the
Lutheran church at Gooseberry cm
Sunday at 11 a. m. conducted by
Rev. Phillip Ellman of Portland.
The lone public library has re
ceived the books "The Egg and I"
bv BcUv MacDonald. and "The
Black Rose'' by Thomas B. Costain
Mrs. Hazel. Benge and children of
Heppner spent the week-end with
her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg
Rev. R. L. Casselman is back at
work in the meat department in the
Swanson store after being ill for
several days.
The community was saddened to
learn of the tragic death of Mrs.
Anna Belle Engelman who was
burned to death when her home
in Pendleton was burned. Mrs. En
gelman was a sister-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Engelman and
lived in this part of the country
for many years before going to Pen
dleton. She is survived by a son
Dean and two grandchildren Wes
ley, who was badly burned and Lo
la Belle Engelman.
Mrs. Cleo Drake and daughter
Patricia went to Portland or a few
days last week for medical atten
tion for PiAricia. v
Teachers so far accepting posi
tions to teach the ensuing year are
B. C. Forsythe, superintendent,
Francis Ely, commercial, and Mrs.
Ely, grade.
The social meeting of the Topic
club will be held at the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan TrOed
Mrs. Omar Rietmann April 27. ' son. Mrs. Nottage teaches at Girls
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nottage and : Polytechnic school and Mr. Not
daughter Mary Lee of Portland tage is an instructor at Grant high
spent Easter with Mrs. Nottage's ! school.
Mrs. Clarence Brenner of. Port
land was a week-end guest at the
John Eubanks home.
Arthur Stefani Jr. of the U. S..
(Continued on page ten)
Vote For
Harlan Crawford
for President lone High Student Body
The People's Choice
First game American Legion
Baseball League
Heppner vs. lone
lone, Sunday, Apr. 28
Game starts at 2 p. m.
Wejhave plenty of
for family use
ina wide variety of flavors
' Special for the Kids this week-end:
Our lunch service proves more popular each season.
Prompt, courteous service combined with tempting
dishes make this the corner where everybody turns
in for a snack.
For an afternoon pick-up, try one of our ice
cream specials a Red and White, or Black
and White special sundae. They're delicious
and full of food energy.
When you're thinking of good ice cream you're
thinking of eottlj 'itzSlljlZX CxzcCm
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Heppner, Oregon