1 2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the second Monday in May, (Monday, May 13, 1946) the Board of Equalization of Morrow County, Oregon, will convene at the Court house in He'ppner, Oregon, and publicly examine the assess ment rolls of said County for the vear 1946-1947, and will correct errors in valuation, description or quality of land, lots or other pro perty, assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County Oregon, as of Jan uary 1, 1946. All persons interested or having any complaints against their as sessments for the year 1946-1947, should appear at that time. Peti tions for the reduction in assess ment must be in writing, verified bv Oath of amlicant or his attor ney and must be filed with the Board within the first week it is in session. Any petition or appli cation not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted UDon bv the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Ap ril 25, 1946. W. O. DIX Assessor Morrow County, Oregon 5-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYED STOCK Notice is hereby given by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, that I have taken up at my place the hereinafter described animals, and that I will on the 11th day of May, 1946, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., sell said animals to the high est bidder for cash in hand, sub ject to right of redemption by the owner or owners. Said animals axe described as follows: One roan mare with white face, about 3 years old; one iron gray L. E. Dick accompanied by his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dick Jr. drove to Port and Tuesday to transact business. They returned Wednesday night. mare, white face, about 3 years old; one bay gelding, white star in forehead and white spot on nose, 5 or 6 years old. William Maness 5-7 Heppner, Oregon WANTED Laundry to do. Phone 2542. 5-6c Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Crawford were in Portland last week-end on a combined business and pleasure jaunt. GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: After reading all the best authorities on horse racing we as to what horse is safe to put have finally made up our minds your shirt on a clotheshorse. EVEN SO, WE'LL NEVER BET ON A HORSE RACE. WE'RE AFRAID OF THE "BOOKIE-MAN." Of course horse sense is what teaches a girl to say "neigh." Whether a horse is a race .... should never get so hungry horse or, a work horse, le he bites his fodder. On the other hand a nag is a wom an who rides a man. . MEN AND WOMEN ARE BOTH COMING TO OUR RichFicId Gasoline MORE AND MORE. Ask any of our customers about the value of this product. Richfield Service Heppner, Oregon Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232 GIVE YOU EASY, BREEZY COMFORT Spend your walking hours in bright platform playshoes, for easy, breeze-swept comfort ! Por ous new fabrics, mesh-weave plastics in side-draped beauties; classic leather moccasins and sandals that wear! Cushion-soft wedges; white and colors. 2.93-3.49 STAR m REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federul Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the lagal age of 12. Selected Short SubJectB With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. FEIDAY-SATTODAY, April 26-27 Born For Trouble Van Johnson, Faye IBmeraon, George Meeker This weird mystery la more exciting now than when originally shown because of the present popularity of tho stars. PLUS Colorado Pioneers City boys turned loose on the range find ridin' and ropin' with Red Ryder and Little Injun more fun than playing hoodlum. SUNDAY-MONDAY, April 28-29 Kiss And Tell Shirley Temple, Jerome Courtland, Walter Abel Katherine Alexander, Robert Benchley, Por ter Hall The F. Hugh Herbert play the nation roared at for over two years, now a great motion pic ture. Shirley, as Corliss Archer, shocks the neighborhood to your great delight. Also, FALA AT HYDE PARK, in Technicolor, the country's most popular dog in another in comperable' performance. TUESDAY, April 30 The Falcon In San Francisco Tom Conway continues to portray the famous FALCON in a manner tc Veep audiences ting ling with thrills, chills and chuckles. Also. KRATCATOA, the Island that blew itself off the map an under-sea volcano in eruption; L1TTLR WITCH, a musical foaturette in Tech nicolor; and JASPER AND THE BEANSTALK. Wednesday-Thursday, May 1-2 A Boy, a Girl, and a Dog Jerry Hunter, Sharyn Moffctt, Harry Dav enjort, Lionel Stander and Lucky (from pup to Mr. Dog) A picture down-to-earth, close-to-your- 1'tait and full-of-fun. PLUS MARCH OF TIME RErORT ON GREECE The Greek drama of power politics played against a background of Nazi-inflicted ruin. Killers of the Chaparral Newsrccl CAPITOL PARADE $229; Clatskanie, $1G9; Hillsboro, $99; Sdio, $83; and Halsey $72. STATE POLICE ARRESTS arrested 2126 persons, and warned State police during the last month 4041 others for violating traffic lavs including 36 for drunken driving. Fines and sentences for these of fenses totaled $15,155 and 2065 days in jail. There were 262 arrests for felonies, with fines totaling $3403, - . , r ..lAlntinnc o n rl 14U arrests ior game vwiouuiu j 71 for violations of commercial ! fishing laws. CAIRN DVAL High School Gym FRIDAY, April 26 8 p. m. BINGO, BASEBALL THROW, ROULETTE, DARTS, SHOOTING GALLERY, FORTUNE TELLING, BOW & ARROW, PENNY THROW, FISHING POND, GRAB BAG, and other attractions SANDWICHES and SOFT DRJNKS DOOR PRIZE Adm. 15c & 25c Proceeds to be used for purchase of football equipment. 0C0 AtDcOOStfCaBCJO Here's What Ve Do: 1, Remove tho front wheels and inspect lining. 2, Inspect, clean and repack front wheel bearing. 3, Inspect brake drama. fnvtl a flhefik and add brake fluid if needed. v :'l 5, Adjust the brake shoes to secure full contacl with drum. bet 6 't" t 1 1 i fiiiYtliMv fiiJr Listen to the Voice of Firestone every Monday evening over NBC ROSE WALL MOTOR CO.