1 0 Heppner Gazette Times, April 25, 1946 frrigon News Notes By MSS. J. A. SHOtnv Delpha Markham spent the week end in Irrigon with her parents, the Marshall Markham family. She went back Sunday as did also Marshall Markham who came down for the week-end from Spokane. Ralph DeBoer arrived home Sat urday from Bremerton and went on to Pasco to preach Sunday. Harold Foreman went to Seattle Friday. Billy Allen S lc of Tillamook is sfpending a 15-day leave with his mother, Mrs. H. M. Duus, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hiebert and two daughters have moved up from Cottage Grove to their new home. They have moved into the Duus apartment until they get their home built. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Winquist and son Paul left for Clear Water, Wis. to attend a ministerial associ ation and to visit his people in North Dakota. The Baptist Community church had a beautiful Easter service Sun day evening. Billy Steagall met with a very painful accident a week ago when he rode into a hole with his bi cycle with enough force to break the bicycle forks in two places. He landed on his left elbow tearing the ligaments and skin and leaving it sore and swollen. It twas dressed by the physician at Hermiston. P. H. Swaren went to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus have sold the rest of their place to Fred Coleman of Medford. They will not . give possssion until fall and in the meantime are looking around for another location. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abken and two children of Kennewick spent Thursday with the Martin Abken family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen O'Brien and son Chester arrived home from Menlo Thursday where they visit ed with his mother, Mrs. Nona O'Brien. The Irrigon band helped at Stan field Wednesday and the Stanfield pupils helped with a program here Thursday. The Irrigon band played in Wal la Walla Wednesday. The junior class had a banquet for the seniors at the Whitman hotel Saturday. They all report a good time. Robert BrOwn was brought home Thursday from the Pendleton hos pital. He is recuperating from a case of rheumatic fever. Mrs. Mae McKinney of Pendle ton brought her mother, Mrs MniiiniiiiiMiiiHtMiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiirinii(iiiiiiiimiiMiiiHiiiiinimtiiiHiiiiiiiiii(itiiiiiHiHiiiiiHii Mary Stephens to her son Ernest Stephens Sunday. She is from Ar lington and is spending a few days here. Marten Abken is raising the small house back of the store to put a cement foundation under it. Mr. and Mrs. James Shoun and daughter Judy returned to Walla Walla Sunday after visiting in Ir rigon. i Earl Connell and Sam Umiker came home Friday from Castle Rock to spend the week-end. Mrs. Joy Weigand and daughter Teresa went to Pasco Friday after visiting her mother, Mrs.' Harry Smith and family. Easter vacation, with, her father Paula Haberlein is - spending the Paul Haberlein and Mrs. Haberlein. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Gol dendale, Wash, spent a few days at (he Gordon White home. They and the Whites made a trip to Spokane where they spent three days. Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig and Mrs. Carl Linn attended the Mor row county division of the Oregon Educational association at Irrigon last week. They were, treated to a turkey dinner at noon. Mr. Ludwig took part in the program. Mrs. on the nominating i the Masonic dining room Monday evening with Mrs. Claude Graham Ludwig was committee. lone high school defeated Lex ington high Monday 24 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn have moved to Athena. Mr. Pettyjohn is employed by the telephone company in Pendleton. Charles McElligott is ill in a Portland hospital. The Past Matrons club met in and Mrs. R. L.' Benge as hostesses. After the business hour a merry evening was spent playing bingo. The club then went to the Elkhorn restaurant where the hostesses had arranged for a delicious lunch. Clifford L. Carlson Y 2c and Claude Way F lc, were released from the navy at the Bremerton separation center last week. IONE NEWS NOTES army located at Hanford, Wash, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani. The Willows grange held its reg ular meeting Saturday night. Gwen Coleman was elected as their at tendant for the Heppner Rodeo. Miss Coleman is a senior in the lone high school and has had much experience in horse back riding and with training should be an excel lent rider. Following the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. William Seehafer and Mrs. Waite Craword. At the regular meeting of the Rebekah lodge in lone April 17 Sap phire Rebekah lodge at Morgan consolidated with Bunch Grass lodge at lone. Sapphire lodge was instituted March 31, 1924 but due away and transferring to other to manv of the members moving lodges, they found . it difficult to continue any longer alone and by consolidation, the lone lodge will be a stronger organization. The American Legion had a skat ing party after their , meeting Tues day night April 16 after which Mrs. Jack Ferris served the legion and auxiliary with fried oysters. River is a guest at the Milton Mor- Mrs. Maggie Downing of Hood gan Sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen of Cayuse were lone visitors Satur day. Mrs. John Eubanks and the lone high school girls were hostesses at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Aloha Painter Saturday afternoon at the grange hall. Miss Painter will be married in June. Floyd Wiles is a patient at the Veterans' hospital in Walla Walla. He is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Denslinger of The Dalles were guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Don Heliker last week. Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY I! u iiiHininHHHimn)iiitimi(HiHii!iiiiitiiiHHiiiiiiriiiifiiiH nm iimmtimmiimiimitiiwiiiMmwmmHr timiMiiiiiriiiHiiMiiitiMitiiitnmMiiiimmiimiitintHmimimiiHiiti.nittiS rdllllHmilHIUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMlUltlllllllltllimiinlllllllill 1 tlltimilltlUUUlMMIUlUUIIIII HlllltlHIUIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIHmillllllUlHIIIMIIimillilHHIIIIIllHlltltlliillllHilllHll Mill. Willard and Goodyear Batteries Fcr all Cars and Trucks BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method, RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon Watph this space for startling announcement twHtirtitmitiiiuimiirftnimiit GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink per pound 10c LETTUCE Solid crisp, 2 heads ..... 25c RADISHES Fine quality iu . GREEN ONIONS salads V bunches. .13c ASPARAGUS-all green, 2 pounds 29c TOMATOES red ripe, 1 pound carton 25c Visit our produce department for best quality, price and assortment. Finest quality Groceries. New selections regular ly . . Flour by the sack or by the barrel . .Purchase and save. Try our Meats for ten der quality .... Lunch meats and breakfast needs are our pride. Locker Cutting Our Specialty Heppner Market 6 Lockers pillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllM Just Purchased the Business To our former friends and customers: Ma hi ea vy chioery Hauling Liv estoc Equipment: New, Fast and Sure Go Anyplace in Oregon Morrow County Truck Service FRANK HOLUB, Owner CLYDE NUTTING, Operator Heppner Phone 1452 YOU CALL WE HAUL