Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 18, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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    Budget Committee
Prepares Estimates
For School Year
The budget committee and the
school board of district No. 1 met
Monday evening and orenared or-
erating estimates for the ensuing
school year, July 1, 1946, June 30,
1947. At this meeting Sunt. Georee
Corwin announced the hiring of
two grade teachers Mrs. Sam Mc
Millan and Mrs. Douglas Ogletree,
and that he is trying to get a
man for the seventh grade and phy
sical education.
One of Corwin's principal wor
ries right now is securing a home
economics teacher. Mrs. Ellis Carl
son, who has filled that position so
capably the past two years will
not return next year as her hus
band has been transferrd to Pome
roy, Wash, and they will leave
Heppner as soon as school is out.
The board approved plans for
two concrete tennis courts, One of
which it is expected will be built
this year.
Supt. Corwin reports that army
G. E. D. tests to veterans who join
ed the service before graduation
are being given at the school. This
affords an opportunity to the vet
erans for college entrance as all
scnools of Higher learning accept
the grades. Passing the tests en
titles the veteran to a high school
diploma. Raymond Parrish and
Kenneth Hoyt have finished the
examinations with high grades
Several local boys took the tests
before leaving the service and have
been awarded dinlomas. The tiioVi
i - -o
school offers this service to any
veteran who desires to take the
examinations for a high school di
Before an arch of fern and flow
ers in the soft, candle glow, Miss
Georgia Pickering and Robert Tay
lor will plight their troth at 8 p. m.
at the Assembly of God church with
the pastor, Shelby Graves officiat
ing. Mrs. Ray Barnett of lone will
sing "Through the Years" and
"Living or Jesus." Mrs. Ray Tay
lor will accompany her and play
the traditional wedding marches.
For her attendants, the bride has
chosen little Edith Morris as flo
wer girl. She will wear a- long
flowered white dress. Miss Mary
Barnett as maid o honor will wear
an aqua taffeta $th blue halo
veil. She will carry pink rosebuds.
The bride, who is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pickering,
will wear a gown of white sheer,
cut princess style with sweetheart
neck with lace trim. She will carry
a white Bible with shower bou
quet of white orchid and sweet
peas. Her full length veil will fall
from a halo of stephanotis.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Taylor and has lived in
Heppner all his life. Both young
You will lose that puzzled ex
pression when you read our
menu. It is easy to order
a meal here, for no matter
what you select you are bound
to be satisfied.
Join the well-fed ranks
by taking your meals at
people are active workers in the
Assembly of God church.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will leave for
a short wedding trip after a re
ception at the Lucas Place immed
iately following the ceremony.
They will return in a few days to
make their home in Heppner.
This newspaper is in receipt of
a card from Portland telling of the
condition of Lawrence Slocum.
Following his first operation he
contracted meningitis and did not
recover favorably, so had another
operation on April 16. He is in se
rious condition but hope is -held
for his untimat recovery.
Ye scribe was pleasantly sur
prised Sunday mOming to note
that John Padberg is able to be
out and work in the yard. He was
assisting Mrs. Padberg with spad
ing activities in preparation for
planting flowers.
M. L. Case has been dismissed
from the hospital in Portland and
is now at the home of his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr, and Mrs.
R'obert Evans in Portland. He is
much improved, so much so, in
fact, that he was able to go to
Wheeler for a little visit of two
Ture Peterson has been up town
several times the past few days,
the first he has been out since re
ceiving serious injuries in a truck
car crash at Hermiston several
weeks ago.
Heppner Gazette Times, April 18, 1946 9
" Dinner
at Ione's
lone, Oregon
Now Available
Beall Food Freezers
46 cubic feet model with five
quick-freeze shelves at 20 de
grees below zero.
Place your order TODAY fo assure early
Heppner Hardware &
Electric Company
Don't Be
Say it wild Jto
Every woman loves receiving flowers on
Easter Show your thoughtfulness by
ordering a corsage or bouquet now.
for our used car
1 markets throughout j
western America
We are able to pay you more for your car
because we operate a volume business
taking a small profit on many transac
tions instead of a big profit on a few.
Get out offer! Be money ahead!
and S. E. Court Phone 492
You can get everything for your Easter dinner at
Central Market and Grocery