8 Heppner Gazette Times, April 18, 1946 HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS MAR TRAVEL SAFETY Gasoline and, whiskey have com bined to make a bad record bn Morrow county highways recent ly, as crumpled fenders and bat tered radiators mutely testify. Some of the parties involved have called to answer charges filed by the State of Oregon and in other cases the authorities are searching for some involved persons who have failed to turn in a report. Leslie H. Warfield, under $300 bond to appear before Justice J. O. Hager Tuesday has been grant ed more time to prepare his de fense. He is charged with side swiping the light panel truck of the Heppner laundry On April 5. He did not stop at the scene of the accident, it was alleged, but the occupants of the other car obtain ed his car license number and he was picked up later. Leo Lester Anderson, picked up by Officer Edgar Albert, was fin ed $10 and costs for operating a car with improper license. A motorist apparently under the "affluence, of inkahol" sideswiped the car of Archdeacon and Mrs. Neville Blunt Sunday night just below Heppner. Mr. Blunt drove almost off of the road in trying to avoid a collision but the other fellow assumed the attitude of "why don't you look where you're driv ing?" and declared he was on his side of the road. ' The court will decide the matter when the party is located by the sheriff. Kilham Stationery & Printing Co., Assessor 108.50 Burroughs Add Machine Co Assessor 17.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. Travel Expense $65.46; Supt. $8.25 73.72 Children's Farm Home. Juv 10.00 Pac Tel & Tel Co Current Ex 53.52 P. A. Mollahan. Cur Ex 5.75 Stevens-Ness Law Pub. Co Justice Court 14.79 Dr. A. P. McMurdo, Insane $20.00; Coroner $39.20 59.20 Fred Pettyjohn, Bangs Dis. Control 8.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Offic. Publication 42.90 Oregon State Library, Library Appropriation 164.20 F. W. Turner, Insurance $59.40; Bonds $170.00 229.40 Lulu Hager, Emergency 2.75 First Natl Bank of Portland Withholding Tax 161.18 State Ind. Accident Comm. Sher. $3.04; Sher. Sal. $0.28; Deputies 0.28 3.60 Giliam & Bisbee, jail 8.85 Pac Power & Light Co Court House 21.72 Bert Johnson, County Court 16.85 L. D. Neill, County Court 23.25 Shorb s Stationery, Cerk 30.93 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wright are going to Portland today after their furniture. They have rented the small house from Joe Devine and will need their furniture now. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farley have returned from a most enjoyable trip to Condon, Hood River and Mayville where they visited their children and families. Jack CHarra has arrived home with his discharge papers which he received at Ft. Lewis, after many months of service in the army in the European theatre. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Newt CHarra of Lexington. Capt. Alfred VaniWinkle is home on terminal leave from Madigan General hospital at Ft. Lewis where he has been a patient for some time. He is leaving today for Coos Bay to visit his wife, who is the home demonstration agent there. COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR MARCH, 1946 The minutes of the February term were read and approved. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following County property: Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block J of Royses Addition to the City of Hardman, Morrow County, Ore gon, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in Block F, of the City of Hardman, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $22.50, cash Lots 23 and 24 in Block 8, In the City of Boardman, for the min imum price of $60.00 cash. Lot 1 in Block 3, Ayers 3rd Ad dition to the City of Heppner for the minimum price of $25.00 cash. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in Block 1 and Tract number 149, Brown's Ad dition to the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon or the minimum price of $75.00, cash. All of Section 5 in Township 3 North, Range 26 E. W. M. and all of Section 33 in Township 5 North, Range 26 E. W. M. for the minimum price o $1.50 per acre, cash. The court orders the election of five directors for the Rural Fire protection District held Monday the 15th day of April, 1946. WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes. Dep Sal Frances Mitchell, Dep Sal Adell Forster, Office clerk Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst Tilman Hogue, Janitor Sal Dr. McMurdo, Phys. Sal Susie W. Miller, Ct Reporter Margaret Gillis, Nurse Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen'l Assistance Mid-Columbia Typ. Co. Sher. Sheriff Umatilla Co. Sher P. A. Mollahan, Sher. Central Market, jail Hotel Heppner, jail Pac. Stationery & Printing Co. Clerk West Coast Printing & Binding Co.. Clerk. 13.96: Asseasor $ 123.60 139.92 110.40 51.90 11150 25.00 33.33 147.65 88.05 33.50 1.20 20.75 13.28 4.00 2.39 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assist $553.40; Dep Children $44.00; Aid to Blind $11.40 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND A. J. Chaffee Hubert Wilson E. A. Kelly Chas. Williams Frank Nixon Walter Gilman Austin Wilson Robert Taylor Raymond Turner ' Harold Wilson Floyd Wiles William Cunningham William Harrison Simpson Holley Jack Slocum Leonard Lindbloom Estel Field M. V. Nolan Edwin Bucknum Wendell Aldrich Ernest Hunt H. Sherer Lyle H. Mulkey Earl Isorn. Hodge Chevrolet Co Jackson Implement Co Heppner Hdw & Elec. Co Connor's Auto Supply Loggers & Contractors Mach- 608.80 164.46 102.20 172.36 92.11 29.85 151.66 156.77 48.33 65.89 138.17 23.96 172.36 120.09 129.79 167.76 150.28 132.81 109.54 120.12 47.92 23.96 249.76 172.27 131.77 9.04 28.96 .59 3.75 inery Co. 5.36 Paul Bunyan Company 231.69 O. H. Thompson 24.05 Braden Tractor & Equipment Co 13.28 City of Heppner, Water Dept 4.15 F. W: Turner 26.00 Rosewall Motor Co. 13.69 Nelson Equipment Co 87.61 Colombia Equipment Co 21.47 Feenaughty Machinery Co 22.10 Standard Oil Co, Hermiston 108.56 Standard Oil Co 248.00 Union Oil Co 80.53 Independent Garage 35.81 Jack Allen Supply Co First Natl Bank Portland State Indus Accid. Comm. Gilliam & Bisbee Pac Power & Light Co R. E. Schoonover Gamble Store Dealer Montgomery Ward & Co Frank Papineau Union Pacific WARRANTS DRAWN ON MISCELLANEOUS FUND Joseph Baltrenas, Rod. Fund Carl McDaniel Dod. Fund Elmer Griffith Dog Fund 26.58 113.90 79.02 69.29 4.85 27.50 316.19 279.14 7.00 216.96 25.00 25.00 54.55 METAL WEATHER STRIPS Rock WqoI Insulation Insect Screens The fuel shortage is still on SAVE UP TO 35 KEEPS OUT DUST, SOOT, SNOW REDUCE summer temperatures Call R. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner FOR FREE ESTIMATE Chamberlain Company of America 1226 S. W. Stark St. Portland, Ore. 114-11 LJjJA q f OR'SlliJE - ' 1941 15160 PKasv' -.. TODAY . . . 18750 U- J' IT COSTS '?Kon TO BUILD AN D OPERATE A POWER SYSTEM, TOO! t O Everything costs more these days, including the many items needed to construct and run an electric system. For example, the price of a standard cedar pole has doubled since 1940... our taxes have increased 70 . . . average wage rates are up 44, 9 yet PP&L has cut average electric prices 30 ia the last 6 years! It seems too good to be true. But just look at the record: f Today PP&L's average rate for residential electric servict is nearly one-third less than what it was in 19401 How has this been accomplished in the face of sharply rising costs? The answer is hard work . . efficient management ... 36 years of electrical ,fknow how"! A self-supporting, tax-paying business Making your electricity cheaper and cheaper $44.00 44.90