G 12 Heppner Gazette Times, April 18, 1946 I ONE NEWS NOTES a program the evening of April 26 consisting of stunts, skits, plays and music to be given by the dif ferent organizations. The proceeds will go towards financing school lunches. A state highway crew are sta tioned here and will resurface the highway from near Morgan to Lex ington. Mr. and Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and children spent Sunday in Walla Walla. Word has been received of the recent marriage of Corporal Freda Ball of the Marine corps stationed in Washington D. C., daughter of Elmer Ball and Edward B. Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bates of Modesto, Calif. They were married in the First Methodist church in Modesto with Rev. Dil lon Throckmorton oficiating The bride wore a white satin dress with net overskirt. A lace bordered veil fell from a Renaissance cap. She carried a. white orchid on a white prayer book. A reception was held at the Bates, home. The couple met while both were sta tioned in Washington D. C. The bride attended the lone schools and was employed by the telephone company in Portland. She returned to Washington to await discharge. Mr. Bates has re ceived his discharge and is em poyed in the Lathrop army service force depot. They will reside later in Modesto. John D. Watkins went to Port land Sunday for a few days to transact business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker left for Portland and California points the past week-end. In Portland Mr. Walker expected to take his state barber board examination and then they planned to drive on as far south as Sacramento where they will visit relatives for a while. GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: We heard about a dog catcher who had a wooden leg. At first, it was hard to ima gine how a dog catcher with a wooden leg could catch many dogs. We mentioned it to one of the boys in the barber shop and he suggested the dog catcher just stood on the corner and waited for the dogs to come to him. BULL-TIN When you buy a dog, be sure to get one that doesn't cost much for bargain dogs never bite, you know, YOU KNOW THE TRAGEDY OF A MAMA FLEA'S LIFE IS THAT SHE KNOWS ALL HER CHILDREN WILL GO TO THE DOGS. As one headache said to another headache, we better take a powder. Especially after that last one. We would like to take a minute to tell you about this especially good buy. Its our RichField Gasoline Richfield Service Heppner, Oregon Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232 GOVERNOR Continued from First rage Purcell, Gresham Outlook, presi- dent; Charjes A. Sprague, The; Oregon Statesman, vice president; O. G. Crawford, Heppner Gazette Times, treasurer, and Carl Webb, Eugene secretary. All are officers i of the Publishers' association. Thej following directors were included on the newspaper committee to give representation in every sec tion of Oregon: Merle Chessman, Astoria Budget; Walter W. R. May, Oregon City Enterprise; Robert M. Hay den, Lebanon Express; Giles L. French, Sherman County Jour nal; Frank Jenkins, Klamath Her ald and News, and Frank Shiro La Grande Evening Observer. Mrs. R. H. Zinter met with a painful accident in Condon Tues day when she stepped in a small hole in the floor of a grocery store and in so doing fell. She bruised her left leg badly, but feels for tunate that nothing was broken. v 7tese art t fS' Saturday Specials Give more of the festive touch to your Easter dinner with our Parkerhouse Rolls, Cakes, Cream Pies ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY Donr say we didn't remind you to ORDER EARLY HEPPNER BAKERY AdttrtiimuM C , From where I sit ... ir Joe Marsh. Mat Fisher versus I's Big Toe - Mat Fisher 'd orv local weather man . . . and planning for the pic nic of our town Improvement Club, Mat persuades us to postpone it until Tuesday since it's going to rain for three days, starting Sat urday the 8th. But Ed Whortle claims he can feel rain in his big toe and he says there isn't a drop in prospect for at least three days! Well, it's bright and sunny on the 8th and 9th and lG-li. I" ; come the day of the picnic, it y.j rain like Jupiter Tluvius and we hold it in Ma Iloskins' parlor, drinking beer and roasting hot dogs. Of course, Ed razzes Mat no end. But nobody's sore. In fact, they like Mat just a little better, being an expert and being wrong. (And from where I sit, a stormy day indoors before a fire makes a hot dog and a glass of beer extra appetizing!) 13, United Sftm - iJlviLJIvJ IriaiKHJUKlS D IB We got our tail feathers singed but we're still in the FLYING BUSINESS FORSYTHE FLYING SERVICE Aeronca and Stinson Dealers STAR CE REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. SMITH SPECIALTY of sports questions that requnre keen perception, a Technicolor travelo gue, and PEOPLE ON PAPER, showing the well known cartoonists and their work. 1 All children occupying seats must have tickets FBIDAY-SATUBDAY, April 19-20 Getting Gertie's Garter Dennis O'Keefe, Marie McDonald, Barry Sulli van, Binnie Barnes, J. Carrol Naish, Sheila Byan, Jerome Cowan A snappy, fast-moving audience-pleaser. PLUS Drifting Along A Johnny Mack Brown-Raymond Hatton western SUNDAY-MONDAY, AprU 21-22 Leave Her to Heaven Gene Tierney, Cornel Wilde, Jeanne Crain, Vincent Price Ben Ames Williams famous novel of a Jealous and possessive woman. has been made into one of the most handsomely designed productions ever to grace the screen. The picture is virtual ly flawless in every detail. In Technicolor TUESDAY, April 23 Paris Underground Constance Bennett, Oracle Fields, George Bigaud The true story of two daring women In Paris from the story by Etta Shiber. Also a PETE WEDNESDAY-THUBSDAY, April 24-25 And Then There Were None Barry . Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, Louis Hay ward, June Duprez, Roland Young, C. Aub rey Smith, Judith Anderson, Mischa Auer Agatha Christie's play "Ten Little Indians" reaches the screen in all its baffling mystery. GIVE TO FIGHT MiiM Hot Water Heaters We have received a shipment of Genuine Ford Hot Water Heaters and Defrosters for your car or truck. Phone us for an appointment to have one installed. Rose wall Motor Company Your FORD Dealer BiiinaiiiiiiijiiHiJiiiiihuniii'wiiHiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii imiimimmiiij ijiiniiH