1 0 Heppner Gazette Times, April 18, 1946 Irrigon News Notes By UBS. J. A. SHOUW Mrs. Vernon Jones is home from the Pendleton hospital. The Dexters have their house stuccoed. Mr. and Mrs Russell Falkgrecn of Pendleton visited the B. P. Rands Sunday. Mrs. Carl Haddox, Mrs. H. W. Grim, Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Virgil Sparks went to La Grande Saturday. to the Pendleton hospital Tuesday Mrs. E. L. Rucker was taken back Mr. Rucker and daughter Iva Joan went up to see her Thursday. David Rand was brought home from the Walla Walla hospital Fri day. He has recovered nicely from an appendectomy. The Assembly of God church is meeting at the Marshall Markham home until the church is ready. Mrs. Minnie Fraser and Clara were Pendleton visitors Thursday. Mrs. Lillian Rutledge, Mrs. Fraser and Maxine went Saturday. Katherine Guerin of Spokane and Pat Guerin of Umatilla visited their mother, Mrs. Wiliam Graybeal and family. Jimmie Guerin went to Pendleton Monday to take his phy sical examination for the navy. Mr. and Mrs. James Shoun of Walla Walla arrived Saturday to visit the J. A. Shouns. They left Sunday leaving little Judy for a longer visit with her grandparents. J. E. McCoy went to Portland Sunday morning to be with his wife who is in a Portland hospital. Her sister, Mrs. Marshall Markham went down Monday morning. Mrs. Denny of Castle Rock is visiting the Sam Umikers. Mr. Um iker is also home for a few days. The Columlia Ijoctric Company The homes of the Stephens, Grandma Ferrill and Chester Wil sons are now wired for electricity. The citizens in the east end of town now have water since the Davis and Shoun pump is installed. Mr. and Mrs. Adren and two children of Redmond spent from Saturday until Monday with their parents, the H. W. Grims and C. W. Acocks. Mr. . and Mrs. Henry Miller and two daughters, Eunice and Shirley have moved to the F. C. Aldrteh place. They have been living on the O'Brien place. Sgt. Glen O'Brien is to move on to it soon. He was discharged from the army Friday. Mrs. O'Brien and son are with him. They are to spend a few days at Menlo, Wash. Then home to the farm. The Dan Hieberts of Cottage Grove are moving up this week. They brought one oad of furniture Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hiebert have two small daughters. He has his father and two brothers who moved here recently. Ora Thompson, son Ronald and father Carl Thompson and Avery Shoun were Heppner visitors Wed- ' nesday. The Irrigon band had a pre-con-test concert with all of the teach ers and the janitor helping with the preparations. It was well re ceived by a, good crowd of the patrons. The Fire Equipment committee served ice cream and cake after the concert to add to their fund. Supt. Darling took his band to J La Grande Saturday where they i won first in their division. The Jack Brownings, Harvey Warners, the Fred Adams' families ' and Mrs. Turner went to La Grande j for the band concert. They all re turned late Saturday night tired but happy, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith have j moved into the Rucker house. He , is working at PatersOn ferry. LIVE ON" LONG ISLAND . Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shroeder are now residents of Long Island, N. Y. where they have found quarters at .12S 90th St., Jackson Heights. Mr. Shroeder has a position with Am erican Airways and they have been searching for a permanent home since his release from the army four months ago. This information was contained in a letter received from Mrs. Shroeder last week by her mother,- Mrs. Frank Rumble of Heppner. ' Floyd Tolleson, Union Pacific agent at Heppner, received word Monday of the death of his bro ther. George Tolleson, at Jackson ville. Ala. Deceased was an lder brother of the local man and had been ill for many months. Lexington Items By MBS. MARY EDWABDS Some little excitement was creat ed in Lexington Monday when the hangar at the airport caught fire end was totally destroyed. The new Aeronca plane that was used as a trainer plane was also burned. They had just recently been insur ed. While the hangar fire was in progress a trash fire in the alley back of the Carmichael residence in some way set fire to their ga rage and partially burned an old truck parked close by. In fighting this fire Ed Grant suffered a badly sprained ankle. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Majeske were business visitors in Pendleton Wed nesday. The following teachers have been given contracts for the coming school year: William Ludwig, sup erintendent, Mrs. Beth Cherry, high school, Mrs. Ethel Ludwig, eighth grade,' Mrs. Delsie Chapel, fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. Verl Frederickson, third and fourth and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, first and second grades. Miss Doris Scott of Portland is visiting friends and relatives here this week.. at the A. M. Edwards home last C. H. Garfield spent several days week. E. S. Burnside is at Ritter where he is seeking relief for an infected leg. Mrs June SchoOnOver and in fant son, Roger Alan, have returned home from the Corda Saling ma ternity home. Leonard Munkers left Wednesday for Bremerton where he will soon receive his discharge from the navy. Vernon Munkers has returned home from the hospital in Pendle ton where he was taken two weeks ago for an emergency appendec tomy. E. J. Evans was taken to Portland by his son-in-law, Steven Thomp son last Sunday. He was quite sick and it was thought he might have to undergo an operation. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. A Jeep On Display Now accepting orders for early delivery CHUCICS Sal es an d Se rvice Ijl S Ac Hams to Bake While They Last Baked Ham adds that special something so desired with your Eas ter dinner Order Today In Our Grocery Department:: you will find Fresh Vegetables all that are obtainable. A complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries . . . Milk and Cream. Locker Service Is Our Specialty Shop and Save the Burkenbine Way Heppner Market S Lockers Coleman Automatic Oil Water Heater America's leading manufacturer of home appliances that use petroleum products as fuel. Hot Water Without Work! whether you live in city, town or country. Yet it costs so little to enjoy this new luxury of Pleasant er Living. Three models supply all hot water needs Sample on Display Place Your Order Now Case Furniture Co.