8 Heppner Gazette Times, April 11, 1946 P-TA ENJOY WELL PLANNED PROGRAM Mrs. Tress McCintock, vice pres ident of Heppner P.-T.A. presided at the April meeting held Wednes day night April 10, at the school house. Supt. George Corwin led the group in the flag salute, after which they sang "God Bless America" and "Home on the Range" with Everett Smith leading and Miss Rose Hoosier at the piano. Mrs. James Thomson, Jr., chair man of the program committee .presented Mrs. Harold Cohn, Girl Scout leader, who in turn presented the Girl Scouts Troop No. II. They delighted the audience with a ser ies of folk dances, "The Cobbler", "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Ace of Diamonds," and the "Virginia Reel." Eleanor Rice and Terry Thompson played two piano numbers, "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" by Strauss and "Under the Mistletoe" by En- Dr. R. C. Lawrence gave a talk on England, his impressions 01 tne country and the people. Dr. Law rence spent many months during the war with a hospital unit 'n England and Wales and had many interesting exper'eces to recount. At the business meeting the re port of the nominating committee was read and an unanimous ballot was cast for the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Tress McCintock, president; Mrs. Orville Smith, vice president; Mrs. Jack Couture, secretary; Mrs. Harold Becket, treasurer. Mrs. Edna Turner's room won the half holiday for most parents present. Refreshments were served in the lunch room by Mrs. Claud Graham and Mrs. Robert Grabill. MEETING CANCELLED There will be no meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal church Friday afternoon according to announcement by the president, Mrs. Frank Wilkinson. m SURPRISE ELEMENT Continued tram First Pace Sherman county. Oregon holds top spot in E bond sales throughout the war and Sherman county led all other counties in the United States. Secretary ' George Corwin ; was instructed to write a letter of Jack O'Connor reported progress in the move to put the. swim tank building in shape for use as a re creational center. Frank Davis was introduced as a new member of the club. He is the new manager of the' Heppner branch of fhe Tum-A-Lum Lumber company and comes from Milton. Guests introduced included Mr. Ferguson of the soil conservation and LeVon Dunford, forest engi neer with the Kinzua Pine Mills company. GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: Many inquiries have come in as to where the editor of this column gets his literary abil ity. So as to settle that question for all time, the editor wishes to state that he comes from a literary family. His sister writes shorthand, his brother writes insurance, and his wife writes checks. We are like t'e guy who just itched to wiUe and has been scratching for a living ever since. We did get a dollar a word once. We talked back to the judge. From that experience we learned tnat the day of the court jester is passed. Someone suggested that we should get a nOm de plume. You know what that is It's an. author's write name. THERE'S ONE RIGHT PRO DUCT TO GET WHEN IT'S A MATTER OF BATTERIES and THAT'S OUR AUTO-LITE, GOODYEAR, AND WILLARD We get enthused about it, but so do our customers, Richfield Service Heppner, Oregon Phone 1212 Night Phone 2232 " Come On In . . . Mr. Bunnie invites you to look over our Easter offerings GIFTS for Young and Old Easter Candles Easter Toys Easter Cards Easter Candy Tuya Sets for Her New Vibrant Makeup . . Coty The right combination for the Easter Pa rade is Bachelor's Carnation in Lip Stick and Nail Polish Things the men are interested in Metal Humidors and Pipes Tobacco Pouches Things that hold Feminine interest Attractive line of new Compacts New party lines Standard Vets Stationery Novelty Note Stationery Saagers Pharmacy 4 STAR El REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the lagal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. AH children occupying scats must have tickets FBIDAY-SATTTBDAY, April 12-13 Along !ho Navajo Trail Boy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans, Esto lita Rodriguez, Douglas Powley Homespun mnio with action for the action fans and romance for the romantic. The title song sung by Rogers and "Cool Water" by Bob No lan and Soiu of the Pioneers are extremely effective. PLUS Radio Stars on Parade Wally Brown, Prances Langford, Alan Carney, Skinnay Ennis and Band, Don Wilson, Tony Romano the Town Crier, The Harmonica Trio Truth and Consequences with Balph Edwards &Co. A t ig laugh, love and listen show. SUNDAY-MONDAY, April 14-15 The Harvey Girls Judy Garland, John Hodiak, Ray Bolger, An. gela Lansbury, Preston Foster, Virginia O' Brien, Kenny Baker, Marjorie Main, Chill Wills A fast, funny, tuneful trainrtde to the Wild West TUESDAY, April 16 - It All Came True Humphrey Bogart, Ann Sheridan, Jeffrey Lynn, Zasu Pitts, Tina O'Connor, John Litel, Grant Mitcholl. A rerelease based on a Louis Brom fieid story. Also AMERICA THE BEAUTI FUL, a Technicolor tour of the U. S, from At lantic to Pacific, from Mexico to Caiada, feat uring mountains, lakes smd rivers . . . agricul ture and industry . . . national parks and na tural beauties; and all the color and excitement of the big top In CIRCUS PAND. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, April 17-13 Dakota John Wayne, Vera Hrnba Balston, Walter Bren nan, Ward Bond, Ona Munson The struggle for the wheat lands of Dakota make a rough and ready drama of the Amer ican Frontier. We Are Still Serving ICE CREAM Good, too at the same popular corner. Whether it is a soda, a sundae, dish or cone, it will give you that needed lift, at any time, the ex tra tide - over before lunch, the afternoon pick-me-up. It's Just Naturally Good Scottys Supercreme r- 11 1 1 a., r . I ... Stays , Whiter Longer H0USEPAlNT . ?ire$fMi6 MUE PAINT Gallon The paint of lasting beauty! Contain ZitMtoi Woride which gives it uniform, lasting and brilliant whiteness. Two coats do tlie work of three 1 FIVE-GALLON CAN 1555 GALLON Ol USA A xn UOLLLKl PAIXTE1I mid WALL-TONE THAY AH Three 2.7fl Wall-Tone goes on like magic. Just mix with water, pour in the handy tray and roll it on. Mr.ny lovely suaaes. 0OVEH WWTf Reg. 3.78 Ve m J' Hy : Rosewall Motor Co. Your Firestone Dealer