Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 11, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 1 1 , 1946
Mrs. Echo Palmateei
A Women's Missionary council
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Waddell and
daughters Patty and Gale of The
Dalles spent the week-end at the
Gordon White home. Mrs. Waddell
A Women s Missionary councu ' -
of the Assembly of God church was and Mrs White are sisters.
i-roA with Mrs. R. L. Cassel
man as president and Miss Mary
Barnett as secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Harriet Lundell is visiting
in Los Angeles.
Donald Wetmore, who has been
discharged from the navy recently
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Donald
Heliker. His home is in The Dalles.
George Carcoff is having his
bniiQp minted.
Mrs. Ray Barnett and daughter
Mary. Mrs. R. L. Casselman and
Mrs. Fred Buchanan attended the
bridal shower for Miss Georgia
Pickering at Heppner Monday ater
noon. Mrs. R. L. Casselman is leaving
Tuesday for Portland to spend sev
eral days.
Guests at the Ida GrabUl home
over the week-end were Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Hale, Mrs. Cynthia
Cochran and Mrs. John NWaly
(formerly Pearl Cason), all of Ya
kima. Mrs. GrabUl is a sister of
Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Cochran. They
with Mrs. GrabUl and the Everett
Keithley family spent Sunday at
Lone Rock with another sister,
Mrs. Carrie Cason.
.Tampa Rarnptt. of the U. S. naW
left Sunday for Farragut and James
Doherty of the U. S. army will go
to Fort Lewis Tuesday.
Funeral services for Frand E.
Wood were held Thursday, April
4 at the Baptist church with Rev.
Joe Stevens officiating. Mr. Wood
was the son of Albert L and Sarah
A Wood and was bom at Colfax
Wash. Feb. 5, 1883. He came to
this country when a small child
and lived here 'ever since. He
died April 1 at the Hermiston hos
pital where he was a patient for
one year. He is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Lana Padberg and
Mrs. John Bryson and one brother,
H. C. Wood of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and
children Francine and Fayne, and
Gwen Coleman and Arthur War
ren spent the week-end in Port
land. Wm. Ludwig high school instruc
tor and coach, spent last week-end
in Portand where he consulted a
E. Day, depot agent, is On his
vacation and Mr. Fisher is taking
his place.
Rev. Everett Cole of Portland
delivered the morning sermon at
the Cooperative church last Sunday
and will be here the next two
The Maranatha society will meet
at the home of Mrs. Wallace Matt
hews Saturday, April 13.
lone defeated Umatilla in a base
ball game here Thursday April 4
with a score 10-9.
Wm. Seehaer has been in St. An
hncmital in Pendleton the
mvAi.y 0 . up-.
past week. He has been suffering
from a siege Qf boils. He will go
to Portland for further treatment.
tut- onfl Mro Trov Turner and
ATX J. . M"
daughter of Portland are visiting
Mrc AHHip Salter returned to
Tsvi-rn TTvi'rl ar ovarii n (7 after standing
the winter visiting in Washington
and California.
TVio nirthdav club met at the
home of Mrs. Walter Corley Friday
afternoon April 5. Mrs. Ida Cole
man onH Mrs Lewis Ball were the
Virvnm-rl oiiosts and received lovely
gifts. Birthday cake and ice cream
were served by the hostesses Mrs.
Corlev. Mrs. Wiliam Seehafer and
Mra V. TVT Raker.
Jimmv Botts Jr. arrived in lone
1 'i l- f junnlr from Sun Rav Texas. He
is staying with his grandmother.
Mrs Charles BOtts.
Mr. nn.fl Mrs. H O. Elv and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ely of Morgan left
Friday morning for Spokane where
tliov will visit lor a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely spent
in Salem where they
attended the wedding of Mrs. Ely's
sister, Sunday.
Several from here attended Po
mona at the Rhea creek grange
Safiirdnv. Anril 6
Robert Hoskins of file U. S. army
15 Hav furlouch. He
expects to receive his honorable
discharge soon.
Miss Grace Gadeken. home de
monstrator, will hold a meeting at
thf Con trre national parlors lues
day afternoon, 1:30 p. m., subject,
color selection. Those attending
nlpnsp brine sandwiches.
Frprf and Lila Silvers of Hermis
ton are .conducting skating at the
American legion hall several nights
a week. Mr. and Mrs. b'evers are
nrnfpssinnal skaters
A firms was in town Monday
night which was much enjoyed by
iVi hilHvpn and a number of older
people. There were trained monkeys
and a dog. Also several species of
John Bristow. 7th grade and Lola
Ann McCabe, 8th grade were
the snelline contest at Lexington
' Mrs. Ada Cannon spent a iew
days last week in Heppner caring
for the Herbison children while
Mr. and Mrs. Herbison were at
tending a convention in Salem.
Easter wouldn't be Easter without a
tantalizing luscious box of our Choc
olate delicacies . . . Whitman's . . .
Gales . . Johnston's . . Brown r Haley
one of those charming
Easter baskets
of candy for the children
Humphreys Drug Co.
$400 000,000 construction program
under way on the Pacific Coast
During the next five years, a four hundred million dollar
construction program is planned to improve and expand
telephone service on the Pacific Coast.
This program is already under way and is going ahead
In 1946 alone, more than 70 building projects, installa
tion of eight billion feet of wire in exchange cable and
construction of 200,000 miles of toll and long distance
circuits are expected to be completed. Work will be started
on the Western part of a nation-wide coaxial cable net
work for long distance and television transmission, and
in the next few years many new services and improve
ments will be introduced.
For it is our purpose to grow with the West and to helf
the West grow to provide an ever-widening, ever-in
proving telephone service.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
West Willow Street-Telephone Heppner 5
to their '
Trentwoods! Herring
bones, overplaids. 14-18
100 wool, in camel
and overplaids. 10-20.
8.90 9.19
" Of gabardine or rugged
' bedford cord! 10-20.
Single breasted, in
spring pastels. 7-14.
4.98 6.90
Full skirted, daintily
"bf v trimmed cottons. 7-14.
i J '' 298
1 1 TSssi
Spring-Fresh Coor in
DRESS SHIRTS Neat, crisp white broadcloth shirts
(with the non-wilt Nu-Craft collar attached, and hand
some solid-color shirts in soft shades of blue, tan,
'cream, gray and green. And they're Sanforized1 and
jat dyed I
you, patterned to suit your
taste! In wanted whites,
with Nu-Craft collar. 33"
TIES Smart Towncraftneck
wear! Hand-paints, foulardsd
and prints.
.tShrinkage does not exceed ,
Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
monkeys and a small bear were