i Heppner Gazette Times, April 4, 19463 CHURCHES IIETCNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor ' Bible School 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Midweek service Thursday ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. fn. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd amd 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a.m. First Fri day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. in- Mass st 9 a. m. or fifth Sunday in Heppner onlv. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Shelby Graves Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning service 11 a. m, Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Young people's service Tuesday 7.-30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday 7:45 p. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Y. P. F. 6:30 p. m. Bible study on the Holy Spirit 8 p. m. Wednesdays Holy Communion 10 a. m. FIRST METHODlsf CHURCH 1 Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday, April 7, "I have a rendez vous with Duty." Sunday, April 14, "I have a ren dezvous with Destiny." Monday, April 15, "I have a ren dezvous with Decision." Tuesday, "I have a rendezvous with Truth," Wednesday, "I have a rendezvous with Death." Thursday, Hoy Com munion. Friday, a lecture "The Robe" based On the book by Lloiyd Douglas. Easter Sunday, April 21, "I have rendezvous with Life." The pub lic is cordially invited to all ser vices. ASSEMBLY OF GOD IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa- dors 8 p. m. FLY TO MINNEAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. John Hanan left by plane from Pendleton Monday for Minneapolis where they will spend a. week or so looking" for equip ment for the Heppner Cleaners and Dyers. They expect to be gone 10 days. -In their absence Mr. Hanan's mother is in charge of the local plant, coming from her home at Bremerton for that purpose. MONGOLIANS RELEASED An allotment of 400 Mongolian pheasants was released in Morrow county Saturday by the state game commission. The birds came from the game farm at Herm'ston and were released to Heppner by Knox Alexander. Lexington Items Bv T"o.S. MARY EDWARDS Joe TV"v rrived home Thursday from Brc nertm where he recent -l r received his discharge from the navy. Lyle Allyn drove to Portland last Friday. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. George Alyn, who visited her niece, Mrs. Chilson at Latourell Falls, over the week-end. Kenneth and Marcella Jackson left Sunday to return to , their school at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan and family drove to Portland Sun day wher.e they tried their hand at smelt fishing. They came home with a few but report that there were so many people fishing that it was Hard to get many. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner and family of Portland were week-end visitors at the H. E. Warner home. They were accompanied to Port-, land by Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Car rie McMillan who has been visiting at the Warner home. . Lester Billingsley, who' has been making his home with the Ed Grant iamily, left Monday for California. 9 VISITING MOTHER Lawrence Beach was a Heppner visitor Tuesday, coming up from Lexington where he is spending a few weeks with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Beach. Lawrence arrived Sat urday from Springvale, Utah where he has been located for several years. forest ana Kange .. 1 paui Pheian is home on 30-dav The final -measurement at North lffve h'ch JTe k Trv nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Jones Snow Course was made last Phelan Paul experts cnmvUe week by Ranger Jorgensen and As- I six-year hitch in the navy in June. s'stant Kanger .Parsons. in aver age snow depth ws H.2 inches and MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED County Clerk C. W. Barlow is sued a marriage license Wednes day morning to Alex John Hunt of Lexington and Ottilie Newberg of lone. II iMWtlltltHI H II H INIUtM I H IUIM IMHIHIt 1 1 1 (NMIMHIItl 1 1 1 HilMIIHIItlllllllMIII HOME FOR GOOD Cpl. Dick Wilkinson has returned home to stay, having received his discharge March 29. Dick spent six months in o erseas service, being stationed at Honolulu. He has gone to work at the Wilkinson ranch, re lieving the help situation which has been a real worry the past two or three years. the average -'at.v content of the snow was 15.5 inches. The average for the past dozen years for the March measurement of this course,' is 26.4 inches of sno and 9.5 inches of water content. All indications point to an exceptionally good wa ter supply from the mountains this year. (Note: Does this make the fishing better?) Ninety-five deer were counted in Johnson creek just below the edge of the timber. All the deer were seen in an area of about two square miles. Charles Waldron from Pendleton and Ellis Carson count river on their trip last week. They ed 250 deer north of the John Day also found ten dead deer that died of starvation. There isn't enough winter feed for the deer population in that area. Something new in looking over timber and logging chances. Or ville Smith flew with Jack For sythe over some timber land south of Heppner in which he is inter ested. Coming back Jack had to fly around by Pilot Rick to circle a storm cloud which was hanging over Heppner. Bert Bleakman has returned to work for the forest service and is getting fire tools ready for the coming fire season. apt AUXHJARY MEETING Mrs. Richard Wells will be hos tess to the American ' Legion auxil 'ary at her home Tuesday evening, April 9. The meeting opens at 8. SPENDS DAY HERE Frank Beaudoin, old time resi dent of Wallowa county, was a Heppner visitor Monday. He ac companied his son-in-law, Robert Forsythe, here from Goldendale Monday morning and planned to go from here to the Tony Vey ranch to visit a brother. Mr. Beaudoin's father, the late Peter Beaudoin of Joseph was at one time called the sheep king of Oregon. !! iniiiiiiMMiiim iinimiiiimiMiiiiii IIIMillllliljllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli'!tlllllllltllMlllllllillllllillllllMlllillllllMIHIII iiimiMimnimimiiiiiiiniiiiii I o- j fandUtaa I Place Your Easter Hot Cross Buns . Order NOW! so we will know how many to make. We have our sweqt breads for sale by the dozen regularly, but cannot fill commercial or ders. We also have cakes for Easter orders. . Heppner Bakery it Willard and Goodyear Batteries For all Cars and Trucks BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon A L mm A Bachelor's Carnation ' by Revlon Perfumes and Colognes by DOROTHY GREY Costume Jewelry Stationery : Figurines 'mmm Saager's Pharmacy litntiiriitiHlmni (IM(llltltll(IIIIIMHIII1lll'tlltlltlltMltlM.I''titltitlimlllllMIHHHIHII11MI1lllvmillllH lltltimilllMllllllimulllllllltimilllttlimiHIimmilt immimum miilHtlimiiinint ii IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIItMHItlimUlfc iiiiiiiiiiiitDiiiitiiiHiiiiiiitnii WEEK END SPECIAL FLOWERING SHRUBS: Quince Mock Orange Spyria Deutzia CLIMBING ROSES: Paul's Scarlet Blaze BUSH ROSES: Christopher Stone Ami Quinard $1.10 each Althea Butterfly Bush Weigela Talisman Mrs. E. P. Thorn Talisman Padre 6 for $6.00 Begonias (regularly 35c) Liliee (regularly 75c) 4 for $1.00 4 for $2.25 Get your GLADIOLA bulbs while my selection is still complete. RACHEL DICK : Florist Phone 2502 Sau 3k mk J OUJEX