6 Heppner Gazette Times, March 28, 1946 price reasonable. See Anna Mc Namee. 101 Chase St. l-2p FOR SALE 3 milk cows; 1 work horse 7 years old, weight about 17C0. J. E. Craber, Hardman. l-3p Irrigon News Notes "b MRS. J. A. SHOOT! Rev. Georce Warner and brother, W'-liam Warner and Mr. and Mrs. thev have been visiting relatives. ! COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS spent some time in Irrigon Monday ! FOR FEBRUARY. 1946 and Tuesday taking pictures and I The minutes of the January term showing those they had taken ofWere read and approved. aiiirnia, tre;on anu was"iiiK- m Uie maur.r 01 uie peimiaaiun for Chicago ten. They started Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rand went to Milton Tuesday. Russell Fahlgreen went to Pen dleton Thursday. James Shoun of Walla Walla was in Irr'gon a short time Saturday. Miss Ella Mae Grim returned to Eastern Oregon Colege of Education at La Grande Monday. She had the H. W. Grims, and other rela spent a few days with her parents tives and friends. Lt and Mrs. Glen Poulson of Phoenix, Ariz., spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. James Phillips and family. They went on to Salt Lake where Lt. Glen who is in the a'r force is to go on to Europe. Mrs. Poulson will stay with her parents in Cedar Rapids, Iowa while he is gone. Mrs. Arthur Edwards got home from the Pendleton hospital Sat urday after an appendicitis opera- tinn ' Vernon Stewart of Island Citv is ' fKiiHrn's Farm Home spending the spring vacation with Juvenile Court relatives in Irrigon. ,A. E. Simmons, Treasurer E. S. Pelton and Rollo Otterstrom I Ore. Dist. Atty Assoc. were Heppner visitors Monday. Dist Attorney Dan Heibert of Roseburg is the Margaret Gillis, Co Nurse third Herbert iamUy to buy iarms Jackson Imple. Co 41.85 Wm. Harrison 149-83 Heppner Hardware & Elec Co .50 Jack Allen Supply Co 134.95 First National Bank of Port land Hepner Lumber Co Paul Bunyan Co WARRANTS DRAWN ON MISCELLANEOUS FUND 14.15, Joseph Baltrenas, Rod. Con 25.00 300.06 Carl McDaniel Rod Con 25.00 K. R. O. Co, Rod Con 12 00 ' Maude Henderson Dog Fund 21.00 Sherman J. Frank Oregon Motor Service Union Oil Co. E. F. Pierson Industrial Air Products a rural fire protection , Braden Tractor & Equip Co to form The Court orders that a hearing be held at 10:30 a. m., Thursday, February 28 1946 for the purpose of forming an Irrigon Rural Fire Pro tection district and also orders the Clerk to publish notice of hearing for two consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times. The Court orders dance hall li cense issued to Willows Grange No. 672, Lexington I, O. O. F. No. 168 and the I. O. O. F.. Lodge No. 82 for the year 1946. WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes, Dep Sal. Frances Mtchell, Dep Sal, Adell Forster, Dep Sal. Marie Barlow, Dep Sal Sadie Parish. Supt Asst Tilman Hogue, janitor, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. Sal Susie W. Miller. Cir Court Bert Johnson, Judge, Gener al Assistance Heppner Garage Columbia Equipment' Co Rosewall Motor Co Hodge Chevrolet Co Nelson Equipment Co Standard Oil Co City of Heppner Water Howard Cooper Cor Gamble Store Dealer Feenaughty Mach Co Pac Power & Light Co E. R. Lundell p State Indus Acrid Comm $ 123.60 139.89 111.40 123.60 51.90 111.30 25.00 33.33 73.04 near Irrigon. He is near the spill way on trie Columbia river. Mrs. Audra White, the mail car rier since her husband Gerald White went into the service, com pleted her run Tuesday. Mrs. Floyd Jackson began Wednesday and will carry it for a month. Then Mr. White will take it over. He has been gone nearly four years and is due home today. Bill and Ernest Abken of Kenne wick spent Tuesday with their brother and family. They came by motorcycle. Rev. Ralph DeBoer went to Pen- I dleton Sunday to preach in the As sembly of God church. He returned Monday. Mrs. Walter Dodge is ill . at her home. Miss Rowena Allen, daughter of Mrs. H. W. Grim and Mr. Orin Hadsell of Portland were married at a beautiful candlelight service in a Portland church before a large group of relatives and friends at 8 o'clock Friday evening. A recep tion followed. The bride was reared and educated in Irrigon and has been working in Portland. The groom is a returned . veteran from the Philippines. They are taking a two-weeks honeymoon trip follow ing which they will reside in Port land where they have their own home. Billy Allen, Sic, stationed at Til lamook, came uo to his s'ster Ro- wena's weddine. came On home Saturday and back to bis base Sunday, i Opportunity of life time supplying DDT and other profitable prod ucts to farmers in Morrow county, Must have auto and good refer No pxneriecne or capital reauired ences. Permanent. Write or wire McNess Co. Dept D. 2423 Magno lia St. Oakland 7. Calif. P 1-2 5.00 6.00 10.00 146.70 10.00 County Clerk's Assoc., Clerk Pac. Power & Light Co. Court House Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co nail Lucy E. Rodgers Supt. $6.50; Supt. Mileage $36.20 J K. Gill, Co. Supt P. W. Mahoney, Dist Atty Mahoney & Co, bonds State Dept of Agriculture District Sealer Gazette Times, offic pub. 48.20: Hountv Ct. $8 95: Supt 0.25 ' 57.40 P. A. Mollahan, Sheriff Hepner Market, iail Pac Tel & Tel Co. Current Expense Pac Stationery & Printing Co. Clerk 7.68; Justice Ct $2.64 Central Market, iail Bert Johnson, County Court L. D. Neill, County Court J. G. Barratt, County Court First Natl Bank of Portland Withholding Tax State Ind. Accid Commiss $3 04; Sher Sal 0.31; Dep Sal $0.31 Bert Johnson. ' Judge, Old Age Assist $520.80; Dep. Uni dren $44.00; Blind Assis $11.40 Mare Barlow, Dep Assess Bert Johnson, Juvenile Ct Bert Johnson, County Ct WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND Lyle H. Mulkey have several loads, of barnyard manure anyone can have for tne hauling. F. L. Meek, former Har ry Nelson place, Heppner. l-2p FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms, 131.00 i 18.10 .89 53.70 6.50 61.83 24.94 114.46 553 58 56.92 111.31 72.00 30.00 2.50 15.47 46.80 61.19 4.78 262.50 84.30 wi mu u t tii i tu hu mill ' m 23.79 1.40 42.70 81.55 10.00 25.00 6.15 37.80 14.29 57.58 10.32 13.31 15.15 23.25 28.72 169.38 3.66 576.20 86.80 1.10 2.75 at featured on the "Rexall Drug I Radio Show" (tarring Durante f and Moore. CBS coast-to-caait I n.Frid0Y"1iu RAZOR BLABESy H When You Buy Reg. 29c Tube of Stag JZfJj I J Coolated Sf"'"' """ I I (SHAVE (Both foXI I (cream 29y ( mart in iif ta iii i 'i" I Earl Isom M. V. Nolan E. A. Keyyp Chas. Williams Frank Nixon A. J. Chaffee Hubert Wilson Walter Gilman Austin Wilson Robert Taylor Harold Wilson Simpson Holley Jack Slocum Norman Griffn Leonard Lindbloom Harold Sherer W. Cunningham 116.09 14.97 166.65 193.54 100.86 29.85 183.53 57.20 156.31 156.77 106.53 146.56 123.40 137.93 76.89 111.84 249.73 191.43 A full College Course for yoo I! SllPEUSES P Here's important news for youn; men 18 and over (17 with par ents' consent). Under the GI Bill of Rights, if you enlist in the U. S. Army before October 6, 1916, for 3 years, upon your dis charge you will be entitled to 48 months of college, trade or busi ness school education. Tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year will be paid. And you will receive $65 monthly living al lowance $90 if you are mar ried. Get the facts at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. Rexall Puretest 'Aspirin Tablets Dissolve almost instantly in water to bring you quick reiiet trom coia discomforts. M IIUMl'llKISVS DRUG CO. THk DRUG ST0RI u.s.MT!r: j- Non-marking soles Full-breathing uppers) Pull-proof eyelets Keds Scientific Last Smooth inside toe con struction and Up For the first time itncrwerr broke out genuine "U. $.' Keds are available again The Keds label appears on; every shoe. Rememberall1 genuine 'U!'$." Keds are! washable they can be kept clean with plain soap? 'and water. WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR Learn io Fly in the New Aeronca Champion b"--hSMW''"i'i'i HIIHlHtTOlMi i&Bbm. . Call Lexington 37F3 or Heppner 1042 for appointments FORSYTH E FLYING SERVICE ii!niimmiiMiNiimiiiiiitiiflnmHmiHmmi METAL WEATHER STRIPS Rock Wool Insulation Insect Screens The fuel shortage is still on SAVE UP TO 35 KEEPS OUT DUST, SOOT, SNOW REDUCE summer temperatures Call R. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner FOR FREE ESTIMATE Chamberlain Company of America 1226 S. W. Star,k St. Portland, Ore. Special Truck Service We have the equipment and the labor to do the work on your trucks. Prompt and reliable service guaranteed at fair prices. FOR SALE Late model Dodge motor, recon ditioned and in Al shape. Keithley Automotive Repair Independent Garage Building lone, Ore. i is' m OTYLED FDR THE NEW FUTURE FOR MAXIMUM COMFORT Authorized Dealer for Sleep Master Line Sofa Beds and Mattresses , Davenport Sets Spring Rockers Case Furniture Company 306 Post Office Building Pendleton, Ore.