8 Heppner Gazette Times, March 21, 1946 CLUB LEADERS ATTENDING CONFERENCE AT EOCE Miss Grace Gadeken, accompanied by six 4-H club leaders of the county, will go to La Grande Friday morning for a two-day conference at Eastern Oregon College of Edu cation. The meeting will be under direction of the Oregon State col lege extension service and state or ganization of local 4-H club eaders and will be held in the auditorium of the administration building. Heppner will be reprsented by Mrs. Harold Becket, Mrs. E. 0. Ferguson and Mrs. A. D. Moore; Mrs. Lonnie Henderson, Lexington, Mrs. L. A. McCabe, lone and Miss Pat Markham, Irrigon make up Miss Gadeken's party from this county. 'SA SMALL WORLD Continued from First Page ton. Tl see that you get out right away." Jim boarded a plane headed for Chicago. Arriving there the only army plane heading in a westerly direction was one going to Albu querque or some other port in New Mexico, but the Heppnr lad figured that while it was going a long ways south it also was going farther west than Chicago, so off he went for New Mexico. Again he made connections and next found him- FOR SALE Simmons Slumber King bed springs. Two mattresses, old metal beds, kitchen stove as is, metal canopy 4'xlO' suitable for cafe, metals, odds and ends. Hotel Heppner, Phone 23. 52c self in San Francisco. He had to) dig up about $10 for passage by rail to Portland where the family met him, and here he is, orienting himself to civilian life with the prospect of being a civilian for good by June 1. Meeting a former basketball enemy in the nation's capital convinced him that it"s a small world after all. IONE (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Milton Haug and family left for Condon to make their home. They have been liv living in their trailer house in the grove here for some time. Ted Peterson spent the week-end In Portland. The KEC of Willows grange had an all-day meeting with potluck at noon at the home of Mrs. Ed Buschke Friday. There was a large turn-out. Rev. Shirlee of The Dalles de livered the morning sermon at the Church of lone Co-operative, Sun day. Rev. Paul A. Davies of Port land will hold services next Sun day. There will be a potluck fel lowship dinner at noon, and they made many friends here, cookies and punch were served from a table decorated with green candles. Mrs. Anne Smouse poured the punch. The Seniors gave a St. Patrick's day dinner at the school gym Sun day. They served over 100 people. The proceeds will go toward fi nancing a skip-day trip. The grangers of Willows grange will practice for Initiation Sunday afternoon, March 24. All taking part are urged to attend. Lloyd Morgan was injured Fri day evening when the wheel of a plow ran Over his leg. Several bones were broken, stitches were necessary but no Gel Rae was taken to the hospi tal in Pendleton Friday to receive treatment for an infection in his arm. The lone P.-T- A. gave a formal dance in the school gym Friday night in honor of the high school pupils and their parents. The place was attractive with St. Patrick de corations. Lunch of sandwiches, Fire originating in a brooder house at the Waite Crawford farm about four o'clock Tuesday morn ing of last week burned the brood er house and 100 baby chicks, hen house with four dozen laying hens, a barn and a straw stack. A calf was burned up in the barn. C. G. Henderson of Bremerton Wash, is building" a new house for E. M. Baker. Mr. Henderson is Mrs. Baker's father. James Doherty of the U. S. army is spending a 30-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Do herty. He has been at Camp Cook, Calif. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 6, 1946, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 23 and 24 in Block 8, in the City of Boardman, for the minimum price of $60.00, cash Lot 1 in Block 3, Ayers 3rd Addition to the City of Hepp ner for the minimum price of $25.00, cash., Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in Block 1 and Tract number 149, Brown's Addition to the City of Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, for the minmum price of $75.00 " cash. THEREFORE I will on the 20th day of April, 1946 at the hour of 10:00 a. m., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon Bv FRANCES MITCHELL 1 52-4 Deputy GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: One of Our custom ers remarked that in some parts of India a man doesn't know his wife until after he's married her. But why single out India? In China it is reported that a man can get a wife for five dollars, but then a good wife should be worth that mucn. While we are discussing marital situations over the globe, a maga zine states that in Persia a wife is required to know how to comb wool for her husband. " In this country, they just pull it over his eyes. Some folks prefer to stay single oters prefer to knot. i Our neighbor says he heard 'of one marriage that reminded him of a house. She was paint ed and he was plastered. We would like to remind you that now is a good time to buy Auto-lite Goodyear or WUlard Batteries. Come in and see us about it any time. Richfield Service Heppner, Oregon Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232 P.M. vw l ... 0T" aS J ism ; ;':::y ::; mm Mi1 wi' X'cople tell us: That'a really a miracle shampoo. Leave's hair clean, fresh and ready for any style. Easy to use. A jar $ o 0 lasts and lasts. ... JL Saager's Pharmacy 6w ww MmnKm&j 33 " " "" ' - rr'i. mm ltyi'l. -mr ARUOr ScJuj Phone 492 Pendleton J STAR an REPORTER Show Starts at 7:3a Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions fcpply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program' Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. All children occupying seats must have tickets Friday-Saturday, March 22-23 Scotland Yard Investigator Sir Aubrey Smith, Erich Von Stroheim, Ste phanie Bachelor Experienced performers lift this mystery story to better-than-average quality. PLUS Lost Trail Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hat ton, Jennifer Holt A western with flying fists and sizzling six shooters. Popeye Cartoon in Techniclor. Sunday-Monday, March 24-25 Duffy's Tavern Ed Gardner, Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, Paulette Goddard, Alan Ladd, Dorothy Lamour, the Duffy's Tavern Cast and many other great stars Leave us face it . . there isn't anythng fun nier! Radio's demented dispenser of droller ies, Duffy's Tavern Manager "Archie" heads a Milky Way of Stars. Tuesday, March 26 The Young in Heart Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Paulette Goddard, Janet Gaynor, Roland Young, Billie Burke PLUS ' CONEY ISLAND HONEYMOON, a Techni color short with good songs and the exciting fun of Coney Island. Wednesday-Thursday, March 27-28 You Came Along Robert Cummings, Lizabeth Scott, Don DeFore, Charles Drake, Julie Bishop, Kim Hunter, Helen Forrest Four wonderful kids living the great love story of our day. kPkitMtiiej On Hand and Ready for Immediate Delivery GAS ENGINES Fairbanks Morse 2V2 HP Air Cooed Onan Twin Cylinder 4 HP Air Cooled Fairbanks Morse 6-7 HP Water Cooled IHC 1 Vi to 2V2 HP. Water Cooled CREAM SEPARATORS $105.00 160.00 170.50 77.25 IHC No. 3-S 750 pounds per hour capacity, with stainless steel tinware 119.50 -IHC No. 4-S, 1000 pounds capacity 129.50 CHAIN HOISTS One-ton - 1 Vi-ton Two-ton 27.50 37.50 57.50 OTC Socket Wrench Sets in Metal Box Vi-inch Drive, complete set .... 37.5Q -inch Drive, complete set . . . . 55.00 Fairbanks Morse Platform Scales All Metal Portable Platform Scales . 29.50 1000 pounds capacity Bench Vises, many sizes .... $9.00 and up Jackson Implement Co. LEXINGTON, OREGON