2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 21 1946 IONE NEWS NOTES Mrs. Echo Palmateei Mrs. Ada Cannon has been vis iting in Portland. During her ab sence her sn Pete suffered an at tack of measles. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Victor Rietmann went to The TV11oc MnnHav to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson and to hear the Platoff Don Cossack chorus. Louis Buschke drove to Portland Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Margaret Ann Krebs and Don ald Evans on Monday. Word has been received o" the recent marriage of Orville Buchan an and Lorraine Sherman in Cali fornia. Mr. Buchana is in the army and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Emert of Hoqu'am Wash. Both were for mer students of lone schools. The 4-H club girls met at the home of Mrs. Howard Eubanks Sat urday after noon and gave the fol in,.,;r,rr fnoA demonstrations. Ruby Ann Rietmann, cinnamon rolls; T-rJn An McCabe. custard; Jane Seehafer, cocoa; Joanne Coleman, eggs and Delores Drake, toast. H'e mrthprs wpre nresent also. . A children's travelling library has been received by the Ine pub lic library from te state library. Word has been received of the recent birth of twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie Jr. of Tygh Valley, and of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holmes of Portland. Mrs. Holmes was the former Ellen Rit chie. Both she and Mr. Ritchie are well known here. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson, Carl Troedson and Mr. and Mrs. Lake Beckner visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre at Boardman Sunday. Rodney Wentworth is having a house built on his lot on Third street. His father from California is the carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews entertained the grade school bas ketbal team and their coach, Fran cis Ely, with a turkey banquet at their home Wednesday evening, March 13. Mr. Ely presented each boy with a dollar bill. Those pres ent were Robert Peterson, Gerald Peterson, Jack Ball, Gene Doherty, John Jepson, Ronald Baker, Joel Barnett, Johnny Bristow, Rodger Kincaid, Bill Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, George Ely and j Louis Carlson. I The auxiliary of the American J Legion held a meeting at the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday aUernOon. Nine members were initiated and the following officers were install ed: president, Mrs. Alvin Bunch, first vicp resident. Mrs. Earlene .Peck, second vice president, Mrs. CnrAnn Whitp. speretarv-treasurer. Mrs. Cleo Drake, chaplain, Mrs. Kichard LundelL historian. Mrs. Valjean Clark, sergeant at arms, Mrs. Harry Normoyle. Miss Hilda Lim and Thomas Everson were married at Hepp ner Saturday evening by Rev. Fletcher Forster. Thev were at- 'tended by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Haug. The bride, who wore a blue suit with black accessories' and a gardenia corsage, recently arrived from Minnesota. The groom is tne son of Mrs. Bessie Everson and recently received his discharge from the army. T5 Lowell Clark is now in the Cushing General hospital in Farm ington, Mass. where he is receiv ing treatmnts. Mr. and Mrs. K. Mattews of Roseburg are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews. , Mrs. Hans Paul of Pendleton spent Sunday at the Henry Clark home. Mrs. Wm. Ludwig and her mo ther from Medford and Mrs. Etta Br'stow spent the week-end in Walla Walla. Little Alicia Jean Swales cele hrated her fifth birthday Saturday evening at her home. The following guests were present: Larry Kiet mann. Ernv Drake. Dorothy Dob- Pwnlpi Riithdav cake, ice cream yns, Keith Peck, and Clara Ann and punch were served. Word was received of the death oi Mrs. C. F. Trimble of Port Or ford March 13 due to an automo bile accident. Rev. Trimble held services in lone several years ago .'on tinned m Huge Eight Glad Bulbs No. 1 Size TIP TOP bright red COMMANDER KOEIIL dark red BEACON red with cream throat ROSA VAN LIMA pink BLUE BEAUTY MAID OF ORLEANS white YELLOW EMPEROR MARGARET BEATON white; red throat SHIRLEY TEMPLE cream BERTY SNOW lavender 10c ea.; $1.00 per doz.; 50 for $3.50 Also have some CORONA (cream with pink fringe) No. 2's, 15c ea.; $1.50 doz. SURFSIDE( white and cream) No. l's, 2 for 25c, $1.20 per dozen. I Before planting any Glad j bulbs, soak them three I hours in 1 gallon cool j S water to which has been added Lysol. Vi teaspoonful j imimitiiiMnmm Cameron's Flower Seeds Cameron's Corn, Bean, and Pea Seeds Especially suited for Home Gardening and Quick Freez ing. Vi Lb. Packets 20c Tuberous Begonia and Lily Bulbs Just received a new shipment of house plants. RACHEL DICK SflQ 8 033333 A wheel need lo cut of lino only V," to cut tiro life by 50 II B afo, take advantage of our Wheel alignment service today. (Ill $3.50 ' Here's What We Do: 1 Check toe-in and make necessary adjustments. 2 Inspect, clean and repack front wheel bearings. fj Chock front wheela for balance. V 4 . ALL WOOL... ALL CARDIGAN.. ALL AMERICAN ...j Spring Suits 24-75 29-75 Fine woolens, bright, ly colored, soft te tured. All wool wor-i steds, neutral but dramatic. Cardigan neckline simple it self directs eye in terest'to winged sleeves, tiny waist I '' Hats " fc. " l other peoples!) 1.08 to i.98 1 t Hats to win you a' second glance, hats to highlight your nicest self, hats to make peo pie exclaim. "Isn't she attrac tive !" Hats with spring flow, ers. large-brimmed straws, forward hats, bumpers, cas uals, all are here at Penney, III FEATURES for Saturday March 23 Large White Terry Bath Towel 42c ea. Just the size towel a man likes. 400 Yards HONDO Cotton Prints 33c yd- Yes! Our famous Rondo Prints are back on our shelves. Men's Western Styled Waistband OVERALLS 1.54 Pr Sanforized Shrunk for a good fit. 29" to 38" waist. WO W ! Boys' Bib Style OVERALLS 1.26 Pr Yes! and our popu lar sanforized Bib Mac brand, too. Sizes 4 to 12. The first shipment in a year. For Boys or Girls Blue Denim JEANS 1.37 Pr Sizes 8 to 16 and sanforized shrunk, too, for fit. Your RED CROSS Needs Your Help NOW! Florist ":rr: Rosewall Motor Co. Phone 2502 Your Firestone Dealer i