Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 14, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, March 14, 1946
News Around the Town . . . .
Donald Jones, who recently re
ceived his discharge from the U. S.
army and who is at home in Hep-
Howdy Folks: Heat will allay pain,
in many instances, according to a
doctor's statement, but getting hot
under the collar won"t lessen a
pain in the neck.
On the other hand, sitting
in front of an electric fan is
a good way to blow your top.
Of course, some men are obsessed
with the idea that they can keep
fit by throwing one.
We heard about another
medical theory that claims a
man is shorter at night than
in the morning.
We have never tried this theory
out but we have noticed a tendency
to be short at the end of the month.
There"s a real sound habit to form.
Richfield Service
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 1242 Night Phone 2232
'IIHI parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fergu- who came to our assistance when
pner wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Jones, plans to resume his
studies at the University of Oregon
at the beginning of spring term.
Recent arrival n Hepner is Gary
Galenbeck who came Saturday from
Des Moines, Iowa. He s staying with
the Bert Winters and Marion 01-
on families while hunting employ
ment and plans to locate here.
Dr .and Mrs Bernard McMurdo
have been visiting at the home of
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D.
McMurdo, coming from San Fran
cisco late last week. They were ac
companied by Mrs. Willis Roller of
Palo Alto Calif, who took this opl
portunity to visit for a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Nellie An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Turner and
little daughter, Carol -Ann, came
Friday from Burns to visit his fa
ther, Monroe Turner. Mrs. Nolan
Turner is the former Evelyn Swin-
dig. Mr. Turner is in government
work at Burns where he has been
employed since receiving his dis
Jharge from the army last fall.
Richard and Ernest Howell came
Friday from their homes in Estaca
da and Portland, respectively, and
took their father, Henry Howell,
.back with them. He will make his
home with Richard at Estacada.
E. E. Gonty left Tuesday after
noon for Portland on a business
mission. He was accompanied by his
little daughter, Eleanor, who was
due for a medical check-up. They
returned home today.
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Smith went
to Portland the first of the week
on business. They expect to return
with finished plans for a new home
they contemplate building on the
former Engkraf lot in the block
north of their present home on
Court street.
James Driscoll and family came
Sunday from Portland where they
spent the past month followng
"Jimmie's" discharge from the navy.
He will resume his job in the post
office, takina up his duties Satur-
O. Wendell Herbison left Sunday
afternoon for Eugene, where, after
a conference with a representative
of Phillips university of Indianap
olis, Ind., he planned to drive to
Coos Bay to meet Mrs. Herbison
and little daughter and bring them
home. Mr. Herbison recently an
nounced his plans to enter Phillips
university in the fall and will give
up the pastorate of the Church of
Christ by that time or as soon as
the church board locates a new
Mrs. Merle Miller and Mrs.
George Corwin drove to Portland
this morning to be gone until Tues
Mrs. Percy Hughes is a guest at
the homes of her sons Edwin and
Arthur at their Lena homes. Mrs.
Hughes drove over from her home
at Milton Wednesday.
Miss Marylou Ferguson called her
son Monday to inform them that fire threatened our home last week
she had iust Dledsed Kanna KaDna i wp wfch to exoress our heartfelt
Gamma sorority at Whitman col
lege. From what her mother could
understand of the conversation the
young lady is greatly elated.
Jim Barratt wired his mother,
Mrs. Cyren Barratt, from
ington, D. C, last night to inform
her that he might be home tonight
if he could get a plane out of the
capital, if not he would be here
Sunday. Jim has been back in the
States about a month.
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Dunham are
leaving very early Friday morning
for Portland to spend the week-end
on business. While in the city Dr.
Dunham will attend a meeting of
the state chiropractic association
which will be held at Western
States college.
To the neighbors and friends
Ralph Beamer and family
We wish to take this means of
Wash-, evnrpssinc our appreciation and
thanWc in the Hemoner Fire de
partment and the others who so
efficiently assisted in checking our
building fire last week. Quick ac
tion by those discovering the fire,
immediate response by the fire de
partment and the very efficient use
of water reduced the loss to a very
minimum. We feel very fortunate
that the loss was confined to such
a small area and that water damage
was practically nil. Our sincere
thanks to all those who helped
make this ppssible.
Heppner Branch
First National Bank of Port'and
Heppner, Oregon
UIIMIIIIIHtltllllllllllllllllllKlllltllllltlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIM itMllllltlHnMUtllllHlllitlMMIiltlltlltlUllMllllllltlllllUllllltlHIIIItlllllllll
Wait For
The Better
Production in many lines is stymied at
present due to strikes and labor tie-ups.
There is a shortage in most nationally
advertised brands . . . But don't buy the
first article you see it may be put out
by a house which will net survive long,
making part replacements difficult or
impossible to get.
Wait and buy only the well known
nationally advertised name brands which
have stood the test of time. Sooner or
later they will be back on the market with
their guarantees and unlimited numbers
of satisfied customers back of them.
Heppner Hardware and
Electric Company
L( 1 horn where! sit ...A' Joe. Marsh
v-iur town has a
Housing Shortage
Yes, sir, there's a real housing
shortage in our town, as I guess
there is in yours, too.
Keefer Colo, for instance, is
sharing his home with a brother-in-law
from Connecticut. Six chil
dren and a dog in one family ; four
children and three cats in the
I asked Keefer how they got along
together especially the grown
ups. Didn't they get a little edgey
from the noise and crowding?
Keefer looks at me with a twin
kle. "Sure," he says. "And when
that happens, S.'ira and I just pass
nronnd four sparkling glasses of
good beer . . . and that x-cminds
everybody that there are still a lot
of friendly, gracious pleasures that
can help us make the best of
From where I sit, it's great to be
able to relax during this strain of
postwar living with a beverage
that's truly moderate and whole
some, truly friendly.
Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m.
In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admissions apply
only to those under the legal age of 12.
Selected Short Subjects With All Programs
Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for-weekly announcement.
All children occupying seats must have tickets
Friday -Saturday, March 15-16
Don't Fence Me In
Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans, Rob
ert Livingston, Bob Nolan and the Sons
of the Pioneers, Trigger
A good musical western.
Muggs Rides Again
The East Side Kids gallop through this race
track comedy with all their eruptive energy.
Sunday-Monday, March 17-18
Captain Kidd
Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, Barbara
Britton, John Carradine, Gilbert Roland,
John Qualen, Sheldon Leonard, Henry
Daniell, Abner Biberman, Reginald Owen
A full tide of adventure and romance . . . the
private life of the pirate rogue, Captain Kidd.
Tusday, March 19
Two O'clock Courage
Ann Rutherford, Tom Conway, Richard Lane
Mystery with a touch of clever comedy.
YOU HIT THE SPOT, a musical featurette
in Technicolor; inTLER LIVES? a reminder
that the doctrine of world conquest will live
again unless stemmed by a vigilant world;
and a Jasper Puppetoon in Technicolor
Wednesday-Thursday, March 20-21
Out of This World
Eddie Bracken, Veronica Lake, Diana Lynn,
Cass Daley, Parkyakarkus, the four Cros
by boys
Can you imagine a Sinatra with a Crosby
voice? A story as full of laughs as any pic
ture has a right to be plus a floodtide of me
lody. Carmen Cavallaro, Ted Fiorito, Henry
King, Ray Noble and Joe Reichman play
five pianos singly and collectively.
100 H. P.
We have received a ship
ment of new 1946 type
Ford motors and can
make immediate install
ation in your car or truck.
Phone us for an appointment.
Rose wall Motor Co.
Your Ford Dealer
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