2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 1946 BOARDMAN NEWS By Maxine Ely A banquet was served in the ca feteria Saturday night in honor of the returned veterans and their families. Robert Berger of The Dal. les acted as toastmaster. The pro gram consisted of prayer by Rev. Donald Peterson, -welcome address by George Corwin of Heppner, ac cordion solo by La Verne Berger, piano duet by Maxine Ely and Shirley Peck, song by glee club, reading by Crystal Barlow, address by Ralph Skoubo and roll call of all the boys who entered service from Boardman by Chloe Barlow and Ed McClellan who were: Day ton Allen, Gene Asher, Edwin Ball, Allan Billings, Arthur Boulson, Gene Carpenter, Allen Chaffee, Bud Chaffee, Basil Cramer, Aral Conyers, Russell DeMauro, Warren Dillon, Albert Duelin. Robert Gar- vison, " Jack Getz, George Gwinn, Ray Gronquist, Norman Gregg, Philip Hite, Graten Hoffman, And rew, Kavisto, Ernest Knopp, Frank Kunze, Eldon Lilly, Edward Mc Clellan, Russell Millimake, Ross Miles, Frank Miles Jr., Robert Miles, (the only one of the boys from Boardman lost in action,) Ro bert McLean, Joe Moylan, Charles Marshall, Glen Mallory, Gilbert Pet tys, Donald Potts, Albert Partlow, John Partlow, Vernon Partlow, Stanley Partlow, Charles Ravert, Buster Rands, Raniel Ransier, Ken Dors Seale, Buck Seale, Jay Scott, neth Ransier, Marvin Ransier, Ar. thur Robinson, William Robinson, Harry Stollnow, Delman Storment, Carl Storment, Edward Skoubo, Ralph Skoubo. Charles Smith, Ro bert Smith Lawrence Smith, Nick Taylor, Lyle Tannehill, Donald Tan Harold Tyler Alfred Turner, Morris nehill, Ernest Tyler, Elmer Tyler, Trabaugh, E. S. Westland, Theodore Wilson, Mike Healy, Elmer Sullivan, Donald Downey, Leonard Robert son, Dalles Wilson, Dale and Ver non Russell. Those at the head of the varous committees were: Clyde Tannehill chairman of the commit tee, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Allen, Mrs. Ronald Black. Mrs. Nate Macomber,, Mrs.- Lehman, Crystal Barlow, Mrs. A. C. Bechdolt, Mr. Ravert, Mr. munity helped make the affair a Linn. Joe Moylan. The entire corn success. The GAA under direc tion of Mrs. Bechdolt served in the main rooms. Mrs. Hank Zivney and her 4-H girls took care of the chil dren in the typing room. The grade school . presented their play Friday night. Characters were portrayed by Nancy Rands, Marion Pearson, Virginia Roach, Peter Ca sidy, Shirley Peck, Mary Ann Rands, Kent Linn, Keith Tannehill. Anna Lou Beaver, Delbert Taylor, Ora Ely.Gracie Veelle, Betty Carlson, Allen Ely, Larry Carpenter, Donald Gilispie, Micky Casidy. Stage man ager, Delores Zixney, curtain pull-i er, Max Fussell, director Mrs. Max ine Scott and prompters, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Bechdolt. The boy and girl who sold the most tickets in grade school were Kent Linn and Elea nor Earwood. Bobby Rodgers motored to Port land to visit Sunday. Esther Knight and children of Sunnyside Wash were visitors at the Charlie Nickerson home over the week-end. Mrs. Charlie Nickerson celebrat ed her birthday Saturday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. "G. Beddes from Idaho, Mrs. Ethel Nethercott and son of Jacksonville, Wyo. Mrs. Nickerson will accompany her to Idaho Monday. Miss Ernabel Peck returned Thursday after spending a week in Eugene with Frances Skoubo who is a student at the University of Ore gon. Chuck Arderegg and Tom Gard ner motored to Portland to get seed potatoes last week. Ladies Aid met in the church basement last Wednesday and a large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roach motor ed to Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely visited at the Elvin Ely home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wickers and family spent Sunday at the Russell Miller home. mi rrmrrfiirxmTi vat . .ti'v , - .laws. jfADa f fWJr-fXmKM TOT'" fc-t, - I. , i i FWfj aha- AsuAiauiM, iur. 813 S. K. Court mXA Phono 4!12 n I 1 1HIH till) K WMf. ART BUKSON, Mgr U Hill llll. I ! II ! ! !! HI. M.W:i,l.Arirt tl"i ,,W. fi-it i fsimimmjii America's Newest . Cleverest Gift COMBINATION POCKET CHECK PRO TECTOR, WALLET AND CHECK BOOK COVER All in one! in Brown or Black Morocco Leather. Come in, We'll be glad to show it! Saager's Pharmacy 1902 -8 m m m m an mm -m Anniversary Event - - - Starts Saturday March 16 htm n f r .-V wwi In Your Heart In Your Dress u I 7 .90 A Saturday Feature 150 Cotton House Frocks 2.60 Yes! An item the housewife has been long awaiting. A Saturday Feature 86c Pr- Good wea ring 42 gauge hose in the new spring shade Dawn- glo- A Saturday Feature Large, White, Thirsty 42c each A forge, generous size snow white bath towel a wanted item. A Saturday Feature Novelty MONKS CLOTH and DRAPERY Full skirted prints, awhirl with gay pattern! I Colors, vivid as a garden in the sun. Colors, ( quiet as a garden at dusk. Wrinkleless rayon jerseys and cool-as-the-breeze rayon bembergs. IMIIMMttlllllltlllllllMtltlMMIIIIHItlAllllMltlllllltlttllltMtlllllllllllllllllltlrilllllllMIMIMtlllllllllltlllMIIIIM IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIrllllltl Yd. A long awaited item back on the shelf. IMIIIIIItllllllllllMltlllllKllllllirilMI "Because of recent changes in O.P.A. Regulations!, some garments in this range may be priced slightly higher, some slightly lower, than this figure." 'jHHHIHIIIMIIimillttlllllHllltl innnolllHlllllnMHIIIIIIIIHIIItllllllHIIIIIIIItirtllHIIIIIIHIllHlltHtMIMIMIMIIHIIItltllllltltltltllltlMtllltltll A Saturday Feature 50-INCH UPHOLSTERY FABRIC 1.10 yard Ideal for slip covers or drapes. A Saturday Feature Bleached and Unbleached MUSLIN 13c -23c - 25c A Saturday Feature Mercerized TABLE DAMASK Yard V 1 ' '"""I 1 I 1 t 65c 58 inches wide. Rose bud pattern. pleasure afoot for spring I 3.49 Swing through spring in airy platform playshoes, and watch the miles go by. And see how becom ingly dainty your feet appear, too! RIGHT: Ptrforattd tandal; white; rtd Uafhar. CENTER: Moccailn-stltehtd brown leather. LEFT: Gay Railheads; red leather.