SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW j VIOLA M. CRIST, Plaintiff : -vs- ; FLOYD W. CRIST : Defendant : To Floyd W. Crist defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks of the date of first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the said Court for relief as prayed for in plain tiffs complaint, to-wit: For a de cree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defend. Heppner Gazette Times, March 7, 1946 7 ant and granting to the plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce from the defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of four consecutive weoks in the Heppner Gazette Times by or der of the Honorable Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, which said order was made and entered the 7th day of March, 1946 and the first date of the publication of this summons is the 7th day of March, 1946. J. O. TURNER, Attorney for Plaintiff Postoffice address: Heppner, Oregon . 50-2 Lt. Bernard H. McMurdo, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo has been discharged after honorable service in the navy, at the person nel separation center in San Fran cisco, Calif. RETURNS TO SERVICE Lt. (jg) Norman Bergs trom ter minated a 30-day leave from the navy the first of the week and left for Portland Monday to catch a plane for Corona, Calif. Norman spent his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergs trom of Gooseberry. Responsibility has been lessened somewhat at the Case Furniture Co., by the arrival Tuesday night of M. L. Case's son, Allen. Mr.' Case feels he can now take a well-earned vacation and let the store rest in the hands of his son and son-in-law, Gus Nikander. It's goin to make A BIG DIFFERENCE I N YOUR HEARING THE NEW SONOTONE "$00" Come in for service or a free Audiometric test. T. C. Downs will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL, HEPPNER, ORE. Wednesday, March 13th. Ord er aby Chicks at GAMBLE'S 500-Chick Oil Brooder available for Immediate Delivery PHONE 1282 These stripes mean a lot Community Plays Three Lively One-act Comedies Heppner School Auditorium "MURDER IS FUN"--Health Association "THE TRYSTIN6 PLACE"--High School "THE DUMMY"-Parent-Teacher Assn. 8 p. m. Friday, March 8 Admission: 35c and 74c You bet they do! And you can keep them and have all the other new en listment privileges if you reenlist in the new peace, nine Regular Army within 20 days after your dis charge and before Feb ruary 1,1946. Don't miss this opportunity. Reenlisl now at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. IT S Armv l?nrrnWiner Sprvirp. P O. RiiiMiTiff. Pendleton. Oreffon I KSl " ' J r. Mm... .n - ! n T ' " Army Recruiter is in Selective Service Officle in Heppner every Friday. This advertisement sponsored by Gilliam & Bisbee Advertisement From where I sit ... Jy Joe Marsh Jess Turner's labor troubles For four years Jess Turner ran his harness shop alone. But now his nephew's discharged from the Navy and is back to help him. Right away, it seems that nephew Delbert has some new ideas. lie wants more money, shorter hours and meanwhile Jess' expenses have been going up! So what does Jess do? He invites Delbert to sit down over a friendly glass of beer and talk the situation over. Jess figures how he can give Delbert some extra dollars, and certain interests in the business; and Delbert figures how he can speed up production on harnesses and do some saddle work, besides. And they seal the bargain with an other friendly glass of beer. Of course, all labor troubles aren't so simple. But from where I sit, if there could be more friendly discussion more give and take more tolerance and understanding both sides would be a heap bet ter off. 31 ITS HERE! The 1946 AEUO Copyright, 1946, United Slates Brewers Foundation CHAMPION Two-Seat Tandem Trainer O 65 H. P. Continental Engine O Cruising Speed 85 MPH O Landing Speed 37 MPH O Climbs 550 Feet Per Minute 3 Gas Consumption Less Than Four Gal lons Per Hour See it at the Lexington Airport Forsythe Flying Service PHONE 37 F3