t) CHURCHES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. BEPPNER CHURCH OF, CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible Schoo1 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Midweek service Thursday ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Hieppner: Mass at 9 a. ml 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and -4th Sundays. . Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a.m. First Fri day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat , mrdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m. Mass at 9 a. m. or. fifth Sunday In Heppner onlv. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Shelby Graves Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Young people's service Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday) 7:45 p. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt LENT 1 Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer 11 a. m. YPF 6:30 p. m., parish house. Lenten instruction on the Holy Spirit 8 p. m. Wedesday, Holy Communion at 10 a. m. CHURCH OF IONE COOPERATIVE Bible school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Junior Chrsitian Endeavor 7 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa dors 8 p. m. IONE BAPTIST CHURCH J C. Stephens, Pastor Morning worship 11 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Prayer meeting 7 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Mission prayer 2:30 p. m. BOARDMAN NEWS Bv Maxine Ely The rrade school basketball tram "The Boar dm an Bees," par ticipated i-i the t:a-:ci at Um atilla Friday and Saturday. Satur day afternoon they played Umatil la and were defeated 12-24. Sat urday night' they played Hermiston and defeated tjhem 23-12. Board man won the Sportsmanship trophy of which they are very proud. , The Boardman Yellowjackets de feated the Wasco team 2-47 on the Boardman floor Tuesday night. The preliminary game that night was the grade team against the fresh men for which the score was 25-26 in favor of the freshmen. The following Thursday night the Boardman team motored to Wasco and again defeated them 29 to 10. Mrs. Adrian Bechdolt, Mrs. Ka therine Black and Greg Yarnell at tended the workshop meeting at Heppner Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn, Ad rian Bechdolt and Mrs. A. E. Mc Farland motored to Salem to at tend a health meeting Friday night and returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and Ha zel Phillips returned from Porl' land Friday after spending a week there. The Super Supper club met at home of Virginia Roaeh Thursday evening. The hostess demonstrated how to make deviled eggs. The Camp Cookery club met at Heppner Gazette Times, March 7, 1946 3 the home of Marlene Billings Tues day evening. Marlene and Grave y:'1'- d "-rtrated the making of hamburgers. The Tillicum club met at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Black Wed nesday after rn 'ch. 2.'. Mrs. El vin Ely gave the invocation, Mrs. Peterson presented an article on undulant fever. Those present were Mrs. Russell Miller and Jimmy; Mrs. Roy Partlow and Patty; Mrs. Marshall Ham and Billy; Mrs. Allen Bilings and Brenda; Mrs. Donald Peterson and Peggy; Mrs. Elvin Ely and Eileen; Mrs. Stanley Part low; Mrs. John Partlow; Mrs. De wey West; Mrs. Wilbur Lehman and the hostess. Ice cream and wa fers were served. The next meeting will bs with Mrs. Allen Billings. PHONE COMPANY HEAVY RED CRIOSS CONTRIBUTOR Contribution of $100,000 to the American Red Cross by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company has been announced by N. R. Pow ley president, according to word re ceived by A. M. Green, manager. The local amounts will be deter mined shortly. CORRECTION In the U. S. Army recruiting ad vertisment sponsored by Gilliam & Bisbee cn page 7 the figures should read "90 days after your dis charge and before July 1, 1946." ft Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY ii II it ii II ii r S.rtHimnflWHiitiiMfifliiiHtiiiHfniiimiiiiiiiiiii SAND & GRAVEL Call 1484-Hcppner Good clean Umatilla sand and gravel for concrete and cement work. LLOYD MOVER Heppner Oregon aid IRREGULAR BLOOEH After Customers WIV. Or r.-r ,it Our Want Ads wWnTL; fill I.. eCsFF I 14 Kit KM "V Just like old times to have the V-m 1 J ... . I. Ml bm'b uai; ana curtm a rug at ' . f t the Smart's. Here I am, just "one 7, s day home, and Tom Smart n fVi-if'o IV11T 111. a ''' niw guy litaui line i f f "hot rock" pilot says, "Better come over tonight ... the gang f wants to celebrate your return, 'Mr. Smith.' " And right away I ' says, "Roer!" because we've always had fun at the Smart's , pius mux snanes, coia puncnes ' , J ...and FOOD! And boy that aiways means a nxun iiiviJi with never a hangover. Yes, sir fun t'lmi at tlio Smort fmlln is one o -those things I marked I up to do when Z got back he .that , ' f-y -v&vH m Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon WtlL ' Xlraciual Re earch V'V'JT li-1" Committee.ALLO. ill!!!lillllltlll!!llllllllllllll!ll!!!ll!llll!llll!ll!lllllll!l!lllllllllllllll!ll!i GENERAL Hauling Local and Long Distance Any Place in the State of Oregon Livestock Hauling given special attention Phone 2122 IONE TRUCK SERVICE ii,. I IIUMIIIUF ILHIIf,P!M Ullljillll lllll.IWi iMttWIH Hlnilf niuyiinu i jpn ihMii,j WivS J . nr ale o Warehouses J g Sealed bids for the purchase of H Warehouses Nos. 160 and 161, locat- M g ed at Lexington, will be received up W g to and including March 15, 1946. s All bids must be for cash. Address the H company office at Lexington. g Morrow County Grain Growers 1 II. G. RING lone Oregon Lexington Oregon 'A "2 SmHiHK 5