Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 07, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, March "7. 1CM6
lone Happenings, of the Week
Mrs. Echo Palmateci
Mrs. Mary Swanson left last
week" for Portland where she will
visit her son Norman and family,
and then go on to Salem to visit
her daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMillan.
From there she will visit her dau
ghter Eva in California who will
soon receive her discharge from
the Waves.
Curtis Ludwig visited friends in
Richland Wash, a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Henderson of
Bremerton were guests at the E.
M. Baker home last week. Mr.
Henderson is a brother of Mrs. Ba
ker. He has recently received his
honorable discharge from the army.
Miss Shirley Smouse spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. Orlo
Martin at Moro.
The Eastern Star held initiation
Feb. 26. There were 17 guests from
Heppner, among them Mrs. William
Barkla and Harley Anderson, wor
thy matron and worthy patron; Re
freshments were served.
H. E. C. of Willows grange will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ed
Buschke March 15. The regular
meeting of the grange will ,be March
Roland Bergstrom has received
his honorable disuarge from the
navy and is home with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom. -Norman
Bergstrom, Lt. (jg) returned
to Corona, Calif, the first of the
Pupils of lone public school en
joyed a three days vacation last
week. The high school teachers
went to Pendleton Wednesday and
Thursday and the grades to Hepp
ner Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely returned
to their home in Morgan Friday of
last week after spending the winter
at Coos Bay. Their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. David Ely of Pendle
ton spent the week-end with them
and also attended the Welcome
Home banquet at Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Lundell of
Boise, Ida. spent the week-end with
Mr. Lundell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Lundell.
Charles Shaver stopped over at
the Henry Clark home on his way
to his home in Bend from Boise.
Mrs. Omar Rietmannhadthe mis
fortuns to burn her hand very bad
ly with hot grease.
Rev. M. C. Halcker of Portland
occupied the pulpit at the Church of
lone Cooperative last Sunday. Rev.
Hicks of Forest Grove will hold
services next Sunday.
' Miss Aloha Painter spent the va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lieuallen at Cayuse.
A banquet was given the hign
school basketball boys at the school
house Tuesday night Feb. 26. Gor
don White furnished the food.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley and
baby have returned home from
Ray Pettyjohn has received his
discharge from the army and is
home with his wife.
Francis Troedson, principal and
coach at the Spray high school,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troed
son. lone was well represented at the
"Welcome Home" banquet at Hepp
ner Saturday nght and all reported
a very enjoyable time.
The study meeting of the Topic
club will be held at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Swanson March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith, Mrs.
Roy Lindstrom, Carl Linn, P. J.
Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O'Connor went to Portland Tuesday
to attend the Fred Griffith funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey of
Portland visited friends here over
the week-end.
Pvt Arthur Stefani Jr. spent the
week-end with his parents. He is
stationed at Richland Wash.
Fred W. Griffith of Portland died
at the Veterans hospital in Portland
Saturday after a short illness due to
ah old wound he received in World
War 1. Mr. Griffith was born in
Ripley, Ohio in March 1887 and
came west when a young man. He
is survived by his wife Myrtle and
two sons, Robert of Portland and
Dale, in the Merchant Marines; his
mother, Mrs. P. J. Linn of lone;
five brothers, Elmer Griffith, Mor
gan; Carl Linn, lone; Walter Linn,
of Vernonia; Clarence Linn Corval
lis; Tom Griffith, Vallejo, Calif.;
Mrs. Clara Houk, Troutdale and
Mrs Maggie Strubel, Ripley, Ohio,
Monday was a very busy day in
Gene Doherty were two of the ten
outstandng all stars
Mrs. Harvey Ring returned home
the first of last week from Salem
j where she visited Mr. and Mrs.
! T.nvtnn TVTrTVTurrav in tKoir now
We are very proud of our grade I, , . , , ...
Wl hthall lm no tW wnn hme whlch they llke very much-
I town as every one was moving their
meat from the old lockers to the
new ones in Swanson's new store.
school basketball team as they won
the tournament at Umatilla Friday
and Saturday night.defeating Uma
tilla 22-13 in the finals. They re
ceived a beautiful trophy. Francis
Ely won an award for the outstand
A stork shower was given Mrs.
Lee Pettyjohn Wednesday Feb. 27
at the church parlors. The hostesses
were Mrs. Mary Barnett, Mrs. Ellis
Pettyjohn and Mrs. Marion Palmer.
ing coach and Robert Peterson and Refreshments were served
A Lesson in "Mike" Technique Is Taught in Army
; ... f t
'Read that line over again and make it sound o if nmnna UA au
a million bucks. ' That's what the director is telling his students who are
simulating a broadcast in Germany. A Regular might not inherit a million,
but he may retire after twenty years of duty and receive as high at $89.70 a
month for life, or after thirty years up to $155.25 a month.
4. m
villi ij? il' I
Starting Friday March 15, a re
presetitatve of the State Unemploy
ment Compensation Commission
will be in Heppner each Friday at
the city hall. Hours will be 10 a. m.
to 3 P. m. The claims reresentative
will handle all matters pertaining
to Veterans Readjustment allow
ances as well as state unemploy
ment claims. Veterans should bring
their honorable discharge at time
of filing their claim.
OJ "Dirt will get
) your Diesel I
(if you don't watch outy
When you step out in your
new Penney spring coat...
it's an announcement that
spring's here again . . . and
fashionably so! Bright col
ors to go with sunny days
new styles to match the
freshness of a new season!
Cardigan and man-tav
lored coats full or belted.
Sure as shootin', if there's Old Man Dirt in your Diesel fuel,
there's trouble ahead. Every drop of fuel goes through
injector-nozzle holes small as a human hair. And if these
injectors get dirt-worn, that does it, brother. Cuts the power
of your Diesel and leads up to repair bills. Because it's all
important to use a CLEAN fuel, use Standard Diesel Fuel
distilled 100 for PURITY.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
As everyone knows, flowers are a requisite
t to spring ... and so is a new BEMBERG
RAYON DRESS! These come in an assort
I ment oi styles from tailored to the very
feminine and their colors are as gay and
varied as a spring garden in first full bloom.
t M M K rC 0 M