IP 1 0 Heppner Gazette Times, March 6, 1946 Irrigon News Notes By MRS. X A. SHOtlW Mrs. Dosia Brownell of Portland came up Saturday to visit her mo ther, Mrs. Josephine Graybeal and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. t Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stirague spent from Tuesday until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.' Vernon Caldwell of Portland are visiting his parents, the Tom Caldwells. They came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. Josephine Graybeal celebra ted her 87th birthday Sunday at her home. Mrs. Clara Smith ' died at her home Sunday morning after a long illness. All of her five children were at her bedside. They are Mrs. F. C. Fredrickson of Stanfield, Mrs. Hazel Norcross of Portland; Harry, John and Robert Smith of Irrigon. She was buried in Pendleton Tues day afternoon with services at the Folsom mortuary. A large group of relatives and friends were present. There were many beautiful floral offerings. She had lived here for 25 years and was 85 years old. She had 15 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Houghton left for Denver Wednesday after a visit wth Donald's parents, the A. C. Hougtons. h Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaughter and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble went to Portland Tuesday. They were interested in good dairy cows. Mrs. W. B. Dexter and granddau ghter, Carla Hill went to North Powder to visit Mrs. Dexter's dau ghter, Mrs. Floyd Hobbs and fam ily, i Two Irrigon families left last week. The Emery Bedwells went Tuesday. They have lived here 20 years or more. The Walter Griders have been here about 10 years. The new families are getting moved in. The weather is good for farming and gardening now. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gollyhorn went to Pendleton Monday to at tend the funeral of Geraldine Lee Amos, seven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Amos. She leaves two small sisters besides her parents. Mr. Amos and Mrs. Golly horn are brother and sister. Charles "Chuck" Hodge spent the fore part of the week in Portland attending a Chevrolet truck school. He was exacted home this evening. " AIRY PASTRY H t 1 x 1 I ffiwa. ' y f 1 I I jl-al i for - i rWi ft.-' V1 I ftSr j " ; 1 f&xT'- 'i4 f 5 s t CV- w V A - ill I "One of the trade secrets In pastry making Is rapid cooling and heat, j ing," John Lezan, French pastry chef at the Marguery Restaurant, , New York City, tells Mrs. Harry Weir. "These custards are hot when ' I put them into the pastry shells, but the electric fan cools them In a hurry and keeps the shells from getting soggy. Cold utensil and cold Ingredients help too, to make pastry short and flaky." VETERANS ATTENTION A representative of the State Unemployment Compensation Commission will be in Heppner City Hall each Friday from 10 to 3 starting March 1 5. State Unemployment Claims and Veteran Readjustment Al lowances may be filed or continued. Re tLf 1 As of March hk We have inaugurated regular truck service. . . We have sufficient man power and equipment to handle all jobs and suggest that farmers who need work done before harvest LY All of this work is under the supervision of Oral Wright, service manager. A Our y s Open although the plant is still under going the remodeling program. We are caring for our customers' needs in a proficient manner. . . We have not closed for a day and will be on the job to give your every need prompt, courteous attention. YOURS FOR BETTER MOTORING Hodge Chevrolet Company illiiHiilH