Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 28, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, February 28, 1946
I moon News Notes
The Assembly of God members
gave a farewell dinner Monday for
the Emery Bediwells. They left
Jlrs. E. F. Browning has moved
in with her son Jack Browning.
She has been living with the Bedi
wells. Mrs 'F. C. Fredrickson of Stan-
field is here caring for her mother,
Mrs. Sam Smith. Mrs. Hazel Nor-
cross has gone back to Portland.
Supt. Leroy Darling had a band
cncert Wednesday evening that was
well received by a full house. It
was the first one with only a few
months practice. Miss Scott accom
panied at the piano. There were
t also solos and singing.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bulware of
Hermiston were in Irrigon Wed
nesday. Arthur Edwards and Fred Davis
are working on the Bert Dexter
The fire fighting equipment com
mittee served ice cream, cake and
coffee after the concert. The pro
ceeds were added to the qulpment
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus were
Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Nina Harris returned to Portland
Friday after visiting relatives here.
The J. A. Shouns were in Hepp
ner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun and
son Stephen spent Wednesday with
his parents, the J. A. Shouns. An
drew is a member of the police
force in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brock and
son Joe Williams MMM 2c, just
home from three years in Japan
and the Pacific area, Lorene and
Dona Williams of Peshastin, Wash.,
spent from Wednesday until Fri
day with their daughter and sister,
Mrs. Marten Abkin and family.
T. H. Haddock is home from the
veterans hospital in Walla Walla
after several months of treatment.
Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Winquist
were Pendleton visitors Wednes
day. ,
Mrs. Mar shall Markham went to
Prosser where they met their dau
ghters LaVelle and Delpha who are
attending school in Seattle and ar
rived in Prosser Thursday.
The Assembly of God missionary
band met Wednesday at the home
of. Mrs. Emma S tcwart to sew.
Sgt and Mrs. Glen O'Brien and
son Chester and Betty Acock, CN,
of Spokane arrived to spend a few
hours with the C. W. Acock fam
ily. They n turned to Spokane Sun
day p. m.
The J. Maltox family of Port
land have moved into their new
home which they purchased of W.
B. Dexter. The Dexters moved in
' to their ne w house in Irrigon al
though it ii not finished.
W. B. Dixtcr sold some lots and
a half interest in the well to
Fred Davis.
Ralph Carter reached water at 92
feet with 50 feet of water. Troy
Griffin driliuJ uie well. The pump
is installed.
Mr. Roberts of Sheridan has pur
chased the Fred Caldwell place.
The place has b?en vacant since
Mr. Caldwell died more than two
years ago. Mr. Roberts has a wife
and throe children.
Mrs. Nora Wilson returned Mon
day from Portland where she talk
ed to her son Joe in Switzerland. Joe
is statined in Germany and wrote
that he would call from Switzer
land that day.
The Emery Bediwells have taken
their household goods to Ontario
where they have purchased a home.
They took the last loads Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Casner spent
the week-end at La Grande coming
back Sunday. They have rented the
Marlow house.
Mrs. R. M. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs.
Benny McCoy and Mr. and Mrs.
Warren McCoy went to La Grande
Friday. They visited relatives. The
Warren McCoys went on to Vale
and the rest returned Sunday eve
"Word from the 13th naval district
headquarters at Seattle announces
the discharge under the point sys
tem of Lt. Louis Leonard Gilliam
on 24 February, 1946.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt drove
to Portland Monday taking their
son Dean that far on his way to
Stockton, Calif, where he will re
port at the army air base there.
Miss Louise Hunt and Miss Es
telle Ledbetter were week-end vis
tors in Lexington. Both are stu-
dnts at a .business college in Salem.
Miss Edith Edwards of Spokane
and Mrs. H. M. Mars of Palo Alto
arrived Friday evening for a visit
at the home of their parents. Edith
returned to her school Sunday but
Mrs. Marrs remained for a few
Rev. Paul Davies, superintendent
of the Congregational conference of
Oregon, was calling on friends in
Lexington Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman are
visiting in Lexington at the C. C.
Carmichael home. Mr. Sherman has
recently been discharged from the
Albert Winkelman, who recently
was discharged from the army, has
returned to Lexington and is stay
ing at the Allyn home for a while.
Roger Campbell F lc left Sunday
to report to his ship at San Fran
cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Tucker
are the parents of a daughter, Ja
nice Lee, born in Portland Feb. 20.
Until a few years ago Woodrow
resided in the Lexingtn commu
nity. He has been recently dis
charged fr om the army air corps
after being in service since March,
Seoul, Korea, Jan. 29 S Sgt
James P. Healy, of Heppner, Ore.,
was awarded the Purple Heart me
dal here .recently for wounds sus
tained at Okinawa while serving
with the Seventh Infantry divi
sion. Veteran of 17 months army ser
vice, the 26-year old infantryman
is now on occupational duty with
Hourglass division troops in the Ko
rea capital. In addition to the Pur
ple Heart he wears the Combat
Infantryman's badge and Asiatic
Pacific Ribbon with battle star.
The sergeants wife, Mrs. Bernice
Healy and their son, James, 2, live
in Heppner. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Healy also reside
Mrs. R. L. Casselman and grand
daughter spent Saturday night in
Heppner with Mrs. Lonnie Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell at
tended the golden wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. McCarty at the
Henry Gorger home in Pendleton
Feb. 20. A number of people from
here had the pleasure of hearing Bil
ly Gorger sing on the radio in hon
or of his grandparents. The Gorgers
formerly lived in lone.
Mrs. Walter Corley and Jane
Seehafer went to Portland last
week after Mr. Corley who has just
received his discharge from the
servce. While in Portland Jane took
the measles so they have to remain
there for a while.
Miss Mary Barnett had the misf
fortune to cut her hand quite bad
ly with an axe which necessitated
taking nine stitches.
a prize in the team work. The Mor- i
mor county team won. There were
about 90 members at the afternoon
session and 150 in the evening. A
number of state officials attended.
Mrs. Gordon White took her son
Gary to The Dalles Friday to con
sult a physician.
A number from lone attended the
Elks annual last Saturday night.
Out of town relatives to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Ida Ellis Thurs
day Feb. 21 were Mrs. Mary Grif
fin, Mrs. Alice Cooley, Mrs. James
Stanley, James, Charles, Bruce,
William, Emmett and Franklin
the arrival next week of a
new 1946 Aeronca Champion
See it! Fly in it!
Forsythe Flying Service
Mrs "V - t-
!!m!!!mm!!!TMI,m,m ,l,,lml lIHIIHIIIHIIIIIItllllHimiMIIMHIIIIIinimiltlMIHIHINIimmillllltllllllHmtltllllHMhilltHti
s ' 1 " 111 """'"""""""'""iNHniiruMUimmmiiimitiiiimimiimiimM
I Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. (I
I have purchased a tank pump and am in !
position to give prompt, efficient service. !
Phone 702
Simplimatic transmission, radio, heater, good tires, ventilating
window in front doors and side windows. Nice upholstery with
seat covers, airfoam seat cushions, beautiful green finish. A
car you'll really enjoy.
1940 Buick Roadmaster Sport Coupe $1537
Radio, heater, fine mcchancal condition. It is properly named
"Roadmaster". You should drive it.
1940 OLDS SEDAN 4-D Touring $1350
A wonderful performer. Heater and good tires.
1942 CHEVROLET G-l Stake Truck
For sale at low ceiling.
1933 CHEVROLET Long W.B. Truck $290
Dual wheels, flat rack-
1941 WILLYS 4-door Sedan
With overdrive and heater.
All prices at or below OPA ceilings
Art Burson, Mgr. 613 SE Court on U. S. 30
Phon 492 Pendleton
pillflll.llW M
L. I l nil 1
a n
il 1 II
r u
After March I the price will be doubl
1.00 for each male or spayed female
2.00 for each female
2.00 for each male or spayed female
4.00 for each female
P, A. MOLLAHAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector