Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 28, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    w w v r W 7 U U C-J V-
4 Heppner Gazette Times, Februai
P U B L I S HJE 4i4s 1 AT I 0 H
Janet Curtis. Those in the cast are
Shirley Wilkinson, Morgan Connor,
Don DuBois Don Gunderson, Pat
Pierson and Pamona McDoniel.
The high light of the play occurs
when love-struck adolescent Lan
celot, who is in love with a beauti
ful yung widow (to whom both
his sister and mother object), ar
ranges to meet the object of his
affections at the same . time and
same place that the raster and mo
ther have also decided to use to
further their own affairs d'amour.
What a Changed World!
A year ago everything was hustle and bustb.
The entire country was geared to war production
and everything was done with an accent on win
ning. This fever heat continued until the boys be
gan to come home From foreign soil, then we re
laxed a bit and began to consider the problems of
Six months after Japan surrendered what do
we find? We arc still looking forward to recon
version in many lines. Instead of being able to
stock up with some badly needed things we find
a growing scarcity of them. One may step into
a haberdashery and be measured up for a suit of
clothes. The dealer takes the order on condition
that you are willing to watt from GO to 90 days for
delivery. One inquires about shirts and gets the
old banana replyyes we have none. The same
goes for underwear and ctiier garments dear to a
man's heart and practically necessary to his well
being. Merchants and salesmen have learned a
new language and a new technique. Instead of
trying to sell you something they are forced to
teach you how to get along without the things
you have been accustomed to. and have been able
to buy in the past.
Perhaps time will change all this but the situa
tion leads- us to quote on ficiitiouc Ue;t...r A.
Kiky "What a rcvoltm' develop;, icnt this has
turned out to be!"
- u , -
Latdistring on Outside
It is the hope of the committees in charge
that the returned service people will respond to
the hospitable invitation to attend the all-county
banquet to be held at the Elks hall in Heppner
Saturday evening. Great preparations are bo:n:$
made a lot of evcr-lk-atfood prewired nn 1 a pro
gram in -which the veterans themselves will be the
principal performers, :nd it w ;U f?ivc the crn.-'iiYt-tee
and all others concerned with staging the
)anquet the k-:cir.:stf satisfaction to' tr a;e to
greet as nearly 100 percent of the veterans as
While the banquet is 'being put on in" (Heppner
it is not a Heppner aiu;i- but a big county parly.
The people wives, mothers, fathers, brothers,
sisters, friends- are taking this means of enures- -
ing 'their appreciation fcr the services given by
those who wore the uniforms of their country and
for the great happiness that so many were priv
ileged to return.
The latch string is on the outer side of the door
for the returned veterans. Don't be afraid to pull
A World Day of Prayer
Friday, March 8 is designated as World Day
of Prayer. It is a-day set aside for all creeds, all
denominations, in every country to devote careful
thought to the subject of permanent peace and
to put those thoughts into a plea to the Father of
mankind for guidance and inspiration in making
the world safe for posterity. It we would avert a
second Hiroshima or Nagasaki catastrophe, and
we know not when such a blow may fall in this
unsettled world of today, we should not leave all
the praying for those who profess Christianity.
Certainly preservation of peace is something in
which each anu everyone of us is vitally interest
ed. Whether a member of the church, a brother-in-law
or sister-in-law to the church, or a rank
outsider, yo;t ca,i lend your influence in laying
the foundation lor a permanent peace by engag
ing a moment in prayer, either silent or audible.
hiucuiij Remain In Office
Mayo;- Turner's announcement that he does
i-.it wi.-h to l.o cc.ydercd a candidate for the of-f'-'w
for another term has not found general ac
ceptance among people who are in-sympathy with
progressive measures instituted during his in
cumbency. ;the very reasons be gave why he felt
he shuuki step out seem the most logical why he
should remain for at least another two years. He
has served through a most trying period, yet a
program designed to not only meet expansion but
accelerate it has come out of the war era and it
r.ppears ih.'.t the one who has had a guiding hatw
in formulating the program should have a hand in
bnngii;g :t to inntjon.
. - 'loo developments referred to in the mayor's
letter can I e brought to reality only by farsighted.
and courageous leadership such as he has dis
played .aid it is hoped he will reconsider his avow
e J iia.ni.e.i ot keeping his name oif the ballot.
Three. 1-Act Plays to
Be Given March 3
A group of one ru t rhryv be
given at, the school auditorium at
8 p. m., Friday, March 8. The Par
ent Teacher association, Morrow
County Public Health association,
and the high- school will each pro
duce a phiy.
"Murder is -Fun", by Catherine
Blankenship, will be given by the
Health association. Co-directors are
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. Marie
Clary. The cant includes C. J, D.
Bauinan, Kenneth House, Miss Ja
net Cu'-'j'-,
T?. ! ci WM
son, ITcvry
well, Mrs.
Mrs. Fred Fanish, Mrs.
:: '. Mrs. G
1--, Jn-
'o r. u-
Fcrguson, Mrs.
Sara KcNaiTur. . Conley J, no ham,
Frank Chanel, and Francis Nicker
son. Ths play is a recent prize win
ner. u;'l i.i uni.U'J; in b:tl. pail, o'
the cast is in the ' audience. Capt.
liowii t !.f Ji.!-n;.eu.i'; squad asks
the audience to faulve a murder for
hi:,i ami i.ivolecs ! ' a Mys
tery satire.
The P.-T. A. will nrc.-V, a one
act play "The Dummy" by Arlhur
Kascr. It is a hilarious farce depict
ing a young wife's scheme to teach
the husband to stay home nights.
Seuli'ing and shooting in the dark
cri.ivea this fa.st moving comedy.
Tae director is Mrs. Everett bioith.
The part rf the wife is taken by
Miss Laurel Ball, that of the hus
band by John Ilartnian.' Miss Grace
Gadekcn plays Emma, the maid,
Harold Boclct the playboy pal of
the errant husband, and Joe Meek
the policeman.
"The Tryst ing Place", by Booth
Tarkington, will be given .by the
high school and directed by Miss
Is the Consideration
of Practical Value?
When buying a diamond ring there arises the ever pre
sent question "Does the diamond represent intrinsic
With diamonds we sell there can be no shadow
of doubt that they offer the utmost value for
beauty and for craftsmanship in the popular
price ranges. '
Make your selection now in exquisite sets
and solitaires
ew oils ervsce
The Grey Reck Bus Lines wii! now
give daily bus service bewcen
Heppner, Lexington and lone and
Ths Dalles.
Bus will leave Heppner at 7:30 a.
m. and returning leave The Dalles
at 5:15 p. m.
Gray Rock Bus Lines
Meets Every Monday Noon at the
L&cas Place
'Dr. V. M, Rockwell
Phvsieian & Surgeon
227 NoH Main St.
Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner, Ore.
A. D. McMurdoM. D.
Trained Nnrse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. L. D. Tibblss
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bnnk Building.
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. '492
Dr. G. C. Dyrsham
Office up stairs I. 0. O. F. Bid?
House calls made
Office and House Phone 2.172
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
All kinds of earpenter work.
Modern Homes Built or Remodeled
Phone 1483 413 Jones St.
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, Ore,
Cover loss against Fire, Theft, Ac
eidental damage and many other
lwards, anywhere, at all times.
PS-dps Funeral Homo
licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1-332 Heppner, Ore.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please bring before
tlie Council
J. 0. TURNER, Mayor
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
Attorney at Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing
Henrtnpr, Oregon
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
OK Rubber Welders
First class work guaranteed
Located in the Kane Building
North Main St Heppner, Ore.
Harry Nelson
Accounting Service
Member National Association of
Tax Accountants
Heppner, Oregon
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
' Times, established November 18,
1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912.
Published every Thursday and en
tered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second class,
Subscription Price $2.50 a Year
Publisher and Editor