Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 28, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Heppner Gazette Times, Febru'r
lone Happenings of the Week
Mrs. Echo Palmateci
Word has been received of the
marriage of Robert Rietmann and
Miss Alice Lundgren at Los Vegas,
Nev. Feb 7. Mr. and Mrs. Rietmann
will make their home at Fullerton, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and
family of Milwaukie visited rela
tives here over the week-end.
Mi-, and Mrs. Franklin Lind
5trom and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ritchie spent the week-end in
She demonstrated winter salads. afternoon Feb. 20 with 20 members 1 1. O. (X F. convention here Satur
New books in the library are end one guest. Pie and coffee were day night.
"Rickshaw Boy," "Hidden Valley, served. Mrs. Lindstrom ana r.irs. w " ---
raul Pettyjohn were nostesses.
Portland where they visited Mr.
It was learned here that Edward , aim mu. v.iuC olca. v...
Kellar passed away Feb. 20 at the j art is recovering from a nose oper-
Kellar at ation. ne is me siey-muiei vt ixia.
Lindstrom and Mr. Ritchie.
home of his son James
Jennings La. He had been ill sev
eral years. At one time he was a
resident of lone. He is survived by
his wife and three sons.
Ralph Akers has been a patient
in The Dalles hospital the past
week but expects to be home soon.
A. C. Swanson is installing the
equipment for his cold storage
lockers in hs new store.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown of Her
miston were in lone Saturday. Mr.
Brown attended the I. O. O. F.
convention and Mrs. Brown visited
friends. She taught in the school
here for several years and is now
teaching in the Hermiston school.
Week-end visitors at the Lana
Padberg home were Mr. and Mrs,
R A. Mistich and Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Cason and son Marsh of
Portland. Marsh is stationed at
Fort Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burton were
recent visitors at the Padberg
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and
children of La Grande are spending
a few days in lone. Mr. Roundy and
Earl Padberg are wiring Swan
son's new store. ,
Robert DeSpain of Pendleton was
an lone visitor Sunday. He has re
cently received his honorable dis-
charge from the navy.
Pete Cannon of Portland spent
the week-end with his mother, Mrs.
Ada Cannon. Gene Riettmann re
turned to Portland with him.
The social club of the Eastern
Star will meet Wednesday, March 6
at the home of Mrs. Walter Dobyns.
Maranatha club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Markham Baker on
March 9.
Rev. Paul Davies of Portland oc
cupied the pulpit both morning and
evening at the Church of lone Co
oerative. There was a potluckmeal
at noon. Rev. Davies showed some
pictures in the evening. There will
be preaching next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of
Hermiston were visitors here Sun
day. Miss Betty Bergevin, government
nurse, is visting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bergevin.
Mrs. Wm. Ludwig, seventh and
eighth grade teacher, has been ill
the past week and Mrs. Charles
O'Connor was substitute teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell of
Falls City were in lone Wednesday
of last week after the rest of their
furniture. They are well pleased
with their new location.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCabe
are the parents of a baby girl born
Feb. 19 at Pendleton. The young
lady was named Eleanor Ethel.
The Arlngton town basketball
team defeated the lone town team
here Wednesday night, Feb. 20.
Thursday night, Feb. 21 the Choco
lates played the town team with a
score of 39-41 in favor of the Co
eds. The preliminary game was the
Juniors against the Rietmanns and
Dohertys. The juniors lost 18-8.
lone grade school won from Her
miston grades here Feb. 19 with a
score 18-16.
Mis. Milton Morgan gave a party
for her daughter Marilyn Feb. 21 in
honor of her third birthday.. Those
present were Mrs. Lloyd Morgan
and Judy and Geraldine; Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn and Diana and Skippy;
Mrs. Bernice Harris and Bernita
and Tommy; Mrs. Raymond Lun
dell and Karen; Mrs. Richard Lun
dell and Sharon; Mrs. Ruth Hinbin
ger and Linda; Mrs. Louis Halvor
sen and Linda; Mrs. Lonnie Mc
Cabe and Grace; Mrs. Howard Eu
banks and Marlene; Mrs. Lloyd
Rice and Bobby; Mrs. Darrell Pad
berg and Leann and Marvin; Garry
Morgan; Mrs. Harriet Lundell; Mrs.
John Vorhees and Mr. and Mrs.
Waite Crawford. Jello, ice cream
and cake were served.
Mrs. Beulah Davin and daugh
ter Sharon of La Grande were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
O'Meara. Mrs. Davin is a niece of
Mrs. O'Meara.
Mr. and' Mrs. John Ray of Port
land were lone visitors last week.
Alton Yarnell, student at Univer
sity of Washington, is spending a
week's vacation rith his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell.
Mrs. Mabel Morgan returned
from a trip to Seattle Wash.
Mrs. John Vorhees of - Portland
is visiting at the home of her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Waite Craw
Miss Grace Gadeken, emergency
home demonstrator, held a meet-
ing at the church parlors Feb. 19
"Holiday Meadow" "P. Penny and
His Little Red Cart" and "When
the Root Children Wake Up."
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ball and son
Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Ball of Heppner and Ronald Ball
spent the week-end in Yakima vis-
i iting the Glenn Ball family.
I Word was received of the birth of
a. baby boy Feb. 14 to Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Christofferson of Donald.
He weighed 11 pounds and was
named Charles Vernon. Mrs. Chris
tofferson is a niece of Mrs. Louis
Ball and a granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Peterson of Lexington.
The Ameca club met at the home
of Mrs. Roy Lindstrom Wednesday
n miiiiiHtiimimiMir
x ("You'll make
(.uf--2t every ride
It's much easier than falling off a
log! Just try Chevron Supreme in j
your tank. It's tailored to your car I
with the same skill that perfected
Standard's waf-proved flying fuels.
New blending agents in Chevron Supreme give you fast
starts, smooth acceleration, pingless performance. It's the
finest motor fuel Standard ever produced you can bank
on every trip being a plcasuie trip with. Chevron Supreme!
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
Tommy Everson has received his
discharge from the army and is at
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley
and Miss Mary Jane Bristow spent
a couple of days last week in Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rice of The
Dalles visited relatives here over
the week-end. Mr. Rice attended the !
... 1 1 - ViA iitaalr-
nance visitea nere uvei uic wca.-
The Morrow and Umatilla I. O.
O. F. district convention was held
at the grange hall Saturday, Feb.
23, with an afternoon and evening
session. The ladies of Bunchgrass
Rebekah. lodge served a banquet
at 6 o'cock. The Morrow county
and Pendleton lodges competed for
Continued on Page Eight
ale o
Bridal Bouquets
of Distinction
Flowers glorify the wed
ding gown. Simple wed
dings become stunning
with our original designs
done in your chosen col
ors. Be sure and call us
Rachel Dick
Phone 2502
Sealed bids for the purchase of
Warehouses Nos. 160 and 161, locat
ed at Lexington, will be received up
to and including March 15, 1946.
All bids must be for cash. Address the
company office at Lexington.
orrow County
Grain Growers
' .-'.V
jfSSiSiffiSli il'A TO
(OLD JUDGE: "Hank, you're a big grain
producer ... let me ask you a question or two?"
HANK: "Glad to have you, Judge."
OLD JUDGE: "Do you think the grain used
by distillers is wasted a3 some folks are
HANK: "1 certainly do Not I As a matter
, of fact, it is just the opposite." .
' OLD JUDGE: "How do you figure that,
HANK: "From my own experience and
from reports I've read. For the year endin
last June, the distillers produced overi
1,200,000,000 pounds of distillers' dried ;
grains... the best feed supplements we can i
lay our hands on. They are rich in nutrients.
Why. . . I've never hSd such fat dairy cows,
livestock and poultry as I have since I've
been usin' these dried grains."
'How do you use them,
HANK: "I blend them in with original
grain. This balanced ration has far greater
feed value than the original grain itself. I
can cut down on my whole grain feeding
about zu and etui get better results."
This advertisement ttxmsortd by Conference ofAUoholte Beveraie Industries, tm