Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 28, 1946, Image 1

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"3 O
Heppner, Oregon, Tl ;.;r. February 28, 1946
Work Resumed on
Lexington Airport
Tuesday Morning '
Runway Extension,
Roofing of Hangar
Get First Attention
Lexington's airport moved one
step nearer to full realization Tues
day mornng when a crew of men
went to work to put the roof on
the hangar and finish up the work
around the grounds, and a main
tainer was put on the job of ex
tending the east-west runway. The
work will be carried on, weather
permitting, until the port is put in
shape to handle such business as
will come this way.
A new road leading from the
Hermiston-Lexington highway has
been graded, making easy access to
the port. It is hoped to get some
surface gravel on the road before
traffic becomes too heavy, and ev
entually it will be oiled to keep
down the dust and maintain " the
A steel tower is being erected to
support the wind sock which has
been perched on the hangar to
guide Pilot Jack Forsythe when he
comes in for a landing
There will be more activity at
the port as soon as Forsythe's new
Aeronca plane arrives. It was sche
duled to come Friday but latest
wrord is that it will be delayed in
arriving at Portland where it will
be assembled. The Aeronca is a
training model and demonstrator
and model and will be used more
for that purpose than for flleht
service. The ship ordered is a 1946
model two-seater, three passenger
type. The Forsythe Flying Service
has on order a Stinson Voyager, a
four-passenger job, which is sche
duled to arrive in May. This ship
will be used exclusively for pas
senger service.
The east-west runway is being
lengthened to 2700 feet. The strip is
300 feet wide, making it possible
for big planes to set down there.
For the present there will be no
surfacing material added, but next
fall the runway will be seeded to
grass. Port officials have studied
the possibility of surfacing runways
wth the material found up Shaw
creek and while the material would
not be expensive, hauling it would
run up to a considerable figure.
Road surfacing gravel will be used
around the grounds to keep down
dust and make a better approach to
the hangar.
Elks Initiate 60
At Annual Party
Sixty candidates were initiated
Saturday afternoon by Heppner
Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. Elks on
the occasion of the annual Wash
ingtn's birthday party. Initiation
was put on by the officers of The
Dalles lodge and a large number
of the candidates were from Con
don and surrounding territory, a
club having been formed there re
cently. Feminine guests of the lodge were
entertained with a card party in the
lounge room durng the afternoon.
A buffet dinner was served at 6:30
p. m. followed by the annual ball.
Rhea Creek grange hall will be
the scene of the March meeting of
the Morrow County Farm Bureau
at 8 o'cock Monday evening, March
4. This announcement was made
Wednesday by Oscar Peterson, se
cretary, who urges that the mem
bership and friends make it a
point to attend.
There will be a discussion of lo
cal problems, followed by a short
program with a speaker from Pen
dleton. Refreshments will be served
at the close of the evening.
2!4 Tons Clothing
Assembled Here
Just how much longer the store
rooms, attics and cellars of Morrow
county can disgorge used clothing
in quantity is a question that only
a careful survey would answer, but
the recent collection of discarded
garb made a dent in already deplet
ed supply. According to B. C.
Pinckney, county drive chairman,
4,500 pounds of old clothes made up
the shipment from Heppner. ,
The figure represents approxi
mately the whole county, inasmuch
as Boardman and Irrigon sent their
contributions to Heppner and
Pinckney states 'JKat mos people
brought their cartons here to be
Figures representing the nation
al total have not been released but
if the response throughout was as
good accordingly as here the
amount asked for would be assured.
Team W L Pet
Umatilla 7 2 .777
Heppner 6 3 .666
Boardman 5 3 .625
lone 2 6 .250
Irrigon 17 .125
Funeral Services
Held Monday for
Michael Healy
Services were held at 10 o'clock
a. m. Monday at St. Patrick's Ca
tholic church in Heppner for Mich
ael Healy of Boardman who passed
away Friday. Mr. Healy suffered a
stroke at his home Friday morning
and passed away at Stanfield while
enroute to a hospital in Pendleton.
The resident priest at Hermiston
officiated at the services and ar.
rangements were in charge of the
Phelps Funeral Home. Interment
was in the Heppner Masonic ceme
Michael Healy was a native of
Ireland. He was born at Clonelly,
County Langford, May 19, 1885. He
cae to America in 1905, following
the path beaten by so many of his
countrymen to the range lands of
the west where he, like so many of
the sons of the Emerald Isle engag
ed in the sheep business. He fol
lowed this occupation until about
1930 when he disposed of his inter
ests and bought a home at Board
man. '
Surwing are the widow, who was
Mary. Hughes of Heppner, and five
children, Mrs. Raymond Gronquist
and Mrs. R. B. Rands, -Boardman;
William P. and John M. Healy, and
Mrs. Richard Holmboe, Portland;
two brothers, Patrick and John of
Heppner, and a sister, Mrs. Mary
Kate Howard of Los Angeles.
Dewitt H. Jones received his dis
charge f from the navy the past
week and arrived home Sunday.
He started to work Monday in his
father's shop at the Heppner Lum
ber company plant.
Volume 62, Number 49"
Mustangs Ousted
In First Round of
Play in Tourney
Umatilla Edges Out
One-point Victory
At John Day Meet
Jimmie Ledbetter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. . Ledbetter, recently re
ceived his discharge from the navy
and has returned to the family
home near Heppner. Johnny Led
better, another son, who has been
stationed at Kodiak, Alaska, is
home on a 25-day leave. The fam
ily met him Friday at Sunnyside,
Wash. He will report to Seattle for
Joe McLaughlin was a week-end
visitor at home, coming from Bre
merton, Wah., where he is sta
tioned at present. Asked if he
would soon be on terminal leave he
said he thought not as he expected
to be at Bremerton for some time.
The orange and' black Vikings of
Umatilla high school became un
dusputed owners of the Wheat Lea
gue trophy as the result of a 19-18
victory over the Heppner Mustangs
in the first round of the John Day
'district tournament on the Grant
Union High School masonite court
Thursday afternon Feb. 21.
The Mustang cagers galloped in.
to a tournament berth by dumping
the Vikings 32-23 on the losers'
floor Tuesday, Feb. 5. The follow
ng Tuesday the Mustangs followed
this victory with a 37-19 shellack
ing of the fourth place lone Car
dinals Don Kennedy, Bill Barbouletos
and Rodenbaugh sank field goals in
the first period to set the Viking
offense rolling. The Mustang guard
Archie Padberg,, flipped in a re
bound to start the Heppner counter
attack. First period: Umatilla 6,
Heppner 2.
Skip Connor, Mustang scoring
ace, added five points to the Hepp
ner score, but the five -point differ
ence in the two squads' scores re
mained as the Umatilla boys add
ed five counters more to theirs.
Half-time count: U. H. S. 11, H.
H. S. 7.
j Jack Parrish, Buster Padberg and
Bob Mollahan of the Mustangs
dropped in a field goal each in a
valiant effort to close the gap but
found it or no avail. Don Rippee
and Clarence Greenup went into
play to speed up the Mustang offen
sive as the home stretch came into
view. The effort proved profitable
j as their new fire sparked the team
to within one point of the Viking
score as the game ended. Final:
Umatilla 19, Heppner 18.
B. Padberg
A. Padberg
Free throws missed: Umatilla,
Hiatt 4, Barbouletos, Kennedy, Ro
denbaugh; Heppner, Parrish 3,Mol
lahanS, Connor.
Referee: Carl Kligel, Pendlrir,.;.
School Work Shop
Gives Grade School
Kids 2-Day Vacation
Grade school younsWs in ths
Heppner system feel they get a
break now and then and h;s week
is one of their lucky periods. The
renson: Teachers of the county are
holding their spring "Work Shop",
which is an alternate to the insti
tute which used to bring ioy to
the kids and produce a sour note
in the theme song of a teacher's life.
Thursday's program is being de
voted to grade school problems.
Grade teachers outside of Heppner
are using the local staff as guinea
pigs for expounding their theories
and demonstrating their teaching
practices. On Friday the high school
teachers will enter into the activi
ties and the high school students
will take a holiday also.
School administrators of the
county attended a meeting of super
intendents and principals in Pen
dleton Wednesday. Supt.. George
Corwin of Heppner, Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers, county superintendent and
B. C. Forsythe of lone were re
ported among those going from this
side of the county.
Happy to be in-- tne old home
town once more, John and Walter
Skuzeski spent the week-end in
Heppner, coming from the parental
home at' Carson, Wash, to take in
the Elks annual ball and party.
Both boys are on leave from the
Miss Margaret Gillis, county
health nurse, left today for Salem
to attend a health conference in the
state department of education.
2 12 5
10 12
0 111
113 3
0 0.0 0
10 0 2
! 0 3 2
7 4 11 18
11 2 3
3 2 18
2 12 5
10 0 2
0 0 0 0
0 13 1
7 5 8 19
World Day of Prayer
Set for March 8
World Day of Prayer, Friday,
March 8, will be observed with
two planned programs in town that
day, one at the Episcopal church
at 2:30 p. m. and the other in the
Star Theater at the noon hour.
Plans for the noon hour meeting
at the theater are being made by
Rev. Fletcher Forster with other
members of the ministerial associa
tion participating. This meeting is
offered by the combined churches
as represented in the Union Mis
sionary society for the benefit of
those who cannot participate in the
afternoon meeting. Hymns familiar
to all churches, prayers and pro
gram relating to the great opportu
nities of a world seeking peace at
this time will emphasize the inter
denominational, cooperative char
acter of the day.
The afterrioon meeting, under the
leadership of Mrs. Anna Q. Thom
son, will use the program planned
by a world-wide committee and
distributed for world-wide use on
this day. For those who cannot at
tend either of the scheduled meet
ings the Methodist church bell will
ring at intervals all day as a re
minder for a call to prayer in every
home within its sound.
Anyone wishing to do so may
stop in at the church at any time
during the day or evening for devotions.
The second meeting of the coun
ty committee for homo demonstra
tion work will be held at 2 o'clock
p. m. Friday, March 8 hi the office
of the county agent in Heppner.
Mrs. Mabel Mack, state specialist
in home management, will be here
to continue planning with the com
mittee for home demonstration
work in the county.
Mrs. Vernon Munkers of Lexing
ton is chairman of the committee.
Funeral services were he..' at th
Phelps Funeral Home chapil at 2:30
o'clock p. m. Wednesday tor Rob- '
ert Milo. four-year-old son of Mr j
and Mrs. Milo Huston of HillcresV
near Bend, Oregon. O. Wendell
Ilerbison conducted the service and
arrangements were in charge of
Winslow and Nyswonger of Bend.
Robert, who was born July 17,
1941 at Heppner, was coasting with
other little boys in a private alley
and he was run over by a truck.
He lived several hours after the ac
cident, passing away about 9 p. m.
Feb. 23. He was the grandson of
Guy Huston of Eight Mile.
About 20 members of Ruth Chap
ter No. 32, Order of the Eastern
Star were guests of the lone chap
tor Tuesday evening. Initiation was
'he order of the evening which was
greatly enjoyed. Second only to that
frier of business was the delicious
refreshments which the hostess
chapter served.
Woolgrowers auxiliary has sche
duled a no-host luncheon at 1:13
Friday, March 1 at the Lucas Place.
A large attendance is desired.
Miss Leta Humphreys returned
Monday evening from Portland
where she spent the past week in
the interest of the Humphreys Drug
: ry o
Plans Completed
For Big "Welcome :
Home" Banquet
Cooks Preparing
To Serve Upwards
Of 500 Persons
Service men home on leave
or furlough will be welcome to
attend the banquet. Invitations
have been sent to those return
ing home with their discharge
papers but this does not ex
clude men still in uniform who
are from Morrow county. Men
in uniform should identify
themselves with the invitation
committee, Loyal Parker, chair
man, before the time of the
Plans are completed for the big
"Welcome Home" banquet to be
served at the Elks hall Saturday
evening. All that is left to be done
now is the work, which will start
Friday morning with the hauling of
chairs and tables, decorating and
ing into a function of this magni
multitudinous , other details enter
tude. Final instructions were given at, a
meeting Monday evening at the city
hall, at which time the general
committee scanned the invitation
thought most likely not to attend in
list and omitted names of those
reaching a calculation on the num
ber of servings to be made. The
general figure arrived at was ap
proximately 500 and the cooks are
preparing for that number or more.
Mayor J. O. Turner, program
chairman; has arranged a program
in connection with, the banquet, and
Judge Bert Johnson will emcee. the
proceedings. It was the mayor's idea
that servicemen themselves should
have a part in the program and he
arranged the following numbers:
Doxology (standing) led by Mrs. O.
G. Crawford; opening remarks,
Judge Bert Johnson; group singing,
led by Mrs. Crawford; address, Lt.
Francis Nickerson; address CPO C.
J. D. Bauman; vocal solo, Mrs.
Clyde Dunham; address, Lt. Col.
John Fisk; address, Rev. Francis
McCormack; prayer, Rev. Fletcher
Forster, and song (standing) Star
Spangled Banner.
Serving will start at 7 o'clock. It
those who may b employed up to 6
was' placed at this hour to permit
p. m. to make it on time.
Committees in charge of prepara
tions such as haujing and setting up
tables and chairs will welcome as
sistance. At least they will not get
huffy if aid is offered.
New Building to
House Repair Shop
A new building to house his
business and provide room for an
other small business was announc
ed Tuesday by J. W. Farra, pro
prietor of the Heppner shoe repair
shop. Constmction of the, building
is schedued to begin Monday,
March 4 and is expected to be rea
dy for occurmcy by April 1.
Farra, wbo purchased the shoe
repair equipment from Edmond
E. Gonty early in November, 1945,
moved to the Case building. Sub
Sequent plans for converting the
building into apartments has caused
Farra to vacate and unable to find
suitable quarters he decided to buy
a lot and put up his own building.
The shoe man has purchased the
Casebeer lots, corner of Main and
Baltimore, where he will put up a
one-story building' 32x30 feet. The
old service station building is being
torn down to make room for the
new building.
Mrs. Edward Burchell went to
Fort Lewis, Wash., Thursday to
spend a few days with her husband.
Major Edward Burchell.