1 8 Heppner Gazette Times, February 21 , 1946 News Around the Town . . . . A large delegation of Heppner Masons drove to lone last night to participate in degree work with the lone lodge. The evening was topped off with a clam feed, for which the lone brothers are famous in preparing and serving and for which the Heppner brothers are, shall we say notorious for mak ing the tasty morsels disappear. Thanks to the welfare board, Henry Schwarz is now able to get around the house on his own power. Mr. Schwarz has been close ly confined at home the past three years following the amputation of one of his legs. He is deeply grate ful to the welfare board for mak ing it possible for him to exercise a little. Mrs. Lewis Smth of Naches, Wash, is a guest at the home of her son Orville Smith and family. Mrs. Smith came Wednesday and makes frequent trips to New York City to visit a brother and sister whom he had not been with for ...:n : ;i onJ to several years. Will I fllldUl 1X11111 UIC w-. -1 ... T , week I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Instone have , 1U i returned to their quarters at their Frpd Meek. reDair man at the,, . . T Heppner Hardware & Electric com pany, this week bought the Harry Nelson house from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall. Meek's family will arrive about March 1. Their present home is in Vancouver, Wash. An eight-pound daughter was born Feb. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Kelly at Pendleton. The mother was Melba Burnside and she and the baby are doing nicely. The fa ther is with the armed forces in Japan. Joe Oilleese veteran of the Paci. fic campaign, is attending ammuni tion inspectors' school in Pedrick twon, N. J., according to a letter received from him by Frank Tur ner. Joe expects to finish the school in March and will be stationed at the Umatilla Ordance depot. He Z Ask About The JX WMiW DELUXE IfffffMm cdahpiod. r$iif$1l jfij Th T,r Tho $,ay IKWSlwflll i: W You et ptntd. lOrSSviiVfl III iSyJlll w exclusive construction lWMWtt Mfll Wfl J features assuring extra lifilVC V idiwl gA safety and extra mile- KW ' ,0 LM' 9 xtr cort former ranch in Jones canyon after spending a month at Hermiston. Mr. Instone was ill with the flu most of the time during their stay with Mrs. Instone s sister. A little party was included in the regular choral club rehearsal last Monday evening when the group presented Miss Marie Bar low with a wedding gift. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. Lucv Rodffers. The table was at tractive with a wedding cake and candles, and the beautiful collection of bone china teacups which share honors with the chorus in the af fections of the club's director. Mrs. Cletus Nichols and son were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells ere they returned to their home in Portland. They had been in Lexington at the home of Mrs. T. H. Nichols for the past two weeks. Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Wells are sister and brother. Harry Quackenbush was moved from his home to the Mattie Gentry, home this week. Mr. Quackenbush suffered a heart attack last week and it was felt he could be cared for more easily this way. M. L. Case has been in Portland consulting a physician relative to his health, for the past two weeks and is expected home Sunday. Miss Elsie Jepson arrived Sun day from American Lake, Wash, to GAS AND AIR FIDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks! It looks like we are on the right track to get read ers for our advertising. Several folks came in and mentioned the opening column. ONE MAN OFFERED US A GOOD JOKE TO USE IN THE WRITEUPS. THAT'S THE KIND OF COOPERA TION WE LIKE AND AP PRECIATE. He said that everv man likes to see a broad smile, especially if she is smiling at him. NOT A BAD ONE, AND WE ARE GLAD TO GET IT. Already we are wondering whether we'll be able to wax humorous every time we sit down to write this column. THERE'S ONE THING WE CAN ALWAYS WRITE ABOUT WITH PLEASURE. THOUGH, AND THAT'S OUR SERVICE You'll be pleased with it, too, if you'll give it a try. Richfield Service Heppner, Oregon Phone 1242 j spend a two weeks vacation with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepson of lone and her sister Betty who is a student at Heppner high school. Miss Jepson has been em ployed with the veterans adminis tration at Amrican Lake the past year. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson and Carol drove to Walla Walla Satur day and remained until Monday. While there they visited their dau ghter, Mrs. R. C. Putman, and fam ily. They also called at the T. A. Wylie home. PAWIILETS AT LIBRARY New pamphlets in Heppner pub lic library of interest to farmers and gardeners in Morrow county: Crop Variety Recommendations; Alta Fescue Production; Sudan Grass, Millets and Sorghums in Oregon; Home Fruit and Vegetable Dehydration: Crested Wheat Grass; Harvesting Pole Beans. Two other pamnhlets of current event interest: Steel Strike and Managment's Job. New books, fiction: Brideshead Revisited, by Waugh, and three new mysteries: You'll Be Sorry; The Lost Caesar and Four Past Four. mm sms m g mm To Keep Your Car Shining With Little Effort Glass Cleaner ji2.0I. 29c Pre-Wax Cleaner pt. 3f)c Liquid Polishing Wax... ft. 30 Cleaner and Polish Pt.3C Chemical Polishing Cloth 39 WVpa -menu Wax 7-ox. 4UO K,eener ,2- 4c oi wash Mitt ..UUC 31 CotoihdL as a February Birthday Cake COATS AND SUITS It's going to be a gay spring for everyone . . . and especially gay for you in your new Penney suit or coat. Man-tailored or dressmaker, it will take you from February through a gay March, April and May! 19.75 24JS 29JS STAR EE REPORTER Show Starts at 7:3a MatinMi Every Sunday, 1 p. m 4 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement Friday-Saturday, February 22-23 Danger Signal Faye Emerson, Zachary Scott, Rosemary De camp, Bruce Bennett Spine-tingling drama from the .blazing best seller by Phyllis Bottome PLUS Stranger from Santa Fe A Johnny Mack Brown western. Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, February 24-25-26 Rhapsody in Blue The jubilant story of George Gershwin star ring Robert Alda, Joan Leslie, Alexis Smith, Charles Coburn, Al Jolson, Oscar Levant and all of George Gershwin's songs. NOTE THAT THIS FILM IS SHOWING THREE DAYS Wednesday-Thursday, February 27-28 Follow That Woman Nancy Kelly, William Gargan, Regis Toomey Laughs and thrills when a cutie goes crime hunting. -PLUS- Appointment in Tokyo Their own inside story of the Pacific from Bataan to the beaches of Tokyo Bay. McAr .lihur, Nimitz and their men from the start to surrender. Rosewall Motor Co. P.