CHURCHES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible School 9:45. Morning worshiD 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Midweek service Thursday ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd ad 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m Mass at 9 a. m. or. fifth Sunday in Heppner onlv. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Shelby Graves Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. ' Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Young people's service Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday 7:45 p. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer 11 a. m. Wednesday Holy Communion at 10 a. . The Wardens and Bishop's com mittee will meet after the morning service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa dors 8 p. m. IONE BAPTIST CHURCH J C. Stephens, Pastor Morning worship 11 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Prayer meeting 7 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Mission prayer aid 2:30 p. m. e COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR JANUARY 1946 The minutes of the December term were read and approved. The bids of the Standard Oil and General Petroleum companies being the same and lower than any other bids were accepted by the Court, for gasoline for the year 1946. The Court orders that after March 1 dog licenses shall be collected for at the rates of $2 for male and spayed female and $4 for female. The Court selected the Heppner Gazette Times as the official paper for Morrow County for the year 1946. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following county property : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Block 27, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $35.00, cash. Lots 20 21. 22, 23, 24. and 17 in Block 37, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $60.00, cash. All of Section 17. Township 4 iiuii,u, nunge zt c u M, excepting about 24.73 acres belonging to the O. Y R. R. & x. Co.. and State of Oiftjon. for the minimum price of $l.6u per acre, cash. Lou 4. 5, and 6 in Block 19 West iii-ietion Uj, Township 5, Nortn, Ka:ige 26. E. W. M. for the mini mum price of $2.00 per acre, cash. Lots 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 26, 27, 28. 29 and 30 in Block 36, Irrigon, Ore gon for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. Lots 1. 2, 3, 1 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, and 10 in Block 37, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $50.00, cash. The Court appoints Dr. Archie D. McMurdo as County Physician for the years 1946 and 1947. The Court orders the following Bangs' disease claim paid: Fred Pet tyjohn, $4.00. The Court drew the following names for a Circuit Court jury list for 1946: The Court appointed the Judges and Clerks of Election for the years 1946 47 as follows: WARRANTS DRAWN OH GENERAL FUND Edna Hugses, Dep Sal $ 120.20 Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 136.59 Adell Forster, Dep Sal. 108.50 Marie Barlow, Dep. Sal 120.20 Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst 39.50 Tilman Hogue, Janitor Sal 109.30 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phy. Sal 25.00 Susie W. Miller, Ct. Reporter 33.33 Margaret Gillis, Co Nurse, 143.50 First Natl Bank of Portland Withholding Tax 218.30 Lucy Rodgers, Supt. $8.54; Supt. Milage $2.25 10.75 P. A. Mollahan, Sheriff 67.80 Heppner Gazette Times, Offic. Pub. $9.45; Assess. $25.00; Sher. $31.00 65.45 West Coast Printing & Binding Co. Assess $3.25; Elec $2.00 5.25 Pac. Tel & Tel Co Current Ex 54.24 National Surety Corp. Bonds 175.00 Susie W. Miller, Circuit Court. 2.33 P. W. Mahoney, Dist Atty 20.00 State Ind Accid Comm. Sheriff $3.04; Sher. Sal. $0.31; Dep. $0.31; 3.66 P. P. & L. Co Court House 19.67 Heppner Market, Jail 37.15 Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen. As sistance 77.20 Bert Johnson, County Court 3.90 Oregon State College, County Agent 1200.00 Fred Pettyjohn, Bangs Disease Control 4.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assist $504.00; Dep. Children $44.00; Blind Assist $11.40 559.40 Nat. Assoc. County Offic, Emer gency 20.00 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND W. Cunningham 145.00 Wm. Harrison 110.30 A. J. Chaffee 136.70 E. S. Hunt 47.12 M. V. Nolan 176.0G Harry Quackenbush 71.18 Walter Gilman 139.78 Austin Wilson 149.92 Harold Wilson 132.22 Simpson Holley 111.06 Jack Sjocum 91.31 Harold Sherer 232.15 E. A. Kelly 156 6 Chas. Willi'ims 87.49 Prank Nixon 29 85 Robert S. Wilson 4919 Harold Wilson j'oi) iursi National Bank of Port 138.00 ,ftU.BAfflTS DMWH ON 7ISCELLATTEQUS FUND josepn isaitrenas 25.00 1. an iucuaniPl 25.00 - ""ti CLERKS OF ELECTION Boarcinnm: Judges, Grace Maeomber, vvujiui upmiuiro; cierKs. Daisy B Gi lespie. Flosie Coats, Mabel Allen. HiiEhtmile: judges, A. W. Lundell, iuurjorie vvoraen; clerks, Frank An derson. John Bergstrom, Hanna An derson. Hardman nidges Walter W. Wright, ricniy j.ui).;i'ien; cierKS, Jonn E. See vens, G. A. Ferrens, Jess Coats. lone, first board. H. E. Clark. Mary oecKiier; cierns ueorgs N. Ely, Ei aine O. Riotmann, Mabel Cotter. lone, ser-ond board, judges, E. R. Lundell, P. J. Linn: clerks, Charles Carlson, Gladys Drake, Juanita Riet mann. Irrigon, judges, Itol Rucker A. C. Houghton; clerks, Nettie M. Sparks, Rilie Vernon Jones, M. Orlena Sud darth. Lexington, first board, judges. E. J. Evans, Burton Peck; clerks, Vera Heppner Gazette Times, February 21, 1946 3 Whilloek. Thelma Smethurst. Bertha i Lexington, second board, judges Amanita Duvall, L. A. Palmer: clerks,' iwsaii, tinier Hunt. Cora Warner. North Hennner first hmr.i ,,.i. Alex Green. L. E. Dick; clerks. Flora D. Nys, Elma Hiatt. Gertrude Anmo. gate. North Hennner. sfvnnri Krvo ges, O. Wendell Herbison, Ealor B Huston; clerks. Coraniae Ferguson Lorena Jones, Cyrene Barratt. Pine Citv. iude-es Phiwho A Tn tholomew, Jasper E. Myers; clerks, .Derma Ayers, Marion jf inch, Faye Finch. South Hennner. first hnarH inHmu F. E. Parker, C. R. McAlister; clerks! tLiia. uenge, uma J. Cox, Lola Bennett. South Hpnnnpp Rprnnri hrtarH i,,. ees. C N. .Tones Cirantk ITuo-hoa laib-a Grace Nickerson, Sara McNamer, Kath leen iisier. JURY LIST Acwk (Tins W AHnma TTtViol M . Adams, Fred; Aiken, Henry; Alters, oen; Aiancn, jr. u; Archer, Letha; Ayers, Clayton. Baker, E. Markham; Baker, J. Hen- rv! Rail Willinin V Tloll TUfatth, R.; Barratt, Cyrene; Bartholomew, r-noeDe; oeacn, nasie m. ; ueamer, Ralph; Beard, Robert L. ; Bergevin, Chas. ; Beckner, Lee; Beckner, Tilgh- man; uennett, ioia; Bergstrom. Carl; Bergstrom, E. ; Bibby, Reita; Bisbee, Emeline F. ; Blake, Kenneth, Brace, Frank D Rrncp Oran r nranim Ed; Brosnan, Jerry, Buchanan, Fred; Durneiiuine. i.ioya; euscnKe, Hid; Bus chke, Max. Campbell, May A.; Casebeer. Prudy; Carmichael, Clarence; Chinn, Edward; Chaffee, Mabel F.; Chapel, Blaine; Clark, Barton E.; Cleveland, W. How ard; Clark, Henry E.'; Cohn, Helen; Connor, Albert; Cotter, Mabel; Cox, Ben; Cox, Clara L. ; Cox, Dee Jr.; Coxen, Edna O. ; Craber, J. E. Craw ford, Viola D.; Crawford. Wate C; Currin, Hugh C; Cutsforth, O. W.; Currin, George. Dalze!, Arthur; Dalzell. Vern; Da vidson, James F. ; Denney, Clyde; Devine, Claud W. ; Devine. S. J. ; Devine, ' Pearl ; Dick, L. E. ; Dinges, Harry; Dillon. Chas.; Dobyns, Noel; Doherty, Bernard J.; Doherty, Neil; Dolvin. Raymond M. ; Doherty, Wm. J.; Drake, Cleo; Drake Emma K. ; Drake, Ray; Dobyns, Walter; Duran, Moses E. : Duvall, H. L. Edwards. Alonzo; Ekstrom, Herbert; Ely, Franklin; Elv, Fred J. Elv H. O. ; Emert, Delbert; Estb, Sam: Eu banks, John; Evans. Msr. George Evans, Harold. Farris. John; Farley, James; Fer guson. K O. ; Ferguson. Raymond; Finch, Marion C. ;' Fitzpatrick, M. J.; Florence. N. G. Gay. Walter H. ; Gertson. Clara: Gilliam, Leonard L. : Gillespie, Zearl; Gilliam, Earl E. ; Gilman. Walter L ; Gordon, M. E. ; Gorger, Leo; Grabill, Robert; Gray, Merritt; Green, Cor- nett; Green, Herman; Griffin, Philip S. ; Griffith, Elmer; Grim, H. W.; GronJiens, Emil. Hager. Lulu; Halvorsen, Lewis; llaiipuld, H. C. : Heliker, Ernest; iierluson, Doris; Hiatt, Elma; Hiatt, J. W.; Higgins. Phil: Hirl, Chas.; Hisler, Paul; Hoskins. Fred; Hiu:li ton. A. C; Howel. Lee; Hubbard, Van; Huber, Alex; Huglies Ed wm: Hughes. Elwyn; Hughes, Mabel; Humphreys, Leta M. ; Hunt, Elmer; Hunt, Mary: Hurst Roy E. ; Hynd. Herbert; Hastings, W. C. It. .-tone. William H.; IrLiy, Glenn A.; Isoni, Blaine E.; Isom. Anna. Johnson, John J.; Jackson, Ralph; Jones. Alva; Jones. Floyd R. ; Jo.ics, Ola N. ; Jones, Ralph I.; Jonea, R. V. Keithley, Howard; Key. J. B. ; Kil kenny. W. P.; Krebs, John W.; Klin ger, Chas. Lanham, Conley; Lindstrom, Frank Continued on Page Six SAND & GRAVEL Call 1484-Heppner Good clean Umatilla sand and gravel for concrete and cement work. LLOYD MOVER Heppner Oregon Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield ervice Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon n "YOU know something Joan" Smart said to me set me think-" ing hard. She was getting Hal that's her youngest an after school snack from her refriger ator. And I said kidding because I've known the Smarts for years I don't see any bottles there where do you keep 'em? And then Joan said,. Of course, Sally, you know we don't keep 'em anyplace but if I did, I would be ashamed to open my refrigerator to the children. I would feel like I was actually running a liquor store in my kitchen ... and inviting minors td participate. And may be that is something for all of us parents to think over hard I" EM ST Many thousands of men In uniform have yet to be returned home from the Pacific theatre. Thaf 8 Union Pacific's first and most impor tant job. But if you're planning a trip to the East, don't give up the idea. It's worth waiting for. And travel conditions are improving, day by day. Start your vacation with relaxation. Enjoy "smooth sailing" on a fast Streamliner ... a world of comfort on a modernly-appointed Limited. Or choose the Challenger famous for low-cost travel enjoyment. Your Journey by rail will be the high spot of your vacation or business trip. Ask about "stop overs" at various interesting points enroute to or from your eastern desti nation. Union Pacific serves more western scenic regions than any other railroad the woild'y grossest travel bargain. be Specific - "4 "Union Pacific" Til P I 0 I I t S I V I union pacific a ml road MOA0 9f TMt YnEnfbtiM4 AM0 Tt tO.U$Uf0ft tottui JtMMfoft I Commtt ,4XJLOl