Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 21, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, February ni , 1946
lone Happenings of the Week
Mrs. Echo Palmateei
The union ladies aid gave a fare-1
well party for Mrs. Laxton McMur
ray Thursday Feb . 14 Sandwiches,
cake, cookies and coffee were served.
Mrs. McMurray was presented with a
beautiful flower bowl.
The HEC of Willows grange met at
the home of Mrs. Berl Akers Feb. 15
with a turkey dinner at noon. There
were 26 members present and all re
port a very good time.
Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn were hostesses at a valen
tine party at the Palmer home Feb. 14.
Pinochle was played with Mrs. Milton
Morean and Wallace Matthews win
ning high prizes and Mrs. Matthews
and Howard Eubunks low. Delicious
refreshments were served.
The OES social club gave a card
party Feb. 16 with five tables of
pinochle and four of bridge. Many
prizes were given. Ice cream, cookies
and coffee were served.
Elbe Akers ot tiie U. S. Navy is
spending his leave with his father,
Ralph Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker and dau
ghter Mardene made a trip to Dayton
Wash, the first of the week.
Mrs. Elmer Griffith and Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom visited relatives in Port
land last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell moved
Into the house recently vacated by
the McMurrays. The Lundells bought
the house some time ago.
The 4-H cooking club met Satur
day at the-home of Mrs. Victor Riet
mann with five members and their
leader, Mrs. Lonnie McCabe present.
Miss Grace Gadeken presented their
club pins. Their project is preparing
apple sauce and frying bacon.
Ione,P.-T.A. will hold a meeting at
the school house Feb. 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann re
turned home from California where
they had been visiting Mrs. Riet
mann's mother.
Mrs. Ella Davidson received word of
the wedding of her grandson, Lewis
Beasley of Dobbins, Calif, on Feb. 9.
The social meeting of the Topic
club will be an evening party Feb. 22
at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
Grange initiation in the first and
second degree and potluck supper are
planned for March 1. When they in
itiate in the third and fourth degrees
March 30 they will have taken 150
mpmhprs into the strange. They will
have a formal dance that night for
grange members.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lett, of Mont
pelier, Ohio are visiting at the Donald
and Ernest Heliker homes. Mr. Lett
nl Ernest Heliker are cousins.
A potluck supper was held at the
' grange Saturday night. Mrs. Donald
Heliker, lecturer presented the fol
lowing program: Song, Donald Heli
ker; installation of officers; presen
tation of picture of George Washing
ton by Mrs. Ernest Heliker, the gift
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely; a paper "Sta
ture of Liberty" by Rodney Went
worth; a sextet, including Rod new
Wentworth, Vate Crawford, Ernest
and Donald Heliker, Ed Buschke and
James Lindsay sang
Let Me Call
You Sweetheart," and Henry Baker
gave a talk on the progress of the
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of
Salem were recent visitors at the
Louis Halvorsen home. Mrs. Smith is
a niece of Mrs. Halvorsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke of Mor
gan spent, a week visiting in the Will
amette valley.
Those attending the library meet
i.wr ir, Urmt.dl.r MflllflilV IlltTllt Wei'C
Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Char- al veterans or other purchasers of
ies Carlson and Mrs. Echo Palmateer
March 15 is the deadline date for
filing applications for Federal Crop
insurance on spring-sown wheat to
be harvested for grain in 1946, an
nounced Henry Baker, chairman
of the Morrow County AAA com
mittee. Anyone interested in insur
ing spring wheat, who has not al
ready insured his 1946 crop, may
obtain complete information at the
county office.
Teh information panel of the
price control board located in
Mrs. Etta Bristow returned Irom
Walla Walla and the following rela
tives came with her and spent the
week-end: Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Swen
son and family and Ronald Wade and
family all of Walla Walla.
Word was received of the death of
Mrs. Ida Ellis of Portland Friday. She
lis. her mother, Mrs. Chas. Botts and
is survived ty ner nusoana, ueroy iia-
several brothers and sisters. Funeral at their homes.
Roland Bergstrom of the U. S.
navy spent a short leave with his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom.
William Zinter of the U. S. army
spent his furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinter.
The Misses June Griffith, Eunice
Peterson and Melba Crawford Ftu
dents at O. S. C. spent the week-end
ed on his closest comparable com
petitor in most classes of new busi
The annual meeting of the Lex
ington Oil Cooperative will be held
cnecK nis price - Monday, March
has been mislaid A" rMinatm hall.
to check with the prce control m served at noon. We
board of the filing made by hun- attendance,
self or his predecessor before mak- u tjttm'p
ing any charge to customers. A. kLMkR t5iL
new business must file prices bas-' Manager
new businesses should contact the
price control board to ascertain
their base filing prces or the regu
lations which cover that particular
establishment so tat violatons may
be avoided. The panel urges every
business man to check his price !
filings or f copy
services were iiulu tnis aiiernoon ai
2:00 p. m. with Uev. R. L. Casselman
officiating. Interment was made in I.
O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Ellis was a re
sident of lone before going to Port
land. Those going to Portland from here
last week were A. C. Swanson and
Norton Lundell. i
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner of
Portland are visiting at the John Eu
banks' home. Mrs. Brenner is a sister
of Mr. Eubanks.
Clarence Linn left Friday for Salem
where he will be assigned a position
in the unemployment bureau. Mr. Linn
was clerk in the Swanson store.
Ed Rietmann and son David of Con
don spent Sunday at the Victor Riet
mann home. i
The junior class held a basket so
cial at the school house Friday nignt.
A short program was given, two
trumpet solos by Gene Rietmann, a
reading by Aloha Painter and piano
solo by Mildred Carlson. Two films
were shown with the new motion pic
ture machine recently purchased for
the school. The proceeds of the eve
ning came to $182.42. This is for the
junior -senior banquet and prorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray left
Sunday morninsr for their new home in
Salem. Mr. McMurray has lived in this
part of the countrv for, 45 years. He
is a native of North Carolina and is a
veteran of the Spanish American war.
Mrs. McMurray came here 36 years
ago from Iowa. They will be greatly
missed here as they have been very
active in community affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark received
word that their son Lowell is in a
hospital in Bingham, Utah.
Rev. Everett Cole of Portland filled
the pulpit at the Cooperative Church
Rev. Paul Davies, superintendent of
the Congregational churches of Ore
gon will preach next Sunday. There
will be a potluck dinner at noon.
Dixon Smith returned home from
the Veterans hospital in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Garland Swanson returned last
week from St. Vincent's hospital in
The birthday club met at 4he home
of Mrs. Elsa Peterson at Lexington
Feb. 12 with Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Louis
Ball and Mrs. Yarnell as hostesses.
Dinner was served at noon and gifts
presented to Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs.
Lana Padberg, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer,
Mrs. Darrel Padberg and Mrs. Steena
March 1 is the deadline for turning in
your personal assessment blank prop
erly filled out.
W. O. Dix, Assessor
Be sure you get your banded
White Leghorn Cockerels $5 per 100!
and postage
: Popular breeds straight run 17.50 per 100
and postage
;New Hampshire pullets 23.75 per 100
and postage
.White Leghorn pullets 35.00 per 100
and postage
When you want them
EE Heppner
Phone 1282
Good Health Is Our
Most Prized Possession
To maintain and protect our health is a
duty we owe to ourselves, our families and those with whom
we are associated.
An essential to recovering good health is properly com
pounded prescriptions . . . Only the best- ingredients
and skillful preparation are acceptable in the medicine
your physician prescribes.
We pride ourselves that we mest all these requirements in
our Prescription Department.
iff ft & MJlf m
HENRY:" I've heard that same thing several
times lately . . . that alcoholics are really
sick people. It was news to me. Do you
agree with that statement, Judge?"
OLD JUDGE: " Yes, it's true, Henry. It's no
notion of mine . . . it's a statement made
by scientists who have studied the subject."
HENR Y: " What did they find out, Judge ? "
OLD JUDGE: "Well, as a result of their
medical research, they found out that ap
proximately 95 of the people who drink,
drink sensibly. 5 do so unwisely, at times.
Included in that 5 is the small percentage
known as alcoholics."
HENRY: "But why are they called 6ick
OLD JUDGE: "Because it has been dis
covered that, in many cases, excessive drink
ing is a symptom of some physical or emo
tional maladjustment ...not the cause of it.
HENRY: "Now I understand it, Judge. I
am glad to hear of the modern approach
to this problem and that so much is really
being done to help these folks."
This advniistmtnl sponsored by Conjertnet of Alcoholic Batrau IndustrUt, In.