t i ! I f 6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 14, 1946 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOUN Irrigon children have had a round of mumps and measles. A great many are still sick. Wm. Gollyhorn is having his third fight with influenza. Mrs. W. L. Suddarth is staying with her sister Mrs. Wm. Scarlett with a stubborn case of rheuma tism. The J. O. Sweringens have the cement poured for the basement of the Johnny Sweringen residence. Mr. and Mrs. Gunder are visiting his mother, Mrs. Walter Dodge. He is home from the Pacific and is now a civilian. Irrigon basketball team played the Boardman team Monday with the Boardman team winning. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Turner, Mrs. Tom Caldwell and Mrs. Emma Ste ward attended the fellowship meet ing at Freewater Wednesday. Irrigon contributed. 32.14 to the Infantile Paralysis fund according to Mrs. Lillie Warner. The money was collected from jars in the bus iness houses and school. The Huntline brothers have sold their place to William White of Stanfield Thev have a place at La Center Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Huntling have gone to their new home but Pat will remain to as sist the new man in getting started Mr. White bought the dairy herd 400 turkeys and everything except the household goods. The consider ation was $15,000. Mr. and Mrs. Cajvin Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sweringen attended the American Legion at Arlington Saturday night. I hey were initiated into the Boardman lptfinn t'nprp. , Mr. and Mrs. Chester Collins and five children have moved to their new home and ha've two children in school here. They came from Milton. The Assembly of God church had the Sunday services in the Chester Wilson house. Mrs. Violet Amos and daughter of Kellogg Ida. arrived Wednesday to care for Mrs. Amos's mother, Mrs. E. L. Rucker who is ill. Mr." and Mrs. Leslie Rucker of Lewiston arrived Saturday to visit at the E. L. Rucker home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawny Kimes left for Stockson Saturday. Mrs. Kimes' niece, Echo Aldiich and Mrs. An na Peterson accompanied them. Mrs. Fairy Bessler and small son of Portland is spending 10 days with her grandmother Mrs. Martha Ferrill. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Abken and daughter left Saturday to spend the week-end in Kcnnewick. Mrs. Ida Carter is home from Portland. Mrs. Virgil Sparks and daughter Claire got home from a trip to Portland Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and family of Wichita Kan. hae moved into the Russell McCoy house. The Irrigon basketball team and their coach, Supt. Leroy Darling Flowers to Wear Distinctively Designed CAMELLIAS GARDENIAS ORCHIDS ROSES CARNATIONS IRIS VIOLETS SWEET PEAS TULIPS NARCISSI SNAPDRAGONS HYACINTHS Rachel Dck, Florist Phone 2502 went to Umatilla Tuesday evening to attend the Umatilla-Heppner game there. Mr. and Mrs. Benny McCoy have rented the Leroy Aldrich place. Lyle Mulkev was a Heppner vis itor Wednesday. The Morrow county health nurse was in Irrigon Tuesday. The basketball game and lunch for the .benefit of the firefund was cancelled Johnny Tade of Sunnyside, Wash, spent the week-end at the Batty Rand home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaughter and Mrs. W. C. Acock and Charles Jr. went to Pendleton Wednesday. Harry Quackenbush suffered a stroke Monday night which has him confined to his home. His condition is reported rather serious- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court o Morrow, State of Oregon, Admin istrator of the Estate of Lew's Albert Osmin deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of the said deceased are hereby required to presnt the same with proper vouchers duly verified as required by law to the said ad ministrator at the law office of P. W. Mahoney, at Heppner, Oregon, within s'x months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 24th day of January, 1946. ALTON L. OSMIN Administrator P. W. Mahoney Attorney for Administrator Heppner, Oregon 44-48 IK OVER THIS SELECTION! 1941 DE SOTO CUSTOM BROM $1469 Simplimatic transmission, radio, heater, good tires, ventilating window in front doors and side windows. Nice upholstery with scat covers, airfoam scat cushions, beautiful green finish. A car you'll really enjoy. 1940 Buick Roadmaster Sport Coupe $1537 Radio, heater, fine mechancal condition. It is properly named "Koadmastcr". You should drive it. 1940 OLDS SEDAN 4-D Touring $1350 A wonderful performer. Heater and good tires. 1942 CHEVROLET G-l Stake Truck For sale at low ceiling. 1933 CHEVROLET Long W.B. Truck $290 Dual wheels, flat rack- 1941 WILLYS 4-door Sedan $1037 With overdrive and heater. AH prices at or below OPA ceilings Art Burson, Mgr. 61 3 SE Court on U. S. 30 Priori 492 Pendleton DISPLAY 1 Vi and 2 quart 5-Purpos DOUBLE BOILERS 2 and 3 quart SAUCI PANS 10 Inch FRENCH SKILLET 4 quart SAUCE POT 5 Vi quart DUTCH OVEN Samples of these wares in stock are for display purposes only. Deliveries will be made about the first of March. Case Furniture Co. Heppner, Oregon Advertisement fevJ From where I sit ... 6u Joe Marsh its . Sam Hceckney ' has a irde mark Before Sara Hackney got suc cessful, his wife used make his bow tics for him. They came out an inch longer than average rnd Sam came in for a lot of ribbing. But he only smiled and took it. Of course, Sam doesn't need to economize now; he's one of the best real estate men in the country. But he still wears those long bow ties. Prospective customers may not re member his name or his face, but the minute they see Sam, they say, "That's the feller!" The bow ties work like a trade mark something to remember and identify. And Sam has another trade mark, too: the glass of beer he buys his client after every deal is settled. Sure, it's a friendly gesture ... but more than that, it reminds Sam's clients that he's a man of modera tion and good taste dependable and temperate. Sam's no fool I Copynni, ; . United States Brewers Foundation A 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday FEBRUARY 16 On the sidewalk in front of our store Jo make room for new stock, we will sell at public auction numerous items, some of which are not carried regularly. Wooden Toys, Bath Powder, Novelties, Vases, Pepper Grinders, Lawn Chairs; Baby Chairs, Odds and Ends BOB RUNNION Auctioneer Saager's Pharmacy A STRICTLY CASH SALE