4 Heppner Gazette Times, February 14, 1946 MembeL Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown re- arrive in the near future to visit turned home Sunday from their the young people and Mr. and Mrs. , , .j. C- P. Brown, honeymoon and are now residing at the C. P. Brown home. Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn Mrs. Ed Goodman of Portland, pa- were in Pendleton Wednesday at rents of the bride, are expected 4o I tending to matters of busness- OREGON NEWiSPAPER Publish ERS MSIOOIATIOH EDITORIAL Cooperation Appreciated It would be unfair to those who contribute to the Gazette Times from week to week to overlook a word of thanks for their splendid cooperation in our issue of February 7. Both advertisers and correspondents were most helpful and this made it possible for the publishers and family to carry out their announced schedule. The old saying "If you would dance you must pay the fiddler," is applicable to the G-T family for in order to get away it was necessary to work all night Wednes day then travel most of Thursday to get to Eu gene, including elapsed time for numerous stops along the way. And there was the knowledge that upon returning home we would find a stack of unfinished work. All hope of acquiring shop help, immediately at least, vanished while attending the conference at Eugene. Printers are no more plentiful than coat and hat hangers in Heppner eating houses, so you know about what chance there is to obtain one. Such help will have to be developed locally and this subject will be treated in a separate arti cle. In the meantime, the present force will keep the proverbial chin up and do its best to main tain the news and printing service on a high level. 0 An Opening for Ambitious Youth Some young fellow who is smart enough to see that the big wage honeymoon is about over, or at least that it will not continue indefinitely, has an opportunity to safeguard his future by learning i the printing trade. This opportunity is open first to returned service men with GI privileges but lacking response from that quarter will be open to some other chap. Since journeymen printers are not available, particularly in the smaller shops it is left to the publishers to develop their help. The GI bill of rights makes it possible for the industry to do that. Newspaper plants and printing offices, by being certified as suitable training facilities, are per mitted to train one or more returned service men as newpaper people or printers. Compensation is far better than that received by apprentice prin ters not coming under the GI bill. The employer is required to match the compensation paid by the gsvernment. This would give a married man $180 per month and a single man $120 per month. The Gazette Times is permitted one GI trainee. This newspaper has been certified and Heppner is under the Pendleton apprenticeship committee, since the town has too few industries to call for a local committee.Any aspiring youth wishing to take advantage of his GI support is urged to come in and talk it over. In lieu of a GI accepting the offer, it is the intention of the Gazette Times to urge a high school youth to take an apprenticeship. One cre dit will be given for a certain number of hours each week. A boy with' a mechanical turn of mind will find the work most interesting and aside from the credit on his high school work will be remu nerated on an hour basis. Battery Service We have installed a new charger and are prepared to give you overnight ser vice. It is the latest thing in battery charging and places us in position to give you the right kind of service but promptly G P Batteries you can now get your G P Battery directly from us no delay or doubt about what type you need. OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Owner Gasoline : Oil : Tires : Tubes LEGION GIVES SILVER TEA AT HOME OF MRS. CYRENE BARRlATT Mrs. Cyrene Barratt was hostess for a silver tea given by the Amer ican Legion auxiliary Tuesday af ternoon. Funds accruing from the affair will be used by the group to provide traveling expenses for two girls attending Girls' State, a sum mer project of the legion in Ore gon. Many ladies called during the afternoon. Pouring were Mrs. C. P. Brown, Mrs. O. E. Ferguson, Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. E. L. Cox and Mrs. D. E. Hudson. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Mrs. H. E. Miller, Mrs. A. W. Jones, Mrs. Ve nice Stiles, Mrs. Louise King, Mrs. Fidelis Unrein and Mrs. Richard Wells. Next regular meeting of the aux iliary will be Feb. 19 at the home of Mrs. E. O. Ferguson. The pro gram starting at 8 o'clock, will be on national defense and American ism. Nose bag refreshments (mean ing bring your own). No assisting hostesses. Mrs. Gordon Banker acted as chauffeur for Mrs. Arnold Ebert and Mrs. J- J. O'Connor Tuesday afternoon when the three ladies went to Pendleton. Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson drove to Milton one day last week tak ing Ellis Thomson there to visit friends before proceeding to Wal la Walla and Portland on his re turn to New York. Mrs. Thomson was a guest of Mrs. Percy Hughes while in Milton and returned to Heppner Friday. J. A. Troedson and S. M. Mor gan were in Arlington Saturday to attend the funeral of Leon Logan. Another recent dischargee has arrived home in the person of Ar thur Vance, son of Mrs. E. V. Stingle. e EXAMINER COMING A traveling examiner of opera tors and chauffeurs is scheduled to arrive in Heppner Tuesday, Feb. 19, and will be on duty at the court house between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., according to a recent announcement released from the Secretary of State's office. CARD OF THANKS We sincerely thank all friends and neighbors for the many kind nesses extended to us in our recent great sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keithley and the girls. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thanking our friends for their expressions of KINZUA TO RESUME OPERATIONS ABOUT MARCH 1 The following statement was is sued from Kinzua by J. F. Cole man, vice president and general manager of Kinzua Pine Mills company. Following the settlement that was reached between the local sawmill and lumber workers un ions 2916 and 3098 and the Kinzua Pine Mills company representing the operations at Kinzua and Wet more respectively, plans are now being made to commence opera tions as soon as preparations can be made to start, and it is estimat ed that operations will be resumed in the plant shortly after March 1 and not later than March 15, de pending upon the progress that is made, and weather conditions. The plant has been down since the employees went on strike the morning of September 24, and it is the first time in the history of the company which began opera tions in 1928, that the plant has been down for any reason except for repairs or vacations not exceed ing over two weeks at a time. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522. Heppner, Ore. O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled, Phone 1483 415 Jones St . HEPPNER. OREGON A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings in memory of our beloved father and brother, Philip Doherty The family. Win ning Preference Our Diamond Engagement and Wedding Rings have winning preference with people who appreciate quality. Exemplary distinction in Diamond Rings carried out by skilled craftsmen, prestige built and main tained by rigid standards. Several styles in perfectly matched sets in a price range to suit everyone. PETERSON'S Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bid? House calls made Office and House Phone 2572 Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. Our Fur Policies Cover loss against Fire, Theft, Ac cidental damage and many other hazards, anywhere, at all times. TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Hormnpr. Or peon Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service Member National Association of Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located in the Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES NATIONAL DITORIAL The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and en tered at thp Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class, matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor