Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 14, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, Februar' M, 1946
lone Happeni ngs of the Week
Mrs. Echo Palmateei , Sunday.
Mrc Hrt F.tctrm ntPrtpin -! The IOOF district convention will
ed at a stork shower for Mrs. Clif
ford McCabe. Refreshments of ice
cream, angel food cake and coffee
were served.
There will be a potluck supper at
6:30 at the next grange meeting
with a program following to which
the public is invited. Speakers are
Harry VanWavern and Henry Ba
ker. Grange meeting will follow the
A benefit card party, both bridge
and pinochle, will be held Feb. 16
at the Masonic hall given by the
re held at the grange hall Feb. 23.
They will meet in the afternoon
with a G o'clock dinner served by
the Re.bekahs.
The grade school basketball team
was very successful last week.
They defeated both Hermiston and
Condon teams.
The high school lost both games
to Heppner Friday night at Hepp
ner. Mrs. Erling Thompsen has wi it
ten from McMinnville stating tr.at
her mother-in-law, Mrs. Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
family are moving to Hermiston
this week.
Mrs. Etta Bristow, Mr. and Mrs.
David Rietmann and Mr. and Mrs.
Edmond Bristow attended the
wedding cf Robert N. Swenson and
Miss Dorothy Jean McKeehan at
the Emanuel Lutheran church' in
Walla Walla Saturday. Mr. Swen-
Botts and 1 Thompsen, set sail Jan. 27 on the S.
OES social club. Refreshments will san is a r.epnew ot Mrs. tSnstow.
be served and prizes given. Every j The Everett Keithley family at
one is urged to attend. tended the funeral of the Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Eubanks of i Keithley's baby at Heppner Satur-
Portland snent the week-end with day alternoon
Lonnie Ritchie had the misfor
tune to break two bones in his an
kle while loading some box cars
one day last week. He was taken to
R. L.
Mrs. Ada Cannon.
Mrs. Laxton McMurray received
word that her son Lt. Col. Nolan
Pace will be sent overseas either
to Korea or Japan but he will vis- The Dalles hospital by Rev
it them for a few days next week. Casselman.
The McMurrays will be in Salem 1 Lt (jg) Norman Bergstrom is vis
then i iting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Union missionary society met, The Maranatha club met
Feb. 7 at the church parlors. 1
The Topic club presented the li-; home of Mrs Gordon white g,.
brary .with the book Oregon-End Mrs clyde Denney is a patient at
of the Trail, prepared by the wn- Coffey Memorial hospital in
ters program of the WPA. It deals portland
with the past history of the state,; Mr and Mrs Markham Baker,
outhnes tours and lists items and ; Mr and ms Rodney Wentworth,
;places of interest to be seen on the Mr Wm Seehafer and
t0ors'. i i m i i 1 Mr- anc Mrs. Noel Dobyns enter-
oociai meeting oi uie lopic ciud , tainpd tho Shrine -lh anH anvil.
S. Slavangerfjord (Norwegian- Am
erican liner) from New York to
Norway. She is making the trip to
visit her mother, brothers and sis-
at the
is scheduled for Feb. 22 at the home
of Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
Funeral services for Leon Logan
were held at Arlington Saturday
afternoon. Mr. Logan was a resi
dent near Cecil for many years. He
is survived by three sons, James,
John and Richard. He was an uncle
of Mrs. Ray Barnett. j
Miss Grace Gadeken will hold a
meeting in the Congregational par
lors Fe,b 19 on "Labor Saving Win
ter Salads." This will be an all-day
meeting and those attending will
please bring sandwiches or dessert.
The Juniors will have a basket
social and a one-act play at the
school house Friday night, F.eb 15.
Mrs. Bernice Harris gave a party
Jan. 28 in honor of her son Tom
my's second birthday. Many little
folks and their mothers were pre
sent. Angel food cake and coifee
were served.
Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn returned
from Alaska and is visiting her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lind
sey. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely entertain
.ed relatives at a turkey dinner
iary at the Masonic hall Saturday
night. Members were present from
Heppner and Arlngton.
Dig Scots-American
Long Creek
Sat'clay, Feb 17
Both Scotch and
American Dances
Fcrrov s Orchestra
and John McDonald
March 1 is the deadline for turning in
your personal assessment blank prop
erly filled out.
W. O. Dix, Assessor
V 4
.v i.
L 1 1 M
Districts (except school),
cities, towns and counties
that employ five people or
more for at least 600 hours
each peryear.mustnotify the
Park Bldg., 729 S.W. Alder
St., Portland 5, Ore., not
later than May 1, 1946, as
required by chapter 401,
Oregon Laws 194S, if they
elect to exclude their em
ployes from the state re
tirement system.
ters whom she left to come to Am-, ing the war. On her way east she
erica 40 years ago. Her mother is 87
years old. Mrs. Thompsen has the
distinction of being the first Amer
ican citizen to make ths trip since
travel to Europe wps cancelled dur-
visited her son, Lt. Ted Thompsen,
in Chicago, and in New York vis
ited her sister-in-law. Miss Cdwig
Thompsen, who was on furlough
Continued on Page Eight
V 1
V Fez Si:
v J
"SURE, it's not only a smart
family but a grand far--.iiy, too.
Look at them havlr-t fr.n!
.That's John Smart ths father-
making like PJelson Ji,dtiy ; thai s
Joan the mother at the piano.
And the kids Tom, home from tTy
service and now at college HHTX
Jane, she's in high school and llV
Hal look at him, nov he's
singing ear from ear and him
so serious when he's on Safety
Patrol. Yep they have more fun
and more friends and in all my
years on this beat I've never
had to worry when people come
out of that house they don't
have to have any alcoholic stim
ulation to have a grand time.
et Ml!
JffiiS1 Committee, A.L.L.O.
Now I
the Time
to check that common
enemy of mankind
Or Better Still . . .
Fortify yourself and your family against this
health chiseler by the faithful use of vitamins
Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m.
In compliance -with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply
only to 'those under the legal age of 12.
Selected Short Subjects With All Programs
Program Snbjeot to Chang
Friday-Saturday, February 15-16
The Story of a Horse
Bob Steele, Sterling Halloway, William Far
num, Virginia Maples, John Miljan, Sara
A thrilling and amazing film that everyone
will love, photographed in soft, natural Cine
color. -PLUS
Midnight Manhunt
William Gargan, Ann Savage, Leo Gorcey
There is murder and mirth in this good com
panion picture.
Sunday-Monday, February 17-18
Incendiary Blonde
Betty Hutton, Arturo de Cordova, Charlie
Buggies, Albeit Dekkcr, Barry Fitzgerald
In Technicolor. A chapter of the American
Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement.
saga which is worth a look ... the story of
Texas Guinan, the sweetheart of the terrific
twenties. In its vast variety there are music,
edy and tragedy.
action, spectacle, suspense, romance, corn
Tuesday, February 19
This Gun for Hire
A re-issue of the action-filled film
brought Alan Ladd to popularity.
Wednesday-Thursday, February 20-21
Her Highness and
the Bellboy
Robert Walker, Hedy Lamarr, June Allysnn,
Carl Esmond, Agnes Moorchoad, Itags
Her highness lost her shyness and the bell
boy lost his job. It's a merry story, like a
fairy tale come true.
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