Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 07, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Heppner Gazette
Times, February 7, 1946
Count Chairman
Calls Attention to
AAA Farm Plans
It's AAA farm plan time again,
and within the next few weeks
community committeemen will help
Morrow county farmers and ranch,
ers work out plans for meeting each
farm's most urgent conservatioi
needs with the assistance of the
1946 agricultural conservation pro
gram, Henry Baker, chairman of the
county AAA cmmittee said that
Morrow county has a 1946 conser
vation budget of approximately
$65,000 and a handbook of some 22
approved practices for assisting op
erators to head off soil erosion and
depletion and to repair damage al
ready done to the county's agri
cultural resources.
Farm plans will be the basis for
participation in the program and
every operator who intends to take
part in the program must sign
farm plan before he starts his
spring operations or before May 1.
Baker pointed out that the farm
plan serves as the "contract" for
the government-farmer partner
ship through which the conserva
tion program operates. Both par
ties share in cost of carrying out
a practice,, he explained, and since
funds are limited, the operator must
have approval of his practices be
fore he starts work. He applies for
fications and rates of payment foi
and obtains this approval on the
farm plan, and also receives speci
the approved practices. The farm
plan sign-up also gives committee
men an opportunity to acquaint
each producer with the production
needs for 1946, and to help him
plan his farm operations in line
with production goals. Committee-
I Transferring r
Heavy Hauling it
1 1
Padded Maying i
Vans (I
Warehouse 11
U.P.andN.P.. II
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co. Ii
i i
3D SW Dorion Avenue fl
Phone 338 fl
Pendleton, Ore. fl
ft 1
Howdy Folks: With educators
planning to use radio extensively
in the classrooms it may not be
long until scholars are taught in
And when Willie fails to get his
lessons it will take a technician to
determine whether he needs a
scolding or a new tube.
While on the subject of radio, we
might observe that radio could be
improved if some of the entertain
ers were given the air.
Twenty million homes arc
still without radios, accord
ing to a newspaper item.
iWe mentioned this to one of our
customers and he said he wished
to heck the house next door to him
was one of them.
Just come in and let us sell you
Richfield Service
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 1242
about price support and loan pro
men also will have information
grams, crop insurance, and other
programs available through the
county AA office.
W. V. Parker was in Heppner
the past week-end gatherng up
household effects and some of his
law library to move to Hood River
where he has established his law
practice and has found living quar
ters for his family. As soon as the
weather will permit, Mrs. Parker
ind the two children will come
from Texas where they have been
living for some time awaiting the
time when Mr. Parker would fin
ish his stint with Uncle Sam.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Tanner and Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Randolph and fa
mily left Tuesday morning for New
Mexico to make their home. Mr.
Tanner had been employed at
Hodge Chevrolet company and Mr.
Randolph had been in the employ
of Case Furniture company.
Those attending the Hermiston
Baker game Saturday night from
here were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond
Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Keithley and Clarence linn. They
reported a very thriling game.
The Morrow county division,
of the OSTA met at the school
house Wednesday evening, Jan. 30.
lone PTA served dinner at 6 p. m.
There were about 50 teachers
presentAfter dinner a film fur
nished by the state department was
put on by the Heppner group. Mu
sic was furnished - by Irrigon stu
dents and two vocal solos by Le
Roy Darling, superintendent of Ir
rigon schools. Discussions were
held on the speech and musical
festivals, spelling contests and typ
ing contests, which will be held
The junior class held a food sale
Saturday at Bristow's store and
took in about $23.
B. C. Forsythe, superintendent,
states that the projector for the
moving picture machine has ar
rived but the "mike" has not come.
It is hoped that the school will
soon be able to show films.
Mrs. Ida Coleman and son Wal
lace returned from Fergus Falls,
Minn. Sunday. Mrs. Coleman vis
ited her father who is quite all.
She also had a visit with her dau
ghter Jean who is in the Waves.
Jean came to Minnesota from
Washington D. C. to visit her
The HEC of Willows grange will
have a pot luck dinner at the home
of Mrs. Berl Akers Feb. 15
Out of town relatives here for
the Rietmann funeral were Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Peterson of The
Dalles, Mrs. Joe Stith, Meridian
Ida., Robert Rietmann Fullerton,
Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger,
White Salmon, Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Balsiger, The Dalles and
Mr. and Mrs. James Hendryx and
Wm , Balsiger of White Salmon.
Robert Rietmann and Larry Rit
che returned to Fullerton, Calif.
There's a Ford in your future!
and Here's Our Policy on
New Car Orders
Many cusfrcmsrs have asked our policy in delivering new 1946 Fords, Mercury
and Lincoln cars. Obviously, there will not be enough cars to go around for a
while, but wc are now booking orders fo earliest possible delivery. Ford, Mer
cury and Lincoln cars and Ford truck buyers are invited to fill in the card
below. Additional cards are available at our showroom. Definitely, our policy
on new car orders will cover the following:
In order that we may determine more accurately our needs for cars
and trucks for the coming1 year, it will he helpful to ns if you will
indicatee your requirements on this card:
I am interested in purchasing a new . . .
( ) Tord. Car ( ) "6" ( ) "8" ( ) Ford Truck
( ) Mercury ( ) Lincoln
I wish to secure delivery about
Now own (make and model)
Address Phone No.
City state
1. We are reserving a percentage of our
cars for buyers who have served in the
Armed Forces. We believe everybody
will agree this is right and fair.
2. While we have no used cars, and would
welcome a trade-in on a new car, we will
not insist on a trade-in as a requisite to a
new car. We will, however, make fair
allowance for used cars traded to us.
Our company, which is 100 Heppner owned, will continue to be fair and
square with our customers and it is our aim to fill their new car orders in the
order they are placed with us.
12 Years with Ford
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