Benefits Retarded If Veteran Loses Discharge Papers The veteran who loses his origi nal discharge papers is apt to suf fer a long delay in receiving cer tain GI benefits. For that reason he should take every precaution to see that they are kept in a safe place and are available at all times, Hugh E. Rosson, director of the state department of veteran's af fairs warned today. When a veteran applies for and receives his first $20 check for un employment under the readjust ent allowance, he must take his discharge with him to .be stamped by the unemployment compensa tion commission in the U. S.. em ployment service office where he received his claim. This stamp gives the date and the place where he first made application. Recent information discloses that the veteran's discharge also must be stamped to show the amount and type of government guaranty used under the GI loan bill and the amount if any remaining. In neither case will a photostatic or certified copy of the man's dis charge papers serve. The govern, ment makes this procedure neces sary to prevent a veteran from re ceiving more than the total benefits allowed him. Otherwise, as veter ans' representatives explain, a man could use up his benefits in Oreeon. for example then go to another state and start all over again, merely by getting another certified or photostatic discharge copy. Once the original discharge is lost, the veteran must apply for a certificate in lieu of his dischage. Government officials have repeat edly warned that a great deal of time is involved in issuing this certificate. Heppner Gazette Times, January 31, 1946 5 Mrs. Earl Gilliam is on the sick list this week. It is to be hoped she will soon be on the job as we miss her and anyway it is no fun being sick. Mrs. A. J. Chaffee was a recent visitor in Pasco for a few days. miriiiiimiiMnmiimiiiiiimMmHirtirmtMniHiiiiHnimiiHiHitmiiniHiHtiMiiiiiiiriimiiiiiillir 'iiHii iiiiiuiiiiitmiMniHiiiiHiiiimiiniiiimiiiliiiiiiniHmiiiiluiHiui' Transferring r Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. PUZZLED? You will lose that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order a meal here, for no matter what you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE Whin f Jiff reach rf everyone1. Electric cooking has been made cheap enough for every home! PP&L has cut electric prices 15 times, until now the average home pays less than $2 a month to cook the modern electric way. Today twenty thousand homes use PP&L's cheap electricity for cooking. Thousands more have placed orders for electric ranges. See your favorite appliance dealer and get your order in now. f Then you, too, will soon enjoy the thrill of modern, effortless cooking. I H HOW PP&L CUT THE COST sB OF ELECTRIC COOKING: W$5.16 $1 ni chart show cost of ) gi .monlli . i . I Mj ffigr monlli using electric range an average home. I r acme fj . 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 TODAY A Self 'Supporting Tax-Paying Business MAKING YOUR ELECTRICITY CHEAPER AND CHEAPER! 1 Central Market and Grocery l . ; .-