Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 24, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, January ? 1946
lone Happenings of the Week
Mrs. Echo Palmateei jlda.
The American Legion auxiliary) Mrs. Delia Corson who has been
Rave a tea Saturday afternoon in quite ill, is well on the road to re
honor of the mothers, daughters, covery. Also Mrs. Ernest Heliker
wives and sisters of the veterans of , is much improved.
Warld War II. There were over 30: Matt Doherty and Tommy Do
present. Tea, coffee and cookies ' herty, high school students, and
were served with Mrs. Oliver Ha- Arthur Stefani went to Portland
jruewood and Mrs. Lee Beckner last week for their physicals.
P01""1"- The Ameca club met at the
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann grange hall Wednesday, Jan. 16
were The Dalles visitors Monday. with 22 members and two guests.
Mrs. Echo Palmateer resigned j The guests were Sybil Howell and
as Sunday school superintendent of j Mrs. Robert Buchanan. The after
the lone Church Cooperative and i noon was spent in playing pinochle.
Mrs. Frank Engelman was elected The hostesses were Mrs. Bernice
to fill the office. Other officers ' Harris and Mrs. Donald Heliker.
elected were, Miss Shirley Smouse, Stuffed candied apples were serv
secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Smouse ed- The next meeting wil be held
treasurer, Miss Jane Seehafer li-(Feb. 20 at the home of Mrs. Roy
brarian, Miss Shirley Smouse or-! LindstrOm with Mrs. Paul Petty-
ganist, Mr. Markham Baker songsJohn as assistant hostess.
from there back to the Willamette
valley in 1934 where he lived until
his recent death.
Mr. Chandler is survived by his
widow Ida Chandler, six daugh
ters, Mrs. Rose Bowman of Leba
non; Mrs. Alta Samuel of Eugene;
Mrs. Mary Davidhon of Wenatchee
Wash.; Mrs. Myrtle Ely of Board
man; Mrs. Trace Ekleberrv of Eu
gene and Mrs. Lorraine Ekleberry
ji Hermiston; four sons. Roy of
; Eugene; Oscar of Oregon City:
GeOige of Lebanon and Charles of
Vale, Ore.; also 30 grandchildren
'and 18 great grandchildren and One
; great great grandchild. One dau
Ighter, Sara Jane Taylor, preceeded
I Urn in death.
Boardman basketball teams de-
feated the Irrigon teams Friday
I night on Irrigon's floor. The sec
ond string won 10-8 and the first
string won 38-30.
Dinner guests at the home of Mr.,
and Mrs. Elvin Ely Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo, Pvalph and
Edward Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Anderegg and Barbara.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haymes left
for Hamilton, Mont. Sunday morn
ing. They will spend a while with
Mrs. Gladys McLoughlin and then
will go to Ohio where they will
make "their home.
leader. Church officers were Mrs.
Mary Swanson secretary and Mrs.
Dale Ray, chairman of board
Markham Baker.
Garland Wrigt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wright of Baker, Is vis
iting at the home of his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bris
tow. Garland was on the Union
Pacific limited that was wrecked
Saturday night but the coach he
was in was not derailed so he es
caped without injury.
Clarence Baker, sn of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Baker, has received his
honorable discharge from the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ludwig and
son Curtis spent the week-end in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen of
Coyote were lone visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin LindstrOm
and boys and Miss LueUa Arm
strong were La Grande visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Zinter and
Winifred spent a few days last
week at Fort Lewis visiting their
sn and brother, William, who is
stationed there.
Willows grange held their regu
lar meeting Saturday night and
voted to have a pot luck supper
Mrs. Robert Buchanan and dau
ghters .visited last week at the Don
Heliker home.
The P. N. G. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Mary Swanson Jan.
Mrs. Len Gilman and son are
visiting Mrs. Gilman's grandmother,
Mrs. Ella Davidson.
H. E. C. of Willows grange held
an all day meeting at the home o'
Mrs. Louis Halvorsen Jan. 18. In
stallation of officers for the com
ing year was held. The next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs.
Berl Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
and son Johnny are spending this
week in Portland. Mrs. Charles
O'Connor is staying with the two
children during the SwansOns'
The social meeting of the Topic
club was held at the Masonic hall
tables of bridge and four tables
Friday night, Jan. 18 with three
Of ninoohlo at nlav Rrirl
Mrs. Omar Rietmann left for WfrP won Vw Mr M v. rt
Portland last week to be with her
mother Mrs. Inez Freeland who fell
and suffered a knee injury.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely are visit
ing in Coos Bay.
Mrs. Cora Burroughs is moving
on the Salter place.
Mr. and Mrs. BUlie Biddle of
Mikkalo were lone visitors Sun
day. Bill ie is the son of Mrs. Ver
non Brown.
Those going to Pendleton during
the past week were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy LindstrOm, Mrs. Echo Palma
teer and Ted and Laurel, Francine
Ely, Aloha Painter, Mrs. C. W.
Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lowell Clark, T5, left for Fort
Lewis where he entered Madigan
hoSpital for further treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ritchie of
David Rietmann, high, Mrs. Charles
O Connor and Mrs. Clel Rae low.
The prizes for pinochle were won
by Mrs. David Rietmann and John
Ransier high and Mrs. Ransier and
F,. R. Lundcll low, and Charles
O'Connor pinochle. Apple pie ala
mode and coffee were served. Mrs.
Roy Lindstrom, Mrs. Charles Carl
son, Mrs. Nrel Dobyns, Mrs. B. C.
Forsythe, Mrs. Victor Rietmann,
Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and Mrs.
Harry Yarnell.
Hepnner grade team played bas
ketball here Tuesday afternoon
and were benten 21 to 8.
Umatilla high school and lone
played Tuesday n'ght of last week.
The B string score was Umatilla 17
lone 25. The A teams played a tie
game with a score of 24. Overtime
' -rr -ni1-'' w'h Umrtla 2q a-d
Sobering, Fla., were recent Ione!lne 2G. An interesting feature ot
visitors. t'le game was a majorette drill by
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow
and Mr. and Mrs. Eveiett Keithley
t iU. 1. 1 i nl
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Huston BOARDMAN NEWS
were wedk-end visitors in Toppen- 1 By Maxlne Ely
ish, Wash. I Will 'am II. Chandler passed away
Lawrence Williams is working jan, 7, 1946 at Salem. He was born
spvrn ff'vls
Ely's room
from Mrs. Franklin
for Everett Keithley in his ma
chine shop.
Sept. 4, 1864 in Ohio. As a child
he went wU" his parents to Ne.
"Visitors of Mrs. Nora Long .this ! braska. He married Ida Core in
week are her brother-in-law and j Hardington, Neb. March 23, 1890.
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Haisy Titus j They moved to Linn county Ore
and daughter Holly of Wallula. her
sister-in-law, Mrs. O'ive Owens of
Toppenish, Wash., her sn Edward
gon in 1903 settling near Lebanon
and engaged in farming. In 1922 the
family moved to Morrow county
GaskHls and sons of Priest River, and settled near Cecil. They moved
Specialized Motor Tune-up
13" 5rii-
Phone 1242
Heppner, Oregon
We have a table full of bargains Toys, Vases, Cosmetics,
Ash Trays, Plaques, Ships in Bottles, Soap, Body Powder,
Come and get them!
While they last: ONE-HALF PRICE
IO cents to 10 dollars
Little Tots
Snow Suits &
Bunny Wraps
To clear at
Carriage Sets
Consists of reversible com
fort & pillow "J CC
Pink & Elus
Little Girls
Hat b Muff
Reduced to
4 only
Women's Coats
Reduced for .
Quick Clearance IU.UU
Coats in this group are worth more
than twice the price.
All women's WINTER HATS to
clear at 50c
Reduced to clear IT
Sizes 2, 3 & 4 -2C
Juvenile Boys
Priced to sell nowl Art
Sizes 2 to 6 UU
Real Bargains!
Cotton Print
Reduced to . 1.00
Full cut and nice styles
Group of
Reduced 'TO,
to clear at JJC
Hand Tailored Styles
Fall & Winter
Reduced to
1.50 &
These are grand
values! We must
clear our stock
for spring mer
chandise. Boys'
Easy to launder.
No ironing
Girls' 2-Piece
3 toS6X 1 00
Reduced for quick
Late Fall & Winter
Reduced to
2.00, 3.Q0
Not all sizes, but grand
Sheer Blouses
Slightly soiled 00
Girls' sizes in 10 & 12
Rayon Satin
Reduced to . 2.00
Beautiful Sofa Pillows!
Boudoir Pillows
To clear at .. 1.00
Hand screened designs