COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1943 The minutes for the November term were read and approved. The Court appointed W. O. Dix as Countv Assessor to take the place of Thomas J. Wells, resigned. The Court orders that the County Treasurer set up and establish a County Hospital fund for the pur pose of receiving all donations or gifts made to the County to help defray the cost of constructing and equipping a County Hospital, of personal taxes levied against L. The Court orders the cancellation H. Holboke in the amount of $200.98 for the reason that said L. H. Holboke was not the owner of any personal prperty Icated in Mor row County at the time of said assessment. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following County property: North 44 feet of Lot 2, Block 10 in the Town of Lexington, Mor row County, Oregon for the Heppner Gazette Times, January 10, 1946 7 minimum price of $50.00, cash. WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes Dep Sal $ 120.20 Frances Mitchell, Dep Sal 13G.G0 A dell Forster Office Clerk 108 50 Marie Barlow, Dep Sa 120.20 Sadie Parrish, Supt Assist 50.P0 Tilman Hogue, Jan Sal 109.30 Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physi 25.00 Susie Miller Court Reporter 33.33 Margaret Gillis, Nurse 143.95 P. A. Mollahan Sheriff 40.70 Harold L. Becket, Jail 7.50 Gazette Times Offic Pub 14.10 P. A. Mollahan Sheriff 10.50 Heppner Market Jai 5.33 Central Market, Jail .71 Childrens Farm Home Juv Court 5.00 L. W. Briggs, Treasurer 12.50 Pac Tel & Tel Co, Cur Ex 65.67 Tum-A-Lum Co. Court House Fuel 511.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt $7.50 Supt Mileage $16.90 24.40 Shorb Stationery Supt 56.30 State Department of Agri Dist Sealer 6.15 The Frank Shepard Co Dist Attorney 10.00 Pac Stationery & Printing Co Assessor $5.24; Clerk $1.72 696 Pac Power & Light Co Court House 25.33 George N. Peck, Circuit Ct 5.60 Howard Evans, Circuit Ct 4.20 Earl Evans, Circuit Ct 4.00 Gerald Swaggart, Circuit Ct 7.00 Gordon Banker, Circuit Ct 3.20 Marion Palmer Circuit Ct 6.40 David Hynd, Circuit Ct 3.20 Howard Crowell, Circuit Ct 7.80 S. C. Russell, Circuit Ct 14.40 L. E. Bisbee, Circuit Ct 2.20 B. C. Pinckney, Circuit Ct 2.20 Cal Sumner, Crcuit Ct 2.20 L. D. Neill, County Court 83.90 J. G. Barratt, County Court 77.70 Bert Johnson, County Court 41.10 C. W. Barlow, Current Ex 3.00 First Natl Bank of Portland Withholding Tax 213.65 State Indus Accid Comm Sher. $3.04; Sher. Sal .30; Dep .30 3.64 Bert Johnson, Judge, General Assistance Robert S. Farrell Jr. Accts Audits 205.30 Louis E. Bisbee, Circuit Ct 9.20 H. Wilkirs, Circuit Ct 13.20 Alt- Brown, Circuit Ct 10.00 W'bur R. Axer circuit Ct 13.00 Ch?s. Monagle, Circuit Ct 10.10 Albprl Schunk, Circuit Ct 9.20 Terrell L. Bonge, Circuit Ct 9.20 Cloy W. Dykstra, Circuit Ct 9.40 Alex Gren, Circuit Ct 9.20 Newt O'Harra, Circuit Ct 10.80 Charles Carlson, Circuit Ct 12.60 Howard Bryant. Circuit Ct 9.29 J. H. Bryson, Circuit Ct 12.60 Alex Hunt, Circuit Ct 10.80 Nora Neill, Circuit Ct 9.20 Mary Edwards, Circuit Ct 10.80 Roy E. Ball. Circuit Ct 22.00 Archie Bechdolt, Circuit Ct 13.40 Ed Bennett, Circuit Ct 9.20 Albert Breeding, Circuit Ct 10.80 H. E. Warner, Circuit Ct 10.80 Bertha Dinges, Circuit Ct 10.80 Ella Benge, Circuit Ct 9.20 K. A. House, Circuit Ct 920 Claude Graham Circuit Ct 960 - t a L AN ELECTRIC RANGE! IK I i ; . IT'S I till I YOUR EUCTRIC SERVANT IT'S tiiii! 8EAUTIFUL The modern electric water heater is streamlined and attractively finished just like your el t: trie range and refrigerator. Put it in your kitchen if you lke, for a thick blanket of insulation hoids heat in the water AMD IT SAVES CLEANING ... no smoVe i.,t pritne to duty up wait-; and curtains. V-ND IT SAVES WORRY .. . no turnips on and off makeshift water heaters, or firing up under coiis. Install and forget it. AND IT SPEEDS HOUSEWORK ... you -.'vjv! h?ve eceans of clean hot water to V'i, v, .... h, ' When you cook electrically you can go, on and buy additional electricity at a still lower rate . . . because PP&L's "all purpose" rate drops down to only 6 mills per,, kilowatt-hour after you've used 250 kilowatt-hours. So why not go all-electric? Use this cheap electricity for heating water the safe, clean, automatic way. See your Electric Appliance dealer Today! Your Business-Managed Power System power & light company 118.76 In - romona irsnge Has Fine Meeting At Lexington Hall By Mary Lundell Morrow County Pomona met on Saturday, Jan. 5 with Lexington grange as hosts. Highlights of the meeting were a splendid program and installa tion of subordinate and Pomona offcers. Speakers on program were Mrs. Minnie McFarland on CVA; Pro gress of Chemurgic Plants, Or ville Cutsforth; Soil Conservation, Arnold Ebert; Health Hazards, Miss Margaret Gillis; What I am Doing, Grace Gadeken; REA Cooperation, Henry Baker. Readings and music completed the program. Greenfield, Willows, Lexington Rhea Creek and Morrow Pomona officers were installed by the re tiring Pomona master, Minnie Mc McFarland, assisted by O. L. Lun- dell as marshall, Helen Baker, re galia bearer and Barbara Heliker as emblem bearer. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice declined the master and secretary offices, lacking a means of transportation. S. J. Devine was installed as mas ter and Mrs. Mary Lundell as se cretary. The finance committee was ap pointed as follows: R. B. Rice, F. E. Parker and O. L. Lundell. Orville Cutsforth was appointed chairman of the agricultural committee. A rising vote of thanks was ten dered Lexington grange for their generous hospitality. The next regular meeting will be held at Rhea creek in April. Josephine Maoney, Circuit Ct 3.20 Velma Smelhurst, Circuit Ct 11.00 C. H. Bartholomew, Cct Ct 15.00 Claude Cox, Circuit Ct. 9.20 Guy Chapin, Circuit Ct. 7.00 R. B. Rice, Circuit Ct. 9.00 Assoc. of Ore. Counties 100.78 Public Lands Comm., Federal Tax Comm. 125.00 Morrow Co. Grain Growers, Court house 2.50 L. D. Neill, Comm., Old Age Assis. $502.60; Dep. Chil dren $44.00 Aid to Blind $11.40 558.00 WARliANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND E. A. Kelly 172.55 Chas. Williams 89.85 Frank Nixon 29.85 A. J. Chaffee 156.82 E. S. Hunt 94.62 W. Cunningham 180.84 Wm Harrison 131.46 Walter Gilman 163.69 Austin Wilson 170.34 Robert Taylor 142.16 Harold Wilson 143.91 Harold Sherer 232.15 M. V. Nolan 185.23 Harry Quackenbush 91.34 Robert S. Wilson 132.42 Michael Cassidy 91.54 G. McLouth 20.96 Roy E. Ball 444.92 E. R. Lundell 1.50 Texas Oil Company 14.20 City of Heppner, Water dept 2.65 Nelson Equipment Co 5.26 Tum-A-Lum Co 39.00 Braden Tractor & Equip Co 124.59 Union Oil Co 350.85 Lloyd Moyer 9.00 Shockman & Sons 62.50 Pac Power & Light Co 3.24 Heppner Lumber Co 185.20 Hodge Chevrolet Co 3.49 Walter Wiliams Co 240 Columbia Equipment Co 8.60 Feenaughty Machinery Co 7.65 Jones-Scott Co 7,50 Gamble Store Dealer 68 27 Shell Oil Co 59J0 City of Heppner, Water dept 3.40 Industrial Air Products Co ' 5.88 Jack Allen Suppy Co 162.20 Union Oil Co Hermiston 33.00 Oregon Motor Service .18 Cummings Tire Shop 650 First Natl Bank Portland 187.90 State Indus Accid Comm 65.50 Reconstruction Finance Corp 82.50 Rosewall Motor Co 68.67 Columbia Equipment Co 360.25 Robert S Farrell Jr. Sec of State 20.00 WARRANTS DRAWN ON MISCELLANEOUS FUND Joseph Baltrenas, Rodent Fd 25.00 Carl McDaniel, Rodent Fd 25.00 Paul Bunyan Co, Road Mach inery Replacement Sinking Fund 10,385.00