V 6 Heppner Gazette Times, December 27, 1945 Irnqon News Notes " By MBS. J. A. SHOTTN Mrs. Earl Connell had a major operation Friday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Connell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lewis of Board man are caring for Albert and Earl Wayne while their mother is in the Pendleton hospital. The brothers John and Robert Smith are moving, to their new home that they have bought of Earl Isom during the holidays. John is the school janitor. Robert has been having blood poisoning in his hand and arm. The Walter Dodges are spending the holidays in the Willamette val ley. They are managers of the Mea dowview camp houses. Mr. and Mrs. ' Clair Caldwell went to Spokane Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and three children are moving to Coun cil Ida. where he will preach in an Assembly of God church. He has been building the W. B. Dexter house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht are the parents of a son born Saturday night, Dec. 22. His weight was 86 nounds and he was born in The Dalles hospital. Mrs. Harvey Warner received word that her mother, Mrs. A. R. Boulware had fallen in her back yard and broken her arm. The Warners have been to see her and she is getting along fairly well. Sam Umiker who is employed at Castle Rock, arrived home Friday. He said the roads were very bad, no chains, no travel was the rule on the Washington side. Rev. E. C. Harness of Hay Wash, spent two nights at the parsonage. The two Harness daughters spent the time at the Harvey Warner home Rev. Harness preached in the Assembly of God church Sun day and all left for Camas Wash. Monday for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shoun and daughter Judy of Walla Walla spent Sunday with his parents the J. A. Shouns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith were Pasco visitors Sunday. They brot their daughter Pattie Markham and little Teresa Wiegand home with them. The Wilbur Weigands came Monday to spend Christmas with her parents the Harry Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCoy and three children arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with his par ents the J. E. McCoys and other relatives. LaVelle and Delpha Markham accompanied them from Seattle, to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Markham. . Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Winquist and son Paul left for Portland nrnrWr tn Rnend Christmas with " E her mother, Mrs. A. J. Widing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell have their sons Clair and Wayne Cald well and their families of Portland visiting them over the holidays. Wayne has recently returned from Guadalcanal and the Philippine Is Vwds. He has been discharged frcm the army. S Sgt and Mrs. Ralph Westcott returned from Portland, Western Washington and Victoria where they went on their honeymoon. Saturday night. They are visiting Mrs. Westcott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Duus. Ella Mae Grim from EOCk at La Grande and Billy Allen Sic of Tillamook are spending the holi rlavs with the H. W. Grims. The Ad- ren family are visiting the Grim and C. W. Acock families. ION E NEWS NOTES Visitors at the Henry Clark home are teir children, T Sgt Lo well Clark from Austin Texas and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pomeranz and son Wm. Ludwig and sons Curtis and Harold attended a basketball game in Walla Walla Saturday night. Ronald Ball went with them on his way to Yakima to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball. Harry Yarnell and Clifford Yar nell drove to Seattle and brought Alton back with them. Alton is at tending the University of Washing- A community potluck dinner was held at noon Sunday at the Luth eran church at Gooseberry. TnnarH Carlson states that there was .63 inches of moisture in the recent snow. Pnlan Tterrrstrom of the U. b. viu't try navy is home on a short leave with his tarents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rorm:trnTTV Visitors at the Ed Buschke home at Morgan are their sons Henry and Louis who were recently dis charged from the armed forces and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alley Peck and children SIM 7 v vvvNAV mm if 111 If Tl re Rationing Ends Rosewall Your wim boot m0 boot mn Motor FIRESTONE Dec. Company Dealer of Lebanon.