Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 27, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, December 27, 1 945 5
Star Installation
Social Success
That much-Jooked-for social
event, the annual joint installation
ceremony and dinner given by the
Masonic groups and the Eastern
Star, was put through on schedule
Saturday evening in the Masonic
hall. Lodge members and their
guests spent a pleasant evening
starting with a turkey dinner that
showed reconversion is well on its
way as far as food is concerned
and ending with the presentation of
gifts after installation ceremonies
were concluded.
Approximately 200 people were
fed in the early part of the evening.
The tables were beautifully decor
ated with viands, with turkey as
the piece de resistance and plenty
of all the other good things which
go to make up a feast. Tbe food
committee was ably assisted with
the serving by a group of high
school young people and there
The Royal Arch chapter was first
were no long delays,
to install officers. L. D. Tibbies,
priest; Noel Dobyns, king; Harley
Anderson, scribe; E. R. Huston, se
cretary; M. D. Clark, treasurer; Ro
bert Wightman, chaplain; Rodney
Wentworth, principal sojourner;
John Lane, captain of the hosts; Os
car Rippee, master of the third
vale; E. Markham Baker, master
of the second vale; Merle Blake,
master of the first vale; Charles
Stout, sentinel.
The Blue lodge installed Loyal
Parker worshipful master; Gordon
Banker, senior warden; Noel Do
byns, junior warden; Ray McAlis
ter, secretary; Frank S. Parker,
treasurer; Harold Becket, senior
deacon; Harley Anderson, junior
deacon; Millard Nolan, mar shall;
Harry Van Horn, senior steward;
Paul Jones junior steward; Oscar
Rippee tyler.
Mrs. William Barkla is the new
worthy matron of Ruth chapter No.
32, Order of the Eastern Star. She
will be assisted by Harley Ander
son, worthy patron; Mrs. Tom Wells,
associate matron; Tom Wells, asso
ciate patron;; Mrs. Frank S. Parker,
secretary; Mrs. Edna Turner, treas
urer; Mrs. Noel Dobyns, chaplain;
Mrs. Oscar Rippee, organist; Mrs.
K. A. House, conductress; Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson, associate conduc
tress; Mrs. Harley Anderson, mar
shal; Mrs. Frank Davidson, Adah;
Forworkand weather-punished
hands, use the luxury Cotton
Blossom Lotion. 59c for regular
$1.00 hob-nailed replica bottle
during this sale. Daintilyscented
creamy and extra softening
for hands, face and rough elbows.
Grand for gifts and prizes.
Mrs. Frank Connor, Ruth; Mrs. C.
C. Dunham, Esther; Mrs. Gordon
Banker, Martha; Mrs. Floyd Wor
den. Electa; Mrs. James Hayes,
warder; James Hayes, sentinel.
Mrs. R. L. Benge acted as wor
thy installing officer, Mrs. Claude
Graham was installing marshal,
Mrs. J. J. Wightman, installing
chaplain, and Mrs. J. O. Turner, in
stalling organist.
Christmas had a more definite
meaning to Mrs. W. E. Davis than
she had anticipated. Her husband
Pfc Davis of the Marine corps,
called her by long distance tele
phone from San Diego, where he
had just landed Sunday . after an
absence from the mainland of 18
months. The best part of his mes
sage was that he hoped to be home
in a week. There was a period dur
ing the fall when Mrs. Davis did
not hear from her husband for
many weeks and she hoped he was
on his way home. Then a letter
came advising her that he had been
stationed out in the "jungle and
couldn't get a letter off to her.
'Bill" was in Saipan for a year and
after participating in the Okinawa
campaign went with his outfit to
Joe McLaughlin is around old
familiar haunts, saying hello to his
old friends who are glad to see him.
arrived Wednesday from Philadel
phia on a three-weeks leave.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the County Court of Morrow
county, State of Oregon, Adminis
trator de bonis non of the Estate
of Carrie B. Pillsburg, deceased,
and all persons having claims
Dr. C. C. Dunham
For the present I can handle a
limited number of office calls.
House calls made
Phone 882 Heppner
against the said Estate of the said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper
vouchers duly verified as required
by law to the said Administrator
de bonis non at the Law Office of
P. W. Mahoney at Heppner Oregon,
within six months from the date'
Dated and first published this
20th day of December, 1945.
Administrator de bonis non.
P. W. Mahoney
Attorney for Administrator
I Heppner .Oregon
13 r. f . ff T t
yvtshtng you all the Joys of the
Yuletide Season
Heppner Cafe
f"t he has no smoke
. or soot to dirty up pans, walls or ?
tV 1 W scientific het
I netr, rufiiML rex rur tna cojotv
SMiir MMtnt n tiaat halt m m
f ) and osstt clear through, prevent
ing cake t ailures reducing shrink
age w roam go Tsrcncr. n tow
water cooking savas vitamins and
' tin ilwjnt unnli i
, - rr
I exatty the Mat you want He'll
even turn the heat tow or off at
t, the right time white you're away.
if yours is a typical
home he'll do all your cooking for
less than $2 a month.' That's
because PP&L keeps cutting his
r wages (5 times in 10 years) !
!. ajaaa aaaaaaa""- IB) Ok I . L
: v "v "v "x. "v. x m mm rr
You, too, can enjoy better meals
and extra hours of leisure when you
let Reddy Kilowatt do your cooking.
If you how use ,60 kwh a month then to add electric cooking will cost about $2.00 a month mora.
If you now use 70 kwh a month then to add electric, cooking will cost about $1.90 a month mora.
If you now use 100 kwh a month then to add electric cooking will cost about $1.70 a month more.
If you now use 125 kwh a month then to add electric cooking will cost about $1.50 a month more.
Extct cost vtries with the amount of cooking and baking you do, Howtvtr, ttuditn
thow that a typical home here uses about 100 kwh a month tor electric cooking. Above
figures are based on use of this amount.
And they'll be better than ever. See your
appliance dealer now... get your order in
...so that you can start enjoying electric
cooking soon.
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