Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 27, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Echo Palmateei
The lone schools closed Wed
nesday, Dec 19 because of sick
ness and the Christmas tree and
program were postponed until af
ter school starts again.
The Ameca club met Dec. 19 at
the church parlor with Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn and Mrs. Lloyd Rice as
hostesses. The rooms were beauti
fully decorated with Christmas
decorations. Gifts were exchanged
and refreshments were served. Of
ficers elected were: Mrs. Paul Pet
tyjohn, president; Mrs. Ruth Him
bingner, vicepresident; Mrs. Ray
mond Lundell secretary-treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Huston
have moved into the Esteb house.
Mrs. Alvin Bunch and baby dau
ghter have returned from Pendle
ton. Mrs. Bunch's grandmother,
Mrs. Grace Misner is visiting them.
Misses Eunice Peterson, Alice
Nichoson, Melba Crawford and
June Griffith are home from Ore
gon State college for Christmas. On
their way home the Peterson car
went over a 12-foot embankment
about 10 miles this side of The
Dalles due to icy roads. The girls
were unhurt but the car was badly
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn and dau
ghter Maxine of Portland spent
the holidays visiting friends and
relatives here.
Sgt Tommy Everson of McChord
Field spent three days with his
mother, Mrs. Bessie Everson.
The outside Christmas tree in
the Edmond Bristow yard is very
spectacular and has drawn much
attention during the holiday sea
son. The evergreen tree is decorat
ed with dozens of colored electric
light bulbs.
A Christmas program was pre
sented at the Cooperative church
Sunday night sponsored by Mrs.
Walter Roberts, Mrs. Omar Riet
mann, Mrs. Anne Smouse and Mrs.
Roy Lindstrom. A pantomime
"Why the Chimes Rang" was pre
sented by children and adults with
Miss Shirley Smouse as reader.
Miss Doris Palmateer, daughter
of Mrs. Echo Palmateer was mar
ried to Leonard J. Stract Dec. 18 in
the First Christian church in San
Francisco with Rev. Clifford Jope
Heppner Gazette Times December 27, 1945 3
Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m.
O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor
Bible School 9:45.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 8 o'clock. Sub
Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor
'Schedule of Services:
Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and
3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and
4th Sundays.
Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00
a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Week day mass 8 a.m. First Fri
dav 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat
urdays: Sundays. 8:15-8:55 a. m.
Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday
in Heppner onlv.
Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Children's church 7:30 p. m.
Evening service 8 p. m.
Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa
dors 8 p. m.
Friday afternoons, Ladies pray
er band.
II. N. Waddell, Pastor
Bible school 10 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.
Praise and preaching service 8
o'clock p. m.
Bible study 8 p. m. Tuesdays
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church School 9:45a. m.
Morning Prayer 11 a. m.
New Year's Day Holy Commu
nion 10 a. m.
J. C. Stephens, Pastor
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Prayer meeting 7 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30 p. m,
Wednesday Mission prayer aid
2:30 p. m.
occicialing. Mr. and Mrs. Stract are
where the groom is employed.
Holmes Gabbert of the Portland
Master Engravers, returned from a
business tour through the middle
west and south. Mr. Gabbert stop
in lone and vicinity for a few days.
He experienced some cold weather
on his trip.
The H. E. C. of Willows grange
met Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Norton Lundell. Gifts were
exchanged and a delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Lundell.
Harry Munkers spent Christmas
in The Dalles.
Pvt Orville Buchanan left for Ft.
Lewis after spending his furlough
with his parents here. N
Miss Aloha Painter went to Cay-
use where she is enjoying her va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lieuallen.
There will be services and an
annual meeting at the Lutheran
church at Gooseberry Sunday Dec
30 at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. by
Pastor Hokenson regional director
from the Portland district. Every
one is invited to attend these
The Masons and Eastern Star
held joint installation Dec. 18. A
turkev dinner was served at 6:30 p
m. The following Star officers
were installed. Mrs. Markham Ba
ker Worthy Matron; Markham
Baker worthy patron; Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom, assistant matron; Koy
Lindstrom associate patron; Mrs.
Bert Mason, secretary; Mrs. Walter
Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. E. R. Lun
dell, chaplain; Beulah Lundell,
marshall. Mrs. W. C. beehater, con
ductress; Mrs. Dixon Smith War
der: Kenneth Smouse, sentinel;
Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Ada; Mrs.
Sam Esteb, Ruth; Mrs. Kenneth
Smouse. Martha: Mrs. Walter Cor
ley, Electa; Mrs. Elmer Griffith,
Esther; and Gladys Drake, organist.
The Masonic officers are: Oscar
Peterson, . Worshipful Master; Roy
Lindstrom, senior warden; Carl P.
Linn, junior warden; E. R. Lundell,
treasurer; George Ely, secretary;
Kenneth Smouse, senior deacon;
H. R. Ekstrom, junior deacon, and
Bert Johnson, tiler.
Louis J. Padberg is in a Portland
hospital and is seriously ill.
Mrs. Elmer Griffith was taken to
St Anthony's hospital in Pendleton
last week for a few days. '
Holiday visitors at the R. E. Cas
selman home are their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Poole of Seattle and their son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Casselman
and children Raymond and Sally
of Oswego. Janice Pool has been
very ill at the Casselman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aldrich of Sa
lem are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich.
Clarence Linn and Bill Kennedy
went to Portland last week. Mr.
Kenedy went on to Corvallis where
he spent Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O'Connor
spent Christmas in Eugene with
Mrs. O Connor s mother, Mrs. Edna
John Botts and family are back
from Yakima Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carlson are
visiting relatives in Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell re
ceived a telephone call from their
son Pfc Wally Lundell saying that
he is in Los Angeles and would
be home for News Year's.
Truman "Bud" Cannon drove up
from Portland Saturday night and
went DacK Sunday taking his mo
ther Mrs. Ada Cannon, back with
him to enjoy Christmas with her
Mrs. John Ransier and son Gene
are spending the holidays visiting
in Kelso, Wash.
Regular misionary meeting will
be held in the church parlors
Jan. 3. ' , Jm
Annual meeting of the Coop
erative church will be held Jan. 6,
Continued on Page fcilx
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